Rule Family Table

Purpose: The Rule Family Table template is used as an auxiliary template to document Rule Family symbols from Decision Models in more detail.

Core concerns: The Rule Family Table template should be used to model Rule Family symbols in more detail, describing the decision in more detail and listing each eventuality relevant to the Rule Family. Each row represents a possible combination of rules in the Rule Family. For example, in the eventuality that there are 3 rules with 2 possibilities each, there will be 2^3=8 rows in the Rule Family Table. Below are two examples of Rule Family Tables:



Relation to other templates: The Rule Family template is used to detail Decision Models and should not be used to document decisions in a stand-alone context. It should always be used as an extension to Rule Family symbols.

Properties and metadata: The Rule Family Table can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the diagram
  • Link to the owner of the diagram
  • Link to the one responsible for the accuracy of the diagram
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Associated documents, diagrams and other objects
  • Inherent Risk detailing risk considerations
  • Governance information detailing information about the published diagram and who has been involved in the approval of the diagram
  • Project status: information about budgeted and actual man-hours spent, percentage completed and the latest milestone, result and quality control of a change process.

In the picture below you can see the Rule Family Table’s properties dialogue window, where the properties can be viewed and edited:

Requirement Model

Purpose: The purpose of the Requirement Model template is to document goals, objectives and other requirements for the enterprise or a specific project. Below, you can see an example of a Requirement Model showing the Policies and Business Rules of an organization:


Core concerns: With the Requirement Model template, you can for example model Requirements, Goals, Change Requests, Policies, Business Rules, Critical Success Factors and Problems. This enables you to illustrate the interrelationships of requirements, for example showing which goals influence or contribute to each other, as the example below shows:


You can also divide goals up in different areas that may for example be subject to different regulations as below:


Relation to other templates: The Requirement Model offers a more detailed view on Requirements and Goals filtering out elements such as vision and mission compared to the Strategy Model. It can be used to detail how your organization live up to requirements specified in a Regulation Diagram or Requirements indicated in a Stakeholder Model.

Properties and metadata: The Requirement Model can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the diagram
  • Link to the owner of the diagram
  • Link to the one responsible for the accuracy of the diagram
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Associated documents, diagrams and other objects
  • Inherent Risk detailing risk considerations
  • Governance information detailing information about the published diagram and who has been involved in the approval of the diagram
  • Project status: information about budgeted and actual man-hours spent, percentage completed and the latest milestone, result and quality control of a change process.

In the picture below you can see the Requirement Model’s properties dialogue window, where the properties can be viewed and edited:



Regulation Diagram

Purpose: The purpose of the Regulation Diagram template is to document those regulations the enterprise is subject to in detail, so it can be identified how the enterprise must adhere to them. Regulation diagrams is often used to document compliance by use of compliance matrices.

Core concerns: The Regulation Diagram template can model Regulations, Licenses, Business Scopes, Activities, Business Objects and their Connections. With this pallet of objects, you can model an overview of the regulations your organization must adhere to and break them down to more detailed diagrams describing their paragraphs. We recommend you keep it simple and link the regulations to the relevant Business Processes rather than modelling them in a complex diagram. Below, you can see two example of how you could model a Regulation Diagram for the ISO 9001:2008 standard:



Relation to other templates: As mentioned, the regulations can be linked to the relevant Business Processes or Activities, that typically are detailed in a Workflow Diagram or Business Process Diagram. The Regulation could then be shown as a link below the relevant Business Process or Activity:

How the enterprise will live up to the requirements from the different regulations can also be modelled in a Requirement Model.

Properties and metadata: The Regulation Diagram can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the diagram
  • Link to the owner of the diagram
  • Link to the one responsible for the accuracy of the diagram
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Associated documents, diagrams and other objects
  • Inherent Risk detailing risk considerations
  • Governance information detailing information about the published diagram and who has been involved in the approval of the diagram
  • Project status: information about budgeted and actual man-hours spent, percentage completed and the latest milestone, result and quality control of a change process.

In the picture below you can see the Regulation Diagram’s properties dialogue window, where the properties can be viewed and edited:

Product Variant Master

Purpose: The purpose of the Product Variant Master template is to provide an overall view of a product’s variants and can be modelled from the viewpoints of the Customer, Engineer, Part, or Production.

Core concerns: The Product Variant Master template enables you to model product variants by mapping their parