Consolidate & communicate change initiatives

Business Capabilities in EA efforts usually also means the introduction of a new concept to several people in the organization. It is important to communicate the concept of Business Capabilities to the organization, along with other key EA terms and relationships. This is to understand the concept, to e.g. see differences between Processes/Capabilities and to understand the strategic impact of Business Capabilities.   

Though QualiWare’s Center of Excellence provides an extended knowledge bank on concepts in Enterprise Architecture, training, videos on the platform and much more, the organization utilizing an EA tool must communicate the changes and the practice of EA and its concepts to the rest of the organization. The resources available on QualiWare’s CoE, may be helpful when it comes to relevant training material of both the platform and generally knowledge on the EA practice and the relationships between the concepts and use cases that can be communicated out to the organization.  

Once there is organizational buy-in of Enterprise Architecture, and a shared understanding of its elements and use, the Enterprise Architecture practice and tool will be embedded in the organizations day-to-day thinking. This harnesses the true power of EA, where the people of the organization are collaborating to co-create the current- and the future state of the organization.  

In-tool learning

A helpful resource in the QualiWare platform is the QualiHelp, which is an innovative dynamic self-help widget that is easily available for users when navigating the platform. This feature allows the user to easily access training material and knowledge from CoE, without leaving the web platform. By allowing users to understand diagrams, see videos on uses cases and much more, QualiHelp enables knowledge for the end-user while interacting with the platform. This feature is especially helpful, when business users may try and grasp the meaning and value of Business Capabilities and other concepts.