Monitor and review capability performance

Monitor the performance of business capabilities and IT systems regularly and review the capability roadmap periodically to ensure that it remains aligned with business objectives and priorities. 

Monitoring and reviewing capability performance is an iterative process that needs constant updates and reviews. Depending on how the organization has decided to structure the reevaluation process of capabilities the process may be continuous or conducted annually during workshops involving relevant stakeholders. 

At the heart of this review process lies the business capability model, serving as both the starting point and the ultimate outcome. During reviews, it is important to revisit the capability baseline, updating the maturity and significance of each capability. Rapid industry changes can render previously vital capabilities irrelevant, while new investments or system changes may influence capability ratings. Consequently, the model should be consistently updated to accurately reflect the organization’s evolving state. 

If Capabilities are not realizing any specific goals, strategic metrics or processes the importance score may also be reevaluated based on this information.  


Identify Capability Gaps 

Score View 

When assessing the organizations capabilities, it may be found that there are certain capabilities that have a gap when looking at their maturity score vs. their target score. In QualiWare, these gaps can be viewed through visualizations that can be found for each capability in a Score View.  

Capability Gap for “Transport Product” with Current, Target and Aggregated score.  

Capability Property View 

A great way to identify Capability gaps is to look at Capability Property View.
This view provides a holistic overview of the relations of the capabilities properties and its set goals throughout the organization.
By defining a set maturity it becomes easier to plan a strategy moving forward.

Capability Heatmap

Another view to realize the Capability gaps is to look at the discrepancy between the Overall Importance vs. the Overall Maturity.  

In the Analyses section of the BusinessCapabilityModel dashboard, the Capability Heatmap can be found. 

Here it becomes possible to get a view and a Legend Score, that is derived from the correlation of the Maturity vs. Importance score on the Capability. The Legend score provides information on how this Capability is performing in the organization against its importance. This score may provide the organization certain considerations on areas of improvement to better execute on the capability accordingly to its importance. 

Operational Gaps

As mentioned previously when discussing the prioritization of investments, it may be relevant for organizations to see which operational and architectural objects are delivering the Capability. If the Capability has been defined and is not being delivered by e.g. any Applications, Processes or Initiatives, the Capability may need to be planned for to further to execute on it.  This can also be viewed in a visualization on the dashboard of “Capability Delivered by”. Here it is also possible to filter to show only show the objects that are desired.  

How to address the capability gaps

As shown above gaps can be identified either through the scoring that outlines the Maturity vs Importance, or through the target state vs current in the score view. These are gaps that are related to scoring. Other gaps may as shown be considering the operations of the organization to see if there are missing or overlapping objects that deliver a capability.  Other scenarios may be capabilities that are realizing strategic objectives or initiatives, which may then prove to be capabilities that need to be planned for or enhanced in the future. 

All of these scenarios can justify a re-evaluation of the current-state business capability map, but also how certain changes or initiatives might affect the Capability Map in the future. For these approached QualiWare allows for the work with Capability roadmaps and a Capability Map to-be architecture.