Partner Link

A PartnerLink is a physical place where a process is running

Path : ArchiMate

A path is used to model the logical communication (or distribution) relations between nodes. It is realized by one or more communication networks (or distribution networks when modeling physical elements; see Chapter 11), which represent the physical communication (or distribution) links. The properties (e.g., bandwidth, latency) of a path are usually aggregated from these underlying networks.
A path connects two or more nodes. A path is realized by one or more networks. A path can aggregate nodes.

Path properties

The Path tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short description ShortDescription
Implements Implements Links to: All templates.
BreaksDownTo BreaksDownTo Links to: All templates.


A peripheral can be any type of item which exists in the infra structure which you want to add to a InfraStructureDiagram. Typically it is a hardware device which is physically defined by a HardwareComponent.

Peripheral properties

The Peripheral tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short Description ShortDescription A short description of the item
Type PeripheralType The type of the peripheral.
Show ShowType Display the type next to the symbol on diagrams.
Initial value is off.
Hardware Hardware The hardware or computer that implements the peripheral.
Links to: Computer, HardwareComponent.
IP Address IPAddress The IP address of the device if the address is fixed
Logical name/address LogicalAddress The logical name or address of the item.
Show ShowNetworkName Display the network name next to the symbol on diagrams.
Initial value is off.
Vendor Vendor The vendor of the item. The vendor might for instance be an internal organisation unit or an external supplier.
Links to: BusinessConnection, ExternalEntity, OrganizationUnit.
Support Support The support provider.
Links to: BusinessConnection, Person, ExternalEntity, OrganizationUnit.

The Economy tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Date of purchase DateOfPurchase When the item was purchased
Warranty expires WarrantyExpires When the warranty of the item expires
Contracts HasContract All the different contracts connected to the item.
Links to: Contract.

Plateau : ArchiMate

An important premise in the TOGAF framework is that the various architectures are described for different stages in time. In each of the Phases B, C, and D of the ADM, a Baseline Architecture and Target Architecture are created, describing the current situation and the desired future situation. In Phase E (Opportunities and Solutions), so-called Transition Architectures are defined, showing the enterprise at incremental states reflecting periods of transition between the Baseline and Target Architectures. Transition Architectures are used to allow for individual work packages and projects to be grouped into managed portfolios and programs, illustrating the business value at each stage.
In order to support this, the plateau element is defined.Plateau propertiesThe Plateau tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short description ShortDescription
Implements Implements Links to: All templates.
BreaksDownTo BreaksDownTo Links to: All templates.


A policy is a symbol that represents a set of rules or guidelines that govern an organization’s behavior, decisions, or actions. Policies can be depicted in various types of diagrams, such as Requirement Model, Strategy Model, or Value Chain Model, among others.

Here are some examples of policies that could be represented as symbols in diagrams:

  • Acceptable Use Policy: a policy that outlines acceptable and unacceptable behaviors when using an organization’s technology or network resources.
  • Security Policy: a policy that defines how an organization’s information and technology assets should be protected from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.
  • Privacy Policy: a policy that informs individuals how their personal information is collected, used, stored, and shared by an organization.
  • Environmental Policy: a policy that establishes an organization’s commitment to sustainability and outlines its approach to minimizing its environmental impact.
  • Human Resources Policy: a policy that governs employee conduct, benefits, leave, compensation, and other employment-related matters within an organization.
  • Compliance Policy: a policy that outlines an organization’s commitment to complying with relevant laws, regulations, standards, and guidelines in its operations and activities.

These are just a few examples of policies that could be represented as symbols in diagrams. The specific content and format of policies may vary depending on the organization’s industry, size, mission, values, and other factors.


A Pool represents a Participant in the Process. A Participant can be a specific business entity (e.g, a company) or can be a more general business role (e.g., a buyer, seller, or manufacturer).

