A specific state that the object can be in.
Archives: Templates
Templates and model types in the QualiWare platform.
State Transition
The state transition is the active agent on a State Event Diagram . It describes a change in state and the associated actions taken at the transition. It also describes the conditions or actions triggering the transition.
Strategic Decision
A long term plan of goals and activities.
The strength object refers to a positive aspect of a process, workflow, or journey that contributes to its success. It is a characteristic or attribute that helps to achieve the desired outcome. For example, in a customer journey map, a strength might refer to the ease of use of a website or the responsiveness of customer service. In a process map, a strength might refer to the efficiency and reliability of a particular stage in the process.
Sub Criterion
The results of the evaluation (scoring), criterion number and criterion weight is made on the Sub Criterion dialog
Subject Area
Subject Area defines major groupings of data or information concepts.
It can be broken down to a more detailed information modelling diagram(s).
A subject area can be classified:
A substitute is used on a FreeHandDiagram when the decomposition of entities that are not diagramatic symbol or symbols that are not currently included in the diagram syntax is created.
A graphical replacement for decomposing non-graphical entities.
Swim Lane
A graphical indication that the activities are carried out by the same logical (or physical) entity.
System Area
A generic grouping mechanism for Information System. A system could be belongs to multiple System Area’s each representing different grouping perspective.
System Component
A logical part of a system