Business Interaction

Business interaction refers to the relationships and interactions between different entities or stakeholders within a larger ecosystem. A business ecosystem is a complex network of organizations, individuals, and other entities that interact with each other in order to create, distribute, and consume products and services.

lines may be used to show the relationships and interactions between these components. For example, a line might connect a customer with a supplier to represent the flow of goods or services between the two entities. Similarly, a line might connect a partner with a competitor to represent a strategic alliance or collaboration between the two parties.

Business Case

A business case object describes a business case, and it can be decribed with a set of properties.

Including economic attributes

and more


Description of this template will be available soon.

Authority Requirement DMN

Authority Requirement in DMN (Decision Model and Notation) refers to the concept of specifying the authority or permission required to perform an action or decision in a business process. This can include the authorization required to access certain information or perform certain tasks, as well as the authorization required to make certain decisions.

For example, a line might connect a decision to a role or position to represent how the decision requires authorization from that role or position. Similarly, a line might connect a task to a role or position to represent how the task requires authorization from that role or position.