Graphically, a Pool is a container for partitioning a Process from other Pools, when modeling business-to-business situations, although a Pool need not have any internal details (i.e., it can be a “black box”). ° A Pool is a square-cornered rectangle that MUST be drawn with a solid single black line. One, and only one, Pool in a diagram MAY be presented without a boundary. If there is more than one Pool in the diagram, then the remaining Pools MUST have a boundary.

To help with the clarity of the Diagram, A Pool will extend the entire length of the Diagram, either horizontally or vertically. However, there is no specific restriction to the size and/or positioning of a Pool. Modelers and modeling tools can use Pools (and Lanes) in a flexible manner in the interest of conserving the “real estate” of a Diagram on a screen or a printed page.

A Pool acts as the container for the Sequence Flow between activities. The Sequence Flow can cross the boundaries between Lanes of a Pool, but cannot cross the boundaries of a Pool. The interaction between Pools, e.g., in a B2B context, is shown through Message Flow.

Another aspect of Pools is whether or not there is any activity detailed within the Pool. Thus, a given Pool may be shown as a “White Box,” with all details exposed, or as a “Black Box,” with all details hidden. No Sequence Flow is associated with a “Black Box” Pool, but Message Flow can attach to its boundaries.

For a “White Box” Pool, the activities within are organized by Sequence Flow. Message Flow can cross the Pool boundary to attach to the appropriate activity.
All BPDs contain at least one Pool. In most cases, a BPD that consists of a single Pool will only display the activities of the Process and not display the boundaries of the Pool. Furthermore, a BPD may show the “main” Pool without boundaries. In such cases there can be, at most, only one invisibly-bounded pool in the diagram and the name of that pool SHALL be the same as the diagram. Consequently, the activities that represent the work performed from the point of view of the modeler or the modeler’s organization are considered “internal” activities and need not be surrounded by the boundaries of a Pool, while the other Pools in the Diagram must have their boundary.

In QualiWare, the user can specify if the Pool is of a scope of Private (Internal), Abstract (Public), or Collaborative (Global).
The Participant field identifies the role associated with the Pool, or the process that is being executed within the Pool. Since there can be multiple Pools in one BusinessProcessDiagram in QualiWare, it is sometimes important to define the role that is being fulfilled within the Pool.

The Uses Parameter field in QualiWare, on the Pool tab of the Pool Object Editor, permits the user to specify if there is some specific parameter or value essential to the execution of the process that the Pool contains.

The Included in Service field allows the user to specify if there is a unique service associated with the process that is contained in the Pool.

The Target Namespace field allows the QualiWare user to define the scope of the process that is contained in the Pool.

Preventive Action

Definition of an action with the purpose of avoiding certain incidents

PreventiveAction properties

The PreventiveAction tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short description ShortDescription Short verbal description of the PreventiveAction
Related Non-Conformance RelatedNonConformance Links to NonConformance related to this action
Links to: NonConformance.
Responsible HasResponsible Link to responsible for this PreventiveAction
Links to: InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Resource, Role.
Goals HasGoal Links to: Goal.
Plan of action PlanOfAction Link to ProjectActivity or WorkModelshowing dates and resources for plans to execute this PreventiveAction
Links to: ProjectActivity, WorkModel.
Due date DueDate
Estimated Cost EstimatedCost Estimated cost of carrying out this action

The Action taken tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Start Date StartDate Starting date.
End Date EndDate Ending date.
Action taken by ActionTakenBy Relation to person/group who executed the action.
Links to: InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Role.
Cost of Non Conformance CostOfNonConformance Cost caused by the non conformance
Resources Spent ResourcesSpent Actual cost of corrective action
Corrective Action Taken CorrectiveActionTaken A description of the corrective action taken.
Closing date ClosingDate The closing date for this NonConformance

Principle : ArchiMate

Principles are strongly related to goals and requirements. Similar to requirements, principles define intended properties of systems. However, in contrast to requirements, principles are broader in scope and more abstract than requirements. A principle defines a general property that applies to any system in a certain context. A requirement defines a property that applies to a specific system as described by an architecture.
A principle needs to be made specific for a given system by means of one or more requirements, in order to enforce that the system conforms to the principle. For example, the principle “Information management processes comply with all relevant laws, policies, and regulations” is realized by the requirements that are imposed by the actual laws, policies, and regulations that apply to the specific system under design.
A principle is motivated by some goal or driver. For example, the aforementioned principle may be motivated by the goal to maintain a good reputation and/or the goal to avoid penalties. The principle provides a means to realize its motivating goal, which is generally formulated as a guideline. This guideline constrains the design of all systems in a given context by stating the general properties that are required from any system in this context to realize the goal. Principles are intended to be more stable than requirements in the sense that they do not change as quickly as requirements may do. Organizational values, best practices, and design knowledge may be reflected and made applicable in terms of principles.

Principle properties

The Principle tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short description ShortDescription
Implements Implements Links to: All templates.
BreaksDownTo BreaksDownTo Links to: All templates.


Use the printer symbol to specify a printer. For all other types of devices use the Peripheral template.

Printer properties

The Printer tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short Description ShortDescription A short description of the item
Type PrinterType The type of the printer.
Show ShowType Display the type next to the symbol on diagrams.
Initial value is off.
Hardware HardwareComponent Use this field to point to a HardwareComponent, if it is necessary to describe the hardware device that is the printer.
Links to: HardwareComponent.
Serial number SerialNumber The serial number of the item. This field can be used if you have an internal serial number for all printers, while the manufacturers serial number is specifed in the HardwareComponent in the Hardware field.
IP Address IPAddress The IP address of the device if the address is fixed
Logical name/address LogicalAddress The logical name or address of the item.
Show ShowNetworkName Display the network name next to the symbol on diagrams.
Initial value is off.
Shared isShared Check this box if the printer is connected to a computer but has been made available for other users in the network.
Initial value is on.
Vendor Vendor The vendor of the item. The vendor might for instance be an internal organisation unit or an external supplier.
Links to: BusinessConnection, ExternalEntity, OrganizationUnit.
Support Support The support provider.
Links to: BusinessConnection, Person, ExternalEntity, OrganizationUnit.

The Economy tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Date of purchase DateOfPurchase When the item was purchased
Warranty expires WarrantyExpires When the warranty of the item expires
Contracts HasContract All the different contracts connected to the item.
Links to: Contract.


A Problem represents a requirement from an interested party for a change in the way the business is running, the project is carried out, the content of a design component in the repository etc.

It is important to note that a problem should concidered a threat to the accomplishment of the business idea, the project or quality of the final product. As opposed to aChangeRequest that represents an opportunity to act.

It should always be clear to an organisation how to handle a Problem. The process of analyzing the scope of the problem, recommending an action and carrying out and action should be controlled by the project management or dedicated people.

Problem properties

The Problem tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short Description ShortDescription Short verbal description.
Priority Priority The priority for this Problem.
Choices are:
Originated Date OriginatedDate CreationDate for this Problem.
Originated By OriginatedBy The person who put forward this Problem.
Links to: InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Role.
Status Status The status of this Problem.
Choices are:
Responsible HasResponsible Person responsible for the problem handling
Links to: InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Role.

The Recommend tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Recommended Date RecommendedDate CreationDate of this recommendation.
Recommended By RecommendedBy The Person/Group responsible for this recommendation.
Links to: InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Role.
Estimated Resource Requirement EstimatedResourceRequirement Estimated cost to solve the problem.
Recommended Solution RecommendSolution Description of the recommended solution

The Actual tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Start Date StartDate Starting date.
Executed By ExecutedBy The person/group that carries out the solution
Links to: InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Role.
End Date EndDate Ending date.
Resources Spent ResourcesSpend Resources used
Corrective Action CorrectiveAction Description of the action

The Breaks Down To tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Breaks Down To BreaksDownTo Link to models showing a decomposed picture of this entity
Links to: RequirementModel, StrategyModel.