Section 3. Future Architecture Summary

Future Architecture

Future View.

Future Operating Scenario

The following scenarios are examples of a possible future that DMC, Inc. will face. Planning assumptions have also been included as part of the scenario. Actual market conditions may require appropriate EA changes at potentially all levels in order to survive and remain competitive.

Scenario 1: Aggressive business strategy in a strong market environment

Chief Architect Vince Albright and Jeff Linder, VP Industrial Sales, attends the International Enterprise Architecture Integration Forum in Auckland, New Zealand. While attending several of the breakout sessions on business strategies for the 21st Century, Jeff and Vince sat down for a coffee break to discuss the sessions that they had attended.

Listen!” said Jeff, “I just came from one of the best presentations that I have ever attended on business strategy. I couldn’t believe some of the facts and data that Art Anderson, the keynote speaker, was showing regarding the changes that are coming in enterprise integration. The actions Art was proposing were quite startling!”

Oh really,” said Vince, “so, what did you learn?”

Well,” said Jeff, “ the most interesting subject was around the importance of integrating sales with operations planning so that sales managers and the sales force, working with manufacturing, could forecast demand by product line, and using this new software technology, could visualize the impact of the sales plan to the operations plan…… what a concept,” continued Jeff.

Gosh, “said Vince, “maybe we should propose this to Mr. Danforth when we return next week. Do you think he would understand the concepts? We will need to invest in some Sales and Operations Planning software, and such is not cheap.”

Well, I really don’t see how we are going to keep our competitive position in the marketplace without starting a recurring Sales and Operations Planning Meeting at the executive level within our organization. Without this approach, our competition is going to eat our lunch!” said Jeff exasperated. “We simply got to do something to keep our competitive position in the marketplace thriving if we’re going to keep our jobs and this approach sounds like a winner to me,” continued Jeff. “What were so cool about the methodology were the facts of integration not just with the sales team, but from the bottom up using aggregated demand, supply and product planning across our product suites. Using this methodology, we’ll be able to provide manufacturing with the visibility that they need to plan product manufacturing, stage subcomponents, and really schedule the manufacturing centers to meet product demand requirements in real time. You know, this has been a problem for us for years. Using this approach will put a great method in place and allow us to use our new ERP system and the demand planning functionality available in the software to support our business goals!”

WOW”, Vince responded, “what a concept!” “Ok,” he said, “let’s plan a strategy session with the executive team when we return to show the team how we would propose beginning a Sales and Operations Planning Meeting.”

Ok, sounds good Vince,” said Jeff. “I really think our team and our company could benefit from using this approach.”

Scenario 2: Doing Sales

Jeff Linder, Vice President of Industrial Sales for Danforth Manufacturing Company (DMC) had just finished a presentation at the 2008 National Highway Safety Conference along with Richard Danforth, DMC CEO, who had teleconferenced in on the big display screen behind the podium. DMC has been following the success of Initiative 937 in Washington State, which mandates that by 2020 power companies generate 15% electrical power from non-polluting sources. With that in mind, DMC has been monitoring proposed legislation in other states and expects similar legislation to pass in several NE states in the 2008 elections. Therefore, DMC decided to open a Boston sales, manufacturing and distribution center to both increase NE presence and to lead the market in providing alternative energy sources to states which pass the expected legislation.

As Jeff was leaving the main conference room, Andrea Newman, Director of Safety and Transportation for the State of Tennessee, asked Jeff if they could talk for a few minutes about the new line of solar-powered highway and street lights just presented.

“Thanks for taking a minute to talk, Jeff. I want to tell you about a situation we have in Tennessee and see if your new product line can help,” said Andrea as they found a table in the refreshment area.

“No problem, thanks for asking, ” Jeff said.

Andrea pulled up a document on her tablet computer and said, “Jeff, here is a report that shows an increasing number of serious accidents in rural areas of Tennessee involving passenger cars and agricultural equipment or commercial trucks. We’ve attributed it to the growth of suburban communities further out in the countryside that then depend on two lane country roads for commuting into the city. When you put slow tractors and trucks together with cars that are in a hurry at all hours to get somewhere, you have recipe for disaster.”

“Isn’t this problem being seen in other places around the country?” asked Jeff.

“Yes, and one of the contributing factors that is consistently coming out of investigations for night-time accidents is the lack of good lighting on these country roads. I am thinking that your highway-grade solar lighting can help us provide more night time visibility on high-risk roads without having to invest in the supporting electrical infrastructure.”

Jeff thought for a minute before responding. “You know, the DMC industrial products division has been positioning to prepare for alternative energy legislation, and the new line of highway lights has options to incorporate 911 emergency call boxes and GPS equipment that can connect to both state and local level first responders. This might be useful in improving response times should an accident occur in spite of the improved lighting.”

Andrea nodded and said, “Yes, I doubt that better lighting will solve the entire problem, but it will help people see each other better, and these other options can improve accident response times, which will also save lives. What is the pricing like on these units?”

Jeff pulled his PDA out of his pocket and connected to the DMC marketing and sales database via a satellite internet link. “Andrea, these units are $11,300 each, including the GPS and 911 features.” Andrea took notes and responded, “If I can get permission to conduct a pilot test in a couple of months can you provide the lights?” Jeff asked, “How many miles of road?”

“About four.” said Andrea.

“OK, the suggested density for the new unit is 18 per mile, so that would be 72 units total. With a 10 percent early-adopter discount, the total would be $732,240. Let me check what the shipping time would be.”

Jeff sent a high priority email to Bob Green, Vice President of Manufacturing. Bob was in the factory when he received Jeff’s email on this PDA, and after checking the DMC ERP system, responded two minutes later that a special order for 72 units could be shipped 35 days from receipt of order. Jeff related this information to Andrea, who said, “Wow, that was fast. I have all the information I need to propose the pilot project. I will get back to you in the next week. Thanks.”


3.2 Planning Assumptions

  1. New video teleconferencing capability.
  2. NE States will pass alternative energy source legislation in 2008.
  3. Product roll-outs at national conferences.
  4. Need to hold detailed product discussions on short notice, globally.
  5. 24×7 work availability.
  6. Increased suburban commuting and telecommuting.
  7. Tracking of government reports to anticipate product needs.
  8. Changing population demographics, driving new product development
  9. Increased cost benefit of solar powered lighting.
  10. Continued incorporation of additional product features to expand customer base.
  11. Global use of PDAs for employee communication.
  12. Integration of sales, marketing, and production information.
  13. Accurate customer quotes on the fly.

3.3 Updating Current & Future Views

The EA reporsitory will need to be updated during the coming year.

Sequencing Plan

The DMC Sequencing and project plan documents the tasks, milestones, and timeframe for implementing the new EA components and artifacts. In the sequencing plan, the team shows the timeline for the development, upgrade, retirement and migration plans that are currently underway. Also shown are the systems, applications and database project components that are part of the overall EA Management Plan for this year. 

Configuration Management

DMC Inc will follow standard processes by which changes in the EA configuration will be made. EA standards will be followed strictly.

EA Standards may be waived but only upon satisfying the following standards waiver process.


Document version control is strictly enforced by the DMC Architecture Management Board. Change request forms will be submitted as required to the board for approval.

Communications and Tutorial Guide

The DMC Inc.’s Communications and Tutorial Guide provides the EA Team with a comprehensive communications approach for sharing executive and management level information regarding the EA Plan as well as monthly and quarterly communications regarding status for EA projects, metrics, measures and outcomes. The following Chart provides the strategy for the communications plan and will be used to develop a tutorial guide in support of the EA approach for DMC. Inc.


WHO to communicate to

WHAT to communicate

HOW we will communicate

WHEN it will be communicated

WHO will be responsible for ensuring the communication occurs

Source of information

DMC Senior Level ManagementDMC Architecture Management Board EA Program Issues & ActionsEA Program Plans and Status – Email- User Meetings- Workshops- Special splr share- DMCPN (DMC partner Network) As Needed EA Program Manager Process and System Integration/Weekly Senior Level Meetings
DMC Director Level Management Site Issues and Actions – User Meetings- Email- DMCPN As Needed EA Project Manager Director Level EA Reviews
Sales and Marketing
Department Issues & Actions – User Meetings- Email- Partner Portal As Needed EA Sales and Marketing Team Captain Sales and Marketing Meetings
DMC Operations Management – Issues Impacting Production
– High Level ScheduleBusiness Status
– Face to Face Meetings
– Email- DMCPN
As Needed EA Operations Management Team Captain Working Group Meetings
DMC Project Management – Project Plans
– Projects Status
– Issues for Escalation
– Progress-
– E-Mail,
– Operations Reports
– Face to Face Meetings
ad hoc Meeting
As Needed EA Project Manager Staff MeetingsWeekly, Monthly and Qtr Reviews
DMCEA Project Team – Project Plans
– Projects Status
– Issues for Escalation
– Formal notification via email
– Sub-Team Meeting
– Face-to-Face/Phone
As Needed EA Project Manager Team Member Notification

Table 7-DMC EA Program Communication Plan

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