
Description of this template will be available soon.

Table Scema

Description of this template will be available soon.


A Table is a basic component in a Relational Diagram that represents a collection of related data organized in rows and columns. Tables are the fundamental building blocks of a relational database, and they provide a structured way of storing and organizing data, making it easy to access, query, and manipulate.

Tables can be related to each other through foreign key constraints, creating a relational schema that models the interrelationships between different entities in the system being represented.

Example: In a Relational Diagram for a system that manages a university, you might have a table called “Students” that stores information about all the students enrolled in the university. The table might have columns such as “id”, “name”, “major”, “email”, and “enrollment_date”, among others. Each row in the “Students” table represents a single student record, with values for each of the corresponding attributes. The “id” column serves as the primary key for the table, uniquely identifying each student record. Other tables in the database, such as “Courses” and “Enrollments”, can be related to the “Students” table through foreign key constraints, creating a relational schema that models the interrelationships between different entities in the university system.


Description of this template will be available soon.


Description of this template will be available soon.