Business Moment

A business moment refers to a specific event or occurrence that has significant implications for the ecosystem as a whole. It is a critical moment in the life cycle of a business or businesses within the ecosystem, and it may be triggered by a range of internal or external factors such as changes in technology, shifts in consumer behavior, or new regulations.

For example, a business moment within a tech ecosystem might be the launch of a new product or service that disrupts the existing market and changes the competitive landscape. In a healthcare ecosystem, a business moment might be the approval of a new drug or medical device that has a significant impact on patient outcomes or the industry as a whole.

Business Knowledge Model:DMN

Business Knowledge Model (BKM) is a structured representation of the knowledge and business rules that are used to inform decisions. It is a part of the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) and is used to define the business concepts, rules, and constraints that are relevant to the decision-making process.

A BKM is typically used to describe the business logic and rules that govern a particular decision or process. It is a way to capture and organize the knowledge and expertise of a business domain expert and make it accessible to others involved in the decision-making process.

BKMs are designed to be modular and reusable, allowing them to be easily integrated into other business processes and decision-making models. They can be used in conjunction with decision tables, decision trees, and other decision-making elements to provide the information and rules necessary to make informed decisions.


The Asset template is used for Asset Management. In it you can gather all data relevant for the maintenance and documentation of your assets. You can then create checklists for maintenance of each asset, which can then be filled out via QualiWare’s webplatform. This enables you to keep track of your assets, their status and maintenance procedures.



The Asset tab

Property Metamodel name Description
AssetOrgID AssetOrgID  
Asset Org.ID AssetID  
Category Category  
Short description ShortDescription  
Model Model  
Se-nr SEnr  
Price Price  
Currency Currency Choices are:
Purchase date PurchaseDate  
Product Product  
Vendor Vendor Links to: BusinessConnection, ExternalEntity.
Rental period RentalPeriod  

The Responsible tab

Property Metamodel name Description
Responsible HasResponsible Links to: Person, Position, OrganizationUnit, Role.
Registered by RegisteredBy Links to: Person.
Allowed to register checks AllowedToRegisterChecks Links to: Person, Position, OrganizationUnit, Role.

The Organization tab

Property Metamodel name Description
Organization unit(s) BelongsToOrganizationUnit Links to: OrganizationUnit.
Team(s) BelongsToTeams Links to: InterestGroup.

The Data tab

Property Metamodel name Description
SOP SOP Links to: BusinessProcessDiagram, Document, ExternalDocument, StandardOperatingProcedure, WorkFlowDiagram.
Technical data TechnicalData  
Manual Manual Links to: ExternalDocument, Document.
Service Partner ServicePartner Links to: BusinessConnection, ExternalEntity, OrganizationUnit, Position.
Validation report ValidationReport Links to: ValidationReport.

The IT tab

Property Metamodel name Description
Software Software Links to: InformationSystem, Software.

The Check list tab

Property Metamodel name Description
Check lists CheckLists Links to: CheckList.
Manual log ManualLog Links to: ManualLog.

The Relation tab

Property Metamodel name Description
Groups Groups Links to: label=AssetGroup.
Breaks down to BreaksDownTo Links to: Asset.

The Archive tab

Property Metamodel name Description
ArchivedObjId ArchivedObjId  

Assessment ArchiMate

In ArchiMate, an Assessment is a Motivation element.

An assessment represents the result of an analysis of the state of affairs of the enterprise with respect to some driver.

An assessment may reveal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, or threats for some area of interest. These need to be addressed by adjusting existing goals or setting new ones, which may trigger changes to the Enterprise Architecture.

Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the organization. Opportunities and threats are external to the organization. Weaknesses and threats can be considered as problems that need to be addressed by goals that “negate” the weaknesses and threats. Strengths and opportunities may be translated directly into goals. For example, the weakness “Customers complain about the helpdesk” can be addressed by defining the goal “Improve helpdesk”. Or, the opportunity “Customers favor insurances that can be managed online” can be addressed by the goal “Introduce online portfolio management”. The name of an assessment should preferably be a noun or a (very) short sentence.


Property Metamodel name Description
Short description ShortDescription
Implements Implements Links to: All templates.
BreaksDownTo BreaksDownTo Links to: All templates.

Artifact ArchiMate

The Artifact is in ArchiMate defined as a passive structure element and has been adopted from UML.

An artifact represents a piece of data that is used or produced in a software development process, or by deployment and operation of an IT system.

An artifact represents a tangible element in the IT world. Artifact is a specialization of technology object. It is typically used to model (software) products such as source files, executables, scripts, database tables, messages, documents, specifications, and model files. An instance (copy) of an artifact can be deployed on a node. An artifact could be used to represent a physical data component that realizes a data object.

An application component or system software may be realized by one or more artifacts. A data object may be realized by one or more artifacts. A node may be assigned to an artifact to model that the artifact is deployed on the node. Thus, the two typical ways to use the artifact element are as an execution component or as a data file. In fact, these could be defined as specializations of the artifact element.

The name of an artifact should preferably be the name of the file it represents; e.g., “order.jar”. An artifact may consist of sub-artifacts.


Property Metamodel name Description
Short description ShortDescription
Implements Implements Links to: All templates.
BreaksDownTo BreaksDownTo Links to: All templates.