Business Case

A business case object describes a business case, and it can be decribed with a set of properties.

Including economic attributes

and more


Description of this template will be available soon.

Authority Requirement DMN

Authority Requirement in DMN (Decision Model and Notation) refers to the concept of specifying the authority or permission required to perform an action or decision in a business process. This can include the authorization required to access certain information or perform certain tasks, as well as the authorization required to make certain decisions.

For example, a line might connect a decision to a role or position to represent how the decision requires authorization from that role or position. Similarly, a line might connect a task to a role or position to represent how the task requires authorization from that role or position.

Audit Program

The Purpose of the the AuditProgram template is to collect a set of audits in a plan/program.

You can create an AuditProgram from the Compliance Desktop on the Web, or via the Repository Explorer.

An auditprogram have a dedicated focus, e.g. “ISO9001 audits Q3-2022” and collects a set of audits each having their own details and governance flow, cf. the QualityAudit-template.

Read more about how to manage audit programs here






Description of this template will be available soon.