A CriticalSuccessFactor is used to describe the state that the organization must reach in order to meet its objectives.
Archives: Templates
Templates and model types in the QualiWare platform.
Criterion Influence
Connection on a BusinessExcellenceDiagram
A subject area of the EFQM Excellence model. A Criterion aggregates the results from the relevant SubCriterions held on a lower level BusinessExcellenceDiagram
Cost Driver
An important subject directly correlated with the consumption of resources in an activity.
Corrective Action
The purpose of a Corrective Action is to repair the consequences of an incident, a Non-conformance or a Control Deficiency.
The Corrective Action can in its properties be described with
- a short description
- link to the one responsible for it
- link to related Non-conformances (or incident/control deficiency)
- Link to relevant Goals
- description of recommended corrective actions
- the date of the recommendation
- the due date of implementing the recommendation
- estimated cost of the recommended corrective action
- link to the person responsible for making the recommendation
- the start and end date of the implementation of the recommended action
- link to the person responsible for the implementation of the recommended corrective action
- actual cost of the non-conformance (or incident/control deficiency)
- actual cost of the corrective action
- a description of the corrective action taken
- the closing date of the non-conformance/incident/control deficiency
Control Store
A ControlStore is used to model a temporary storing of control information.
It is possible to see the ControlStore as a buffer that stores control information until a Process is ready to receive it.
It is also possible to see the ControlStore as a semaphore where f.ex. binary signals can toggle the value of the ControlStore between ‘positive’ and ‘negative’.
An example of the use of ControlStores is the use of queue semaphores in a kernal of an operating system.
Control Process
A ControlProcess is producing output flows from interpretations of input flows. Usually the flows will be of the type ControlFlow.
An output ControlFlow is used by the ControlPocess to activate a Process.
An input flow indicates to the ControlProcess that another process has finished its activities. It can also indicate that an event has happened that the ControlProcess has to act upon.
Control Focus
A symbol indicating processing control.
Control Flow
A ControlFlow represents the flow of control information from one component to another. ControlFlow is usually used to introduce event driven aspects of a functional model.
A constraint.