From Introduction to Enterprise Architecture, Third edition, 2012
App: EA Glossary
Actionable. EA documentation and data that is useful to executives. managers. and support staff for resource planning and decision-making.
Architecture. A systematic approach that organizes and guides design, analysis, planning, and documentation activities.
Architecture Segment. A part of the ovcrall EA that documents one or more lines of business. including all levels and threads.
Artifact. An EA artifact is a documcntation product. such as a text document. diagram. spreadsheet. briefing slides. or vidco clip. EA artifacts document EA components.
Busincss Case. A collcction of dcscriptivc and analytic infonnation about an investment in rcsourcc(s) and/or capabilitics.
Capital Planning. The managemcnt and decision-making process associatcd with thc planning, selection, control, and evaluation of investments in resources, including EA components such as systems, networks, knowledge warehouscs, and support services for thc enterprise.
Changc Managcmcnt. The process of sctting expectations and involving stakeholders in how a process or activity will be changed. so that the stakeholdcrs have some control ovcr the changc and thcrefore may be more accepting of the changc.
Component. EA components arc those plug-and-play resourccs that provide capabilities at each level of the framework. Examples include strategic goals and measures: business scrviccs: information flows and data objccts: infonnation systems, web services. and software applications: voice/data/video networks, and associated cable plants.
Composite. An EA artifact that uscs scveral documcntation modeling techniqucs and/or represents scvcral types of EA componcnts.
Configuration Management. Thc process of managing updates to EA components and artifacts, ensuring that standards are being followed.
Crosscutting Component. An EA component that serves several lines of business. Examples include email systems that serve the whole enterprise, and financial systcms that serve several lines of business.
Culture. The beliefs, customs, values, structure, normative rules, and material traits of a social organization, Culture is evident in many aspects of how an organization functions.
Current View. An EA artifact that represems an EA component or process that currently exists in the enterprise.
Data. Data items refer to an clementary description of things, events, activities, and transactions that are recorded. classified. and stored, but not organized to convey any specific meaning. Data items can be numeric, alphabetic, figures. sounds, or images. A database consists of stored data items organized for retrieval.
Enterprise. An organization or sub-activity whose boundary is defined by commonly-held goals, processes, and resourees. This includes whole organizations in the public, private, or non-profit sectors, part(s) of an organization such as business units. programs, and systems, or part(s) of multiple organizations such as consortia and supply chains. 2005: An area of common activity and goals within an organization or between several organizations, where information and other resources are exchanged.
Enterprise Architecture. The analysis and documentation of an enterprise in its current and future states from an integrated strategy, business, and technology perspective.
Executive Sponsor. The executive who has decision-making authority over the EA program and who provides resources and senior leadership for the program.
Framework. A structure for organizing information that defines the scope of the architecture (what the EA program will document) and how the areas of the architecture relate to each other.
Future View. An EA artifact that represents an EA component or process that docs not yet exist in the enterprise.
Governance. A group of policies, decision-making procedures, and management processes that work toge tber to enable the effective planning and oversight of activities and resources.
Horizontal Component. A horizontal (or crosscutting) component is a changeable goal, process. program, or resource that serves several lines of business. Examples include email and administrative support systems that serve the whole enterprise.
Information. Information is data that have been organized so that they have meaning and value to the recipient. The recipient interprets the meaning and draws conclusions and implications.
Information Technology. A type of resource that supports the creation, analysis, sharing. archiving. and/or deletion of data and information throughout an enterprise.
Knowledge. Knowledge consists of data or information that have been organized and processed to convey understanding, experience, accumulated learning, and expertise as they apply to a current problem or activity. Data that arc proccssed to extract critical implications and to reflect past experience and expertise provide the recipient with organizational knowledge, which has a vcry high potential value,
Knowledge Warehouse. A knowledge warehouse is the component of an enterprise’s knowledge management system where knowledge is developed, stored, organized, processed, and disseminated.
Line of Business. A distinct area of activity within the enterprise. It may involve the manufacture of certain products, the provision of services, or internal administrative functions.
Methodology. The EA methodology defines how EA documentation will be developed, archived, and used; including the selection of a framework, modeling tools, and on-line repository.
Mission Statcment: A succinct description of why thc enterprise exists.
Performance Gap. An identified activity or capability that is lacking within the enterprise, which causes the enterprise to perform below desired levels or not achieve strategic or tactical goals.
Program. An ongoing endeavor that manages existing processes/resources, or oversees development of new processes/resources via projects. 2005: A group of related projects managed in a coordinated way. Programs usually involve an element of ongoing activity.
Project. A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.
Stakeholder. Everyone who is or will be affected by a program, activity, or resource. Stakeholders for the EA program include sponsors, architects, program managers, users, and support staff.
System. A type of EA component that is comprised of hardware, and software. and activities that has inputs and outputs.
Vertical Component. An EA component that is contained within one line of business. Examples include a system, application, database, network, or website that serves one line of business.
Vision Statement. Succinctly describes the competitive strategy of the enterprise.