
An artifact is a classifier that represents some physical entity, a piece of information that is used or is produced by a software development process, or by deployment and operation of a system. Artifact is a source of a deployment to a node. A particular instance (or “copy”) of an artifact is deployed to a node instance.

The Artifact can be used in a component diagram or a deployment diagram and linked by an execution environment, a node or a device.



The Artifact tab

Property Metamodel name Description
Property Property Use this field to specify special modeling characteristics of the class.
Choices are:
Visibility Visibility The visibility of the class for other components.
Final Specialization isFinalSpecialization Initial value is off.

The Attributes tab

Property Metamodel name Description
Attributes HasAttributes Use this field to create references to the attributes contained in this class.
Links to: Attribute, Property.

The Operations tab

Property Metamodel name Description
Operations HasOperations Use this field to make references to the Operations defined in this class.

Links to: Operation.

The Extensions tab

Property Metamodel name Description
Stereotype Stereotype Links to: Stereotype.
Constraints HasConstraints A reference to a named rule that extends the semantics of the component.
Links to: Constraint.
Tagged values HasTaggedValues The set of tagged values that extends the properties of this component.
Links to: TagDefinition.

The File Details tab

Property Metamodel name Description
File type HFileType
File name HFileName
File type FileType
File name FileName
File viewer FileViewer

For more information, you can read the UML specifications

Activity Partition

An activity partition is the UMLs version of a Swimlane or Role. An activity partition can for example be used to group a set of call actions.



ActivityPartition properties

The ActivityPartition tab


Metamodel name


Visibility Visibility The visibility of the class for other components.
Horizontal Horizontal Initial value is on.
isDimension isDimension Initial value is off.
isExternal isExternal Initial value is off.


The Extensions tab


Metamodel name


Stereotype Stereotype Links to: Stereotype.
Constraints HasConstraints A reference to a named rule that extends the semantics of the component.
Links to: Constraint.
Tagged values HasTaggedValues The set of tagged values that extends the properties of this component.
Links to: TagDefinition.

Activity Parameter Node

Activity parameter nodes are object nodes at the beginning and end of flows that provide a means to accept inputs to an activity and provide outputs from the activity, through the activity parameters.


ActivityParameterNode properties

The ActivityParameterNode tab


Metamodel name


Visibility Visibility The visibility of the class for other components.
Leaf isLeaf Initial value is off.
Type Type Links to: Class.
isControlType isControlType Initial value is off.
Ordering Ordering Choices are:
Selection Selection Links to: InteractionOverviewDiagram, SequenceDiagram, StateMachineDiagram, Activity, TimingDiagram, ActivityDiagram, CommunicationDiagram.
UpperBound UpperBound
Parameter parameter Links to: Parameter.

The Extensions tab


Metamodel name


Stereotype Stereotype Links to: Stereotype.
Constraints HasConstraints A reference to a named rule that extends the semantics of the component.
Links to: Constraint.
Tagged values HasTaggedValues The set of tagged values that extends the properties of this component.
Links to: TagDefinition.

Activity Final Node

The Activity Final Node is a visualization of an end used in a UML interaction overview diagram or activity diagram. It represents the finish point in the diagram.


The ActivityFinalNode tab

Property Metamodel name Description
Visibility Visibility The visibility of the class for other components.
Leaf isLeaf Initial value is off.

The Extensions tab

Property Metamodel name Description
Stereotype Stereotype Links to: Stereotype.
Constraints HasConstraints A reference to a named rule that extends the semantics of the component.
Links to: Constraint.
Tagged values HasTaggedValues The set of tagged values that extends the properties of this component.
Links to: TagDefinition.




An action can be documented in an UML activity diagram. An action represents a single atomic step within an activity, and is not further decomposed within the activity.