
An Event is something that “happens” during the course of a business process. These Events affect the flow of the Process and usually have a cause or an impact. The term “event” is general enough to cover many things in a business process. The start of an activity, the end of an activity, the change of state of a document, a message that arrives, etc., all could be considered events. However, BPMN has restricted the use of events to include only those types of events that will affect the sequence or timing of activities of a process. BPMN further categorizes Events into three main types: Start, Intermediate, and End. Start and most Intermediate Events have “Triggers” that define the cause for the event. There are multiple ways that these events can be triggered (“Start Event Triggers” and “Intermediate Event Triggers”). End Events may define a “Result” that is a consequence of a Sequence Flow ending.

On the Event tab of the Event object, choose the appropriate Event Type of Start, End, or Intermediate.

If Start for Event Type is selected, then Start Trigger in the Common Event Details can be used to specify the type of Starting event (i.e., applicable values are None, Message, Timer, Conditional, Signal, Multiple).

If End for Event Type is selected, then the Result field in the Common Event Details can be used to specify the type of Ending Event (i.e., applicable values are None, Message, Error, Cancel, Compensation, Signal, Terminate, and Multiple).

As the name implies, the Intermediate Event indicates where something happens (an Event) somewhere between the Start and End of a Process. It will affect the flow of the Process, but will not start or (directly) terminate the Process. Intermediate Events can be used to:
Show where messages are expected or sent within the Process,
Show where delays are expected within the Process,
Disrupt the Normal Flow through exception handling, or
Show the extra work required for compensation.
If Intermediate for Event Type is selected, then the Intermediate Trigger field in the Common Event Details can be used to specify the type of Intermediate Event (i.e., applicable values are None, Message, Timer, Error, Cancel, Link, Compensation, Signal, and Multiple).

The Throw checkbox within the Common Event Details permits the QualiWare user to specify if the trigger is being thrown to the next Activity in sequence, versus the default would be Catch (i.e., without the Throw checkbox turned on).

Environmental Aspect

In an Environmental Impact diagram, the “Environmental Aspect” symbol represents any element of an organization’s activities, products, or services that can interact with the environment. This can include the use of natural resources, the emission of pollutants, or the creation of waste.

It may be linked to other symbols in the diagram, such as inputs, outputs, or processes, to show how the aspect is related to the overall environmental impact of the organization.

The Environmental Aspect symbol can have additional attributes associated with it, such as the frequency and magnitude of the impact, the relevant regulatory requirements, or the potential risks and opportunities associated with addressing the aspect.


Small to medium block of text – eg. a chapter.


In Decision Model and Notation (DMN), the “Decision” symbol is used to represent a point in the decision-making process where a choice is made based on the available data and knowledge. A Decision element represents a logical outcome of the decision-making process.

The Decision Template is used in the Decision Requirements Diagram and is a part of the Decision Model Notation (DMN) from OMG.





A branching mechanism that determine the possible paths of execution based on user specified conditions.

Node ArchiMate

Nodes are active structure elements that perform technology behavior and execute, store, and process technology objects such as artifacts. For instance, nodes are used to model application platforms, defined by the TOGAF framework as: “a collection of technology components of hardware and software that provide the services used to support applications”.

Nodes can be interconnected by paths. A node may be assigned to an artifact to model that the artifact is deployed on the node.

The name of a node should preferably be a noun. A node may consist of sub-nodes.
Artifacts deployed on a node may either be drawn inside the node or connected to it with an assignment relationship.

Node properties

The Node tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short description ShortDescription
Implements Implements Links to: All templates.
BreaksDownTo BreaksDownTo Links to: All templates.

Data Object

Data Objects provide information about what Activities require to be performed and/or what they produce, Data Objects can represent a singular object or a collection of objects. Data Input and Data Output provide the same information for Processes.

In BPMN, a Data Object is considered an Artifact and not a Flow Object. They are considered an Artifact because they do not have any direct effect on the Sequence Flow or Message Flow of the Process, but they do provide information about what the Process does. That is, how documents, data, and other objects are used and updated during the Process. While the name Data Object may imply an electronic document, they can be used to represent many different types of objects, both electronic and physical.

In general, BPMN will not standardize many modeling Artifacts. These will mainly be up to modelers and modeling tool vendors to create for their own purposes. However, equivalents of the BPMN Data Object are used by Document Management oriented workflow systems and many other process modeling methodologies. Thus, this object is used enough that it is important to standardize its shape and behavior.
As an Artifact, Data Objects generally will be associated with Flow Objects. An Association will be used to make the connection between the Data Object and the Flow Object. This means that the behavior of the Process can be modeled without Data Objects for modelers who want to reduce clutter. The same Process can be modeled with Data Objects for modelers who want to include more information without changing the basic behavior of the Process.
In other cases, the same Data Object will be shown as being an input, then an output of a Process. Directionality added to the Association will show whether the Data Object is an input or an output. Also, the state attribute of the Data Object can change to show the impact of the Process on the Data Object.

State is an optional attribute that indicates the impact the Process has had on the Data Object. Multiple Data Objects with the same name MAY share the same state within one Process. Examples of state could be: initiated, logged, registered.

The Uses Parameter field can be used to define specific parameters, values, or conditions that must exist to permit the DataObject to be created or used as input to a process/activity.

The Required for Start checkbox in QualiWare can specify whether or not the DataObject MUST exist for the Activity to start.

The Produced at Completion checkbox can be checked if the DataObject is output of an Activity and produced at the completion of the work associated with the Activity.


The note object can be used to insert a text-field in a diagram.


You can choose among different note symbol, to change the appearance of the note, and you can change the background color of the note, or chose a sticky note symbol.

Default the name of the note is shown, if you add a description to the note, the description will be shown instead.


An instance of a class.

Object properties

The Object tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Number Number
Persistent IsPersistent Initial value is on.
Transient IsTransient Initial value is off.
Static IsStatic Initial value is off.
Style Style Choices are:
Property Property Choices are:
Active Active Initial value is off.
Display as DisplayType Choices are:
Instance of InstanceOf Links to: ClassActorComponent.
Show on diagram ShowOnDiagram Initial value is off.
Value instance ValueInstance
Has object diagram HasObjectDiagram Links to: ClassDiagram.

The Extensions tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Stereotype Stereotype Links to: Stereotype.
Constraints HasConstraints Links to: Constraint.
Tagged values HasTaggedValues Links to: TagDefinition.


An opportunity refers to a positive external factor that can be leveraged to improve a process, workflow, or journey. It is a chance or possibility that can be seized to create benefits and enhance outcomes. For example, in a customer journey map, an opportunity might refer to a new market or a gap in the market that can be filled.