Specialization ArchiMate

The specialization relationship has been inspired by the generalization relationship in UML class diagrams, but is applicable to specialize a wider range of concepts. The specialization relationship can relate any instance of a concept with another instance of the same concept.
A specialization relationship is always allowed between two instances of the same element.
Alternatively, a specialization relationship can be expressed by nesting the specialized element inside the generic element.

System Dependency

System dependency refers to the relationship between different systems or components within a larger system. It shows which components rely on others to function properly, and how changes to one component can affect the others.

For example, if an application depends on a database to store and retrieve data, then a change to the database (such as an upgrade or maintenance) could affect the application’s performance. Similarly, if a server depends on a network to communicate with other servers or clients, then a network outage could disrupt the server’s ability to function.

Understanding system dependency is important for ensuring the reliability and stability of a system, and for planning upgrades or modifications. By identifying which components are critical and which are less important, organizations can prioritize their resources and investments accordingly.

Concept Generalization

A property from a subclass to a superclass possibly via a SpecializationAspect. A subclass is a subset of a superclass possibly overlapping other subclasses.

Concept Association

A property that characterizes a concept that is always bidirectional by definition.

Concept Aggregation

An aggregation may share its parts with other aggregates. A composition does not share its parts with other aggregates. Composition is a special case of aggregate. A concept aggregation is a special case of ConceptAssociation.

Composition : ArchiMate

The composition relationship indicates that an element consists of one or more other elements.

Complex Relation

A ComplexRelation is used to show e special relation between DataRelations connected to the same DataEntity. If for example a DataEntity can have relation to one of three other DataEntities, DataRelations are drawn to all three DataEntities. In addition to that a ComplexRelation is created and placed on the diagram.

The DataRelation covered by the ComplexRelation is referenced from a link list in the ComplexRelation. It is also recommended to draw the ComplexRelation on the diagram.

Currently there is no automatic synchronization between the two tasks.