Demystifying Smart Cities

Speaker: Anders Lisdorf

Currently, the concept of Smart Cities is rightfully touted as a transformative power in our lives. The use of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and Blockchain are some of the most hyped technologies that promise to bring about significant changes to how we live and manage our cities. While some isolated solutions have been implemented with great success and impact, the full potential of smart cities have so far not been realized. Practical realities often interfere, bringing initiatives to a screeching halt or stopping them before they even start. By better understanding the practical realities of a city we may be able to better make use of technology to make smarter cities.

Cut through the hype surrounding Smart Cities. This seminar looks at the facts on the ground and realities, coming to a more adequate understanding of where technology can and cannot help in a city context, specifically pulling on insights gained from smart city initiatives in New York, Chicago, Amsterdam and Copenhagen.

Anders Lisdorf is an independent consultant and has worked with innovative technologies for more than a decade in many different settings and industries. The last couple of years he has been responsible for developing the data services of New York City, but previously he has worked as an entrepreneur, taught at the university level and worked as a consultant.

Anders has a new book out about smart cities: