Communicate & collaborate BCM strategy

Collaboration efforts in QualiWare for Business Capabilities

Through QualiWare’s powerful Governance Workflow Engine, it is possible for all users to comment and rate the Business Capability Model. The GWE is essentially  responsible for enforcing governance on repository content. This allows for the organization to receive feedback from its users to improve the BCM strategy and implementation. Users, who are part of the particular GWE for the Business Capability Model, will collaborate on developing, reviewing and approving changes to the model when revisions are made. This allows for agility and for the BCM to develop alongside business changes and needs. The GWE also ensures that users who have an active part of the BCM, will be notified through their email and personal desktop, when changes are made, and they need to take action. 

Federated Architecture

QualiWare also provides features to empower large and complex organizations who work in a federated architecture setup. This often involves different actors/regions who may work in either different EA and domain architecture repositories with e.g. local Application Landscapes and Business Capability Maps or working with different projects or initiatives with content that is only local or project relevant. QualiWare allows such organizations to work in semi-autonomous environments with seperate architectures – yet still being able to promote information and content to the organizations corporate architecture.

QualiWare makes it easy to work with a federated architecture by working with project-based or local repositories – depending on the organization. This essentially means that QualiWare allows organizations to pull and push data between different repositories and architectures – while simultaneously working towards the corporate/enterprise repository.

How and who to involve in BCM

How and who the organization wants to involve in the formulation of the BCM, will vary on the specific context and organization. However, it is recommended that the BCM is co-created by multiple stakeholders from across the business. Both, Business Units, IT teams and senior management. This ensures a more holistic formulation of the Business Capabilities that acknowledges the practical experience from different domains, stepping away from Capabilities as IT dominant. This co-creation also enables a bigger engagement from the business, and sets the foundation for better alignment, organizational buy-in and understanding of Business Capabilities that engages the business with EA, getting EA into the fabric of the business.