Control Flow

A ControlFlow represents the flow of control information from one component to another. ControlFlow is usually used to introduce event driven aspects of a functional model.

Connection Point

A connection point can be either a physical socket or a logical connection point.


Graphical connection between two graphical objects.

Concept Relation

A concept relation is a connection on a ConceptualDataModel. It is used to relate InformationConcepts and defining the roles and cardinality of such relations.

A relation between two information concepts

Quality Audit

The QualityAudit object is used to document audits in an organization. This can be either internal or external audits of any type.

An audit can be part of an audit program and can be controlled by a governance workflow (click here to see the standard flow).

Web view of an QualityAudit


Read more about how to manage audit here




QualityAudit properties

The QualityAudit tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short Description ShortDescription Short verbal description for this audit
Lead Auditor HasLeadAuditor Link to an entity who is LeadAuditor in this QualityAudit
Links to: BusinessConnection, InterestGroup, Person, Position, Role.
Auditor HasAuditor Link to an entity who is auditor in this QualityAudit
Links to: BusinessConnection, InterestGroup, Person, Position, Role.
Auditee HasAuditee Link to an entity who is audited in this QualityAudit
Links to: BusinessConnection, InterestGroup, Person, Position, Role.
Audit Date AuditDate

The Subject tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Target process TargetProcess Target for the QualityAudit
Links to: BusinessDiagram, BusinessProcess, BusinessProcessNetwork, WorkFlowDiagram.
Target regulation TargetRegulation Target regulation for the QualityAudit
Links to: Regulation, RegulationDiagram.
Questions AuditQuestions List of questions relevant for the audit

The Findings tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Non-Conformance NonConformance Link to NonConformance detected during this audit
Links to: NonConformance.
Change Request ChangeRequest Link to ChangeRequest generated during this audit
Links to: ChangeRequest.
Conclusion Conclusion Verbal conclusion for this QualityAudit
Lead Auditor LeadAuditorApproval Link to the lead auditor who approved this QualityAudit
Links to: Person, Position.
Process Owner ProcessOwnerApproval Link to the process owner who approved this QualityAudit
Links to: Person, Position.
Auditee TargetEntityApproval Links to: Person, Position.

The Breaks Down To tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Breaks down to BreaksDownTo Link to sub-audits for this QualityAudit
Links to: QualityAudit.

Quality Control

A quality control is used to describe how a Result is to be validated/controlled in the case of reviews, inspections or any other kind of quality controlling activities. The quality control is used to describe the acceptance criteria, the questions to be asked, the roles of the parties involved etc.

QualityControl properties

The QualityControl tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short Description ShortDescription A short verbal description
Acceptance Criteria AcceptanceCriteria Description of criterias that must be met so acceptance can be granted.
Audit Roles AuditRoles This field is used to describe the roles of the different parites involved in the quality control activities. This includes f.ex. the external auditor, the customer or even the internal quality department.

The Techniques tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Use technique UseTechnique Links to technique instructions
Links to: Document, ExternalDocument, Technique.
Tool Tool Link to tool-specifications for this result
Links to: ExternalDocument, InformationSystem.
Good Practice examples GoodPractice Link to files showing good examples
Links to: All templates.

The Action tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Macro Macro This field is used to create a command language program that can be executed when the user double clicks on the symbol.
Execute on Double-click ExecuteOnDoubleClick Macro is always executed when double clicking on the symbol.
Initial value is off.


The sender realizes an interface used by the receiver.


The realization relationship indicates that more abstract entities (“what” or “logical”) are realized by means of more tangible entities (“how” or “physical”). The realization relationship is used to model run-time realization; for example, that a business process realizes a business service, and that a data object realizes a business object, an artifact realizes an application component, or a core element realizes a motivation element.

The usual interpretation of a realization relationship is that the whole or part of the source element realizes the whole of the target element. This means that if, for example, two internal behavior elements have a realization relationship to the same service, either of them can realize the complete service. If both internal behavior elements are needed to realize, the grouping element or a junction can be used. For weaker types of contribution to the realization of an element, the influence relationship should be used.