Message BPMN

In a Business Process Diagram, the “Message” symbol represents the exchange of information or communication between two or more elements of the process. It is depicted as an envelope.

The Message symbol can be used to show communication between different parts of a process, such as between activities or between different lanes or pools. It can also be used to show communication between different processes or systems.


the “Message” symbol represents the exchange of information or communication between two or more elements of the process. It is depicted as an envelope.

Material Asset

The symbol for Material Asset typically refers to physical materials or goods that a company owns or uses in its operations. This could include raw materials, components, finished products, or any other tangible items that are essential to the company’s production or supply chain.


The external environment in which a company operates. It is used to illustrate the various factors that impact a business, including the competitive landscape, customer preferences, and economic conditions.


Location refers to a specific physical or virtual place where activities or events occur. Locations can be used in a variety of diagrams, such as Infrastructure Diagram, Strategy Model, and Customer Journey Maps, to represent the different stages or steps in a process or journey.

For example, in a customer journey map, a location might represent a physical store, an online store, or a customer service center.

By representing locations in a diagram, organizations can visualize the different stages or steps in a process or journey, and they can identify areas where they can improve efficiency, optimize resources, and enhance the customer experience.

Line of Business

The line of business symbol is used to represent the different business units or divisions of a company. The symbol might be used in a high-level organizational chart, for example, to show the different lines of business within the company and how they are structured and managed.

For example, in a retail company, the line of business symbol might be used to represent different product categories, such as electronics, clothing, and home goods. In a service company, the “line of business” symbol might be used to represent different service offerings, such as consulting, accounting, and legal services.


The symbol “License” represents a legal authorization or permission granted by a regulatory body to an individual or organization that allows them to engage in certain activities or provide specific services. The symbol may indicate that compliance with certain regulations or standards is necessary to obtain or maintain the license, and failure to do so may result in revocation of the license or other penalties. The use of this symbol in a Regulation Diagram helps to illustrate the importance of complying with licensing requirements and the potential consequences of non-compliance.


In a business process diagram, the symbol “Lane” is used to represent a participant or role in the process. It is a visual element that can be used to organize and classify different activities in the process based on the roles or participants responsible for them.

The Lane symbol is typically represented as a vertical or horizontal partition in the process diagram, with a label or title that identifies the participant or role associated with it. Each lane can contain its own set of activities, decisions, and events, indicating the different steps or stages in the process that are associated with that particular participant

Knowledge Source:DMN

In Decision Model and Notation (DMN), the “Knowledge Source” symbol represents a source of knowledge that is used in the decision-making process. A Knowledge Source is an element in the DMN model that provides information, rules, or other types of knowledge to support decision-making.

The Knowledge Source symbol is represented as a rectangle with an angled side. Knowledge Sources are connected to other elements in the DMN model using arrows that indicate the flow of knowledge or information.

There are several types of Knowledge Sources in DMN. For example, a Knowledge Source might represent an expert in a particular domain, a set of business rules, a regulatory guideline, or any other type of knowledge that is relevant to the decision-making process. Knowledge Sources can be used in conjunction with decision tables, decision requirements diagrams, or other elements in the DMN model to provide the information and rules necessary to make informed decisions.

Key Performance Indicator

In a diagram, a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a metric or indicator that measures how effectively an organization is achieving its key business objectives. KPIs help organizations track progress toward strategic goals and identify areas where improvement is needed.

KPIs are used in various types of diagrams, such as business process diagrams, balanced scorecards, and performance dashboards. Examples of KPIs include revenue growth, customer satisfaction ratings, employee turnover rates, and website traffic. The choice of KPIs depends on the specific objectives of the organization and the nature of the business.

An example of a KPI in QualiWare would be: