Working with Enterprise Architecture (EA) allows organizations to create a holistic view of its structure involving both technological assets and infrastructure combined with business operations and strategy. By ensuring alignment of Business and IT/OT from strategy to execution, organizations attending to EA are positioned to be agile to both internal change, and to changing market dynamics like trends, regulations and emerging technologies. Some of the driving factors for organizations looking to this practice could be: Digital/Business Transformations, M&A’s and generally organizations that want to get a better view of their current landscape and to better plan for the future organization.
This is not a onetime project. The power of EA lies in the ongoing process to evolve and change with the organization – ensuring alignment from strategy to execution.
To simplify this journey, QualiWare has created use-cases that allows the users to start their journey where they find a pressing business-case in their organization. This allows your organization to start in a specific area and grow into EA while using the tool. Though they all are separate journeys, this simplified conceptual diagram highlights how all of the journeys are still intertwined in working with Enterprise Architecture.
All of the Journeys carry the same methodology. Baseline-Check-Improve in an iterative cycle.
Application Portfolio Management
Business Capability Management
EA Library
Our extensive EA Library. QualiWare approach to Enteprise Architecture. The EA Cube. The Enterprise Methodology. And much more.