
Resources are a central concept in the field of strategic management, economics, computer science, portfolio management, and more. They are often considered, together with capabilities, to be sources of competitive advantage for organizations. Resources are analyzed in terms of strengths and weaknesses, and they are considered when implementing strategies. Due to resources being limited, they can often be a deciding factor for choosing which strategy, goal, and project to implement and in which order. Resources can be classified into tangible assets – financial assets (e.g., cash, securities, borrowing capacity), physical assets (e.g., plant, equipment, land, mineral reserves), intangible assets (technology; e.g., patents, copyrights, trade secrets; reputation; e.g., brand, relationships; culture), and human assets (skills/know-how, capacity for communication and collaboration, motivation). Resources are realized by active and passive structure elements. The name of a resource should preferably be a noun.


A result is a collection of components which are to be produced during a specific project. With the result entity a description of the result is created and links to the tools that are used to produce the result are made. When the links to the tools (e.g. different diagram types or external applications) are made, a double click with the mouse on the result symbol in the Work Model will make the tools accessible to the user through a menu.

The Result object is also available on the diagram type Work Breakdown Structure, where it is used to calculate the cost of a specific project, during the early stages of the project lifecycle. The calculation is based on the principles of “successive calculation” as described in the “Implementation Guide”. When the this approach is used, the project is seen from the project deliverable view point rather than work procedure view point as it is the case with the Work Model approach. A Result will therefore tend to take the role of a work package, aggregating the result and the activities that need to be performed to produce the result. A Result in this situation can be of both material and non material form. This approach is well known from project management theory.


The Role object can be used to represent the different parts of an organization that are involved in a specific process or workflow. For example, in a customer journey map, a role might represent the customer service team, while in a work flow diagram, a role might represent a marketing team.

By defining roles in a diagram, organizations can ensure that everyone has a clear understanding of their responsibilities and that the right individuals or teams are involved in the right activities at the right time. This can help to improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the organization and to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

Overall, roles play a critical role in helping organizations to align their goals, improve their processes, and ensure that everyone is working together towards a common vision.


Indicates that a signal is either sent or expected depending on the specification.

Specialization Aspect

A selection of a property that determines which subclass a concept instance of the super class shall belong to. If it is exhaustive an instance of the superclass must always belong to at least one subclass. If it is overlapping an instance may belong to more than one subclass at a time.


A specific state that the object can be in.

State Transition

The state transition is the active agent on a State Event Diagram . It describes a change in state and the associated actions taken at the transition. It also describes the conditions or actions triggering the transition.


The strength object refers to a positive aspect of a process, workflow, or journey that contributes to its success. It is a characteristic or attribute that helps to achieve the desired outcome. For example, in a customer journey map, a strength might refer to the ease of use of a website or the responsiveness of customer service. In a process map, a strength might refer to the efficiency and reliability of a particular stage in the process.

Sub Criterion

The results of the evaluation (scoring), criterion number and criterion weight is made on the Sub Criterion dialog