Activity 5.2

Collaborative Planning MethodologyStep 5: Perform and Measure

Activity 5.2: Measure Performance Against Metrics

In this activity the performance of operations with the newly implemented changes is measured against the metrics defined in Steps 1 and 3. In the previous activity the operations are performed and in this activity the operations are measured against intended metrics. The planners are not likely the keeper of the performance data but are available to assist the operations staff in the interpretation and understanding of the data and to help coordinate the delivery of the performance data for interpretation and use. The data is an important input for the next activity where the data is analyzed and formal feedback is prepared.

The Integrated Plan from Step 3 is the primary input for this activity. Additionally, the Analysis of Cost, Value, and Risk for Transition Options is a useful input as the value information from this analysis can be useful to the gathering of performance data against the pre-defined metrics.

The planners continue to work closely with the operations staff to ensure that the metrics are understood and that the performance data is gathered accurately and in a timely manner.

Collaborative Planning MethodologyActivity 5.3

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