Frame Work Column

Framework column defines the column of an ArchitectureFrameWork

FrameWorkColumn properties

The FrameWorkColumn tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Header label HeaderLabel Header label for this Framework column
Physical result PhysicalResult The result of this column.
Answer to question AnswerToQuestion Question asked for this column. E.g. How, Why, Who…

Frame Work Cell

The framework cell defines the tools, methods, model etc. used in a specific row and a specific column in an ArchitectureFrameWork.

A framework cell will therefore point to specific parts of the tool and these parts are made available when the user double clicks on the framework cell.

The FrameWorkCell tab

Short Description: Short verbal description

Show Short Description: Check if short description shall appear instead templates.

Use in Social Analytics dimension: Tick the box to include the FrameWorkCell in the Social Analytics dimension, i.e. for counting views on models associated to the cell.

Symbol type: Choices are:

  • Small Icon
  • Large Icon
  • Disable

Seq. no.: SequenceNumber

Model list: List of diagram templates used in this FrameWorkCell.

Entities: Relations to entities pointed to by this cell.

Other templates: List of non diagram templates used in this FrameWorkCell.

The Relations tab

Breaks Down To: Links to: ArchitectureFrameWork

Project specifications: Links to: WorkModel.

Architecture domains: Links to ArchitectureDomains

Architecture principles: Liks to ArchitecturePrinciples

The Techniques tab

Use technique: Links to technique instructions

Tool: Link to tool-specifications for this result

Good Practice examples: Link to files showing good examples

  • Links to: All templates.

Firewall Policy

A policy is rule that defines how a specific type of communication between zones is handled by the firewall.

FirewallPolicy properties

The FirewallPolicy tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Policy Policy A description of the policy/rule either in a textual, logical., mathematical or programming form.

Financial Statement

The Financial Statement object is used to describe the upper level in a company’s accounts. It can be described using its Short Description field and you can link to Accounts and other financial statements in its “Top Accounts” field.

The Financial Statement can be linked to objects as an Influence under their Risk tab:


Field Style

Description of the layout of a Field.

FieldStyle properties

The FieldStyle tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short Description ShortDescription
Style target StyleTarget Choices are:
Field Attributes HasFieldAttribute Links to: FieldAttribute.

Field Attribute

Definition of a single layout concept for a Field.

FieldAttribute properties

The FieldAttribute tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Value Value
Attribute type AttributeType Choices are:


Field placed in a dialog in the final system.

Field properties

The Field tab

Property  Metamodel name Description TabSequenceNumber
Field label FieldLabel
Field Type FieldType
Related DataEntity RelatedDataEntity Links to: DataEntity.
Related Attribute RelatedAttribute Links to: Attribute.
Object Methods EventHandlers Links to: Method.
Help Line HelpLine
Help HelpItem Links to: HelpItem.

The Field Attributes tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Field Attributes HasFieldAttribute Links to: FieldAttribute, FieldStyle.


A Module represents an activity the system shall perform.

One Module on a StructureChart controls the overall funtionality. the remaining Modules describes more or less complex activities in the system.

If the complexity in a Module is too high to maintain the an overview of the module structure, the Module can be broken down to a new StructureChart.

The properties of a Module are:

Short Description (ShortDescription).
This field is used to give a short verbal description of the component.

Breaks Down To (BreaksDownTo).
This single link is used to establish a relation to a component that details the Module.
Links to: StructureChart, Method.

Implements (Implements).
This link list is used to establish relations to components implemented by this Module.
Links to: DataFlowDiagram, Process, Method.

Files (HasFiles).
This link list is used to establish relations to a description of the physical files that implements the Module.
Links to: ExternalDocument, File.

Module Parameter

A Parameter represents a procedure call. The Parameter specifications defines the information that is transferred between the called Module and the calling Module on a StructureChart.

The properties of a Parameter are:

Show label (ShowLabel).
Show the name of the connection on the diagram
Initial value is off.

Condition (Condition).
Check if this is a conditional call.
Initial value is off.

Iteration (Iteration).
Check if this is a repetitive call (loop).
Initial value is off.

Call (CallsWith).
A list of references to the information units that are passed as parameters in the call.
Links to: Attribute, DataEntity, DataFlow.

Show parameters (ShowParameters).
Displays a symbol that indicates that information units are passed as parameter.
Initial value is on.

Return (Returns).
A reference to the information unit that is returned by the called procedure (Module).
Links to: Attribute, DataEntity, DataFlow.

Show return value (ShowReturnValue).
Displays a symbol that indicates that a value is returned
Initial value is on.

Money Transaction

A single transfer of money

MoneyTransaction properties

The MoneyTransaction tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Amount Amount The actual quantified amount
Account Account The finance account for this transaction
Currency Currency The currency for the transaction
Choices are: