Activity 5.1

Collaborative Planning Methodology > Step 5: Perform and Measure

Activity 5.1: Operate with the New Capabilities

In this activity the organization leverages the newly implemented changes as part of their operations. The new changes might be small or large but it is important to operate and monitor the impacts of the new changes. In this activity, the organization’s operations staff performs regular operations with little outside involvement. The planners and specifically the architects are available to perform advisory services such as interpretation of intended outcomes as defined in the Integrated Plan.

The most significant output from Step 3 that is in use in this activity is the Integrated Plan. The Integrated Plan contains the recommended changes and the desired impacts of those changes. This information is useful for the operations staff as they begin to perform regular operations using the new capabilities.

As was the case in Step 4, the planners are available in a support and advisory capacity throughout this activity. The planners engage with the operations end users to ensure that they understand what was intended by the changes and how those changes should be impacting operations.

Collaborative Planning MethodologyActivity 5.2

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