Knowledge Source:DMN

In Decision Model and Notation (DMN), the “Knowledge Source” symbol represents a source of knowledge that is used in the decision-making process. A Knowledge Source is an element in the DMN model that provides information, rules, or other types of knowledge to support decision-making.

The Knowledge Source symbol is represented as a rectangle with an angled side. Knowledge Sources are connected to other elements in the DMN model using arrows that indicate the flow of knowledge or information.

There are several types of Knowledge Sources in DMN. For example, a Knowledge Source might represent an expert in a particular domain, a set of business rules, a regulatory guideline, or any other type of knowledge that is relevant to the decision-making process. Knowledge Sources can be used in conjunction with decision tables, decision requirements diagrams, or other elements in the DMN model to provide the information and rules necessary to make informed decisions.

Knowledge Requirement DMN

Knowledge Requirement in DMN (Decision Model and Notation) refers to the concept of specifying the knowledge required to make a decision within a business process. This can include the expertise, skills, or experience that is needed to support the decision-making process, as well as the sources of that knowledge.

For example, a line might connect a decision to an expert system to represent how the decision relies on expertise from that system. Similarly, a line might connect a decision tree to a decision to represent how the decision relies on a structured approach to decision-making.

Input Data:DMN

In Decision Model and Notation (DMN), the “Input Data” symbol is used to represent the source of data that will be used in the decision-making process. An Input Data element is a representation of an external data source, which may be a database, a spreadsheet, a file, or any other type of system that provides data for the decision model.

The Input Data symbol is represented as a rectangular box with rounded corners. The name of the Input Data element is usually placed inside the box. The Input Data element is connected to other elements in the decision model using arrows that indicate the flow of data.

Information Requirement DMN

Information Requirement in DMN (Decision Model and Notation) refers to the concept of specifying the information required to make a decision within a business process. This can include the data, information, or knowledge that is needed to support the decision-making process, as well as the sources of that information.

For example, a line might connect a decision to a data source to represent how the decision relies on information from that data source. Similarly, a line might connect a knowledge base to a decision to represent how the decision relies on knowledge from that knowledge base.

Decision Requirements Diagram DMN

The Decision Requirement Diagram shows how a set of decisions depend on each other, on input data, and on business knowledge models.

The Decision Requirement Diagram is a part of the Decision Model Notation (DMN) from OMG.

“The primary goal of DMN is to provide a common notation that is readily understandable by all business users, from the business analysts needing to create initial decision requirements and then more detailed decision models, to the technical developers responsible for automating the decisions in processes”.



Business Knowledge Model:DMN

Business Knowledge Model (BKM) is a structured representation of the knowledge and business rules that are used to inform decisions. It is a part of the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and is used to define the business concepts, rules, and constraints that are relevant to the decision-making process.

A BKM is typically used to describe the business logic and rules that govern a particular decision or process. It is a way to capture and organize the knowledge and expertise of a business domain expert and make it accessible to others involved in the decision-making process.

BKMs are designed to be modular and reusable, allowing them to be easily integrated into other business processes and decision-making models. They can be used in conjunction with decision tables, decision trees, and other decision-making elements to provide the information and rules necessary to make informed decisions.


In Decision Model and Notation (DMN), the “Decision” symbol is used to represent a point in the decision-making process where a choice is made based on the available data and knowledge. A Decision element represents a logical outcome of the decision-making process.

The Decision Template is used in the Decision Requirements Diagram and is a part of the Decision Model Notation (DMN) from OMG.