
The inventory symbol describes the holdings of a company’s raw materials, work-in-progress products, finished goods, and safety stock. The symbol represents the physical goods that the company holds in stock and is ready to sell or use in its operations.

Intellectual Capital Asset

In a diagram, an Intellectual Capital Asset symbol represents the intangible assets owned by a company that contribute to its overall value, such as patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. These assets are not physical in nature but are valuable because they represent knowledge, expertise, and innovation that can help a company gain a competitive advantage in the market. Intellectual capital assets are critical for organizations to protect, manage, and leverage to maximize their value and potential.

Input Data:DMN

In Decision Model and Notation (DMN), the “Input Data” symbol is used to represent the source of data that will be used in the decision-making process. An Input Data element is a representation of an external data source, which may be a database, a spreadsheet, a file, or any other type of system that provides data for the decision model.

The Input Data symbol is represented as a rectangular box with rounded corners. The name of the Input Data element is usually placed inside the box. The Input Data element is connected to other elements in the decision model using arrows that indicate the flow of data.


In an innovation canvas, the symbol “Innovation” typically refers to a new and creative idea or concept that can potentially bring about significant improvements in a particular area or industry. The symbol is often used to represent the overall goal or objective of the innovation process, which is to generate, develop and implement new ideas that can provide competitive advantages, create value, and meet the needs of customers or other stakeholders. The innovation symbol can be used in various ways in an innovation canvas, depending on the specific approach or methodology being used. It may be used to represent a particular product or service, a new business model, a process improvement, a technological advancement, or any other type of innovation.


An initiative is a planned project or program that is undertaken by an organization to achieve a specific goal. Initiative is a deliberate effort to bring about a desired change or improvement in the organization. This can range from a small, one-time project to a large, ongoing effort that spans multiple departments or units within the organization.

Information Concept

The Information concept refers to the activities that involve the creation, processing, and dissemination of information, including data, knowledge, and other forms of intelligence that are essential to support the primary and support activities of the value chain. This can include activities such as market research, product design and development, order processing, logistics and distribution, customer service, and other activities that require the use of information to create value for customers and stakeholders.

Information System

The information system symbol describes the various components of a system that are used to collect, process, store, and transmit information. An information system is a set of interrelated components that work together to support the creation, storage, processing, and dissemination of information within an organization.

In a diagram the information system symbol would be used to represent the various elements of a company’s information technology infrastructure, including hardware, software, databases, networks, and other components. The symbol might be used in a high-level architectural diagram, for example, to show the relationships between the different components of the information system and how they support the operations of the company.

For example, the symbol might be used to represent a company’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, which is used to manage a wide range of business processes, such as accounting, human resources, and supply chain management. In this context, the symbol would be connected to other symbols, such as “databases” or “business processes,” to show how the information system supports the operations of the company.

Implementation Event : ArchiMate

A state change related to implementation or migration. The name of an implementation event should preferably be a verb in the perfect tense; e.g., “project initiation phase completed”.


In an Innovation Canvas, the “Idea” symbol represents a specific concept or solution that could potentially address a particular problem or opportunity. This symbol is depicted as a lightbulb.

The Idea symbol is used to capture and communicate a creative solution or approach that may be developed further into a tangible product, service, or business model. It may include a brief description of the concept, as well as any unique features or benefits that distinguish it from other ideas.


In a business process diagram, the symbol “Group” is used to represent a grouping of related activities. It is a visual element that can be used to organize a process into smaller components or subprocesses, each with its own set of activities and decisions.

The Group symbol is typically used to improve the readability of a complex process diagram by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. It can also be used to visually differentiate different parts of the process or to indicate areas of responsibility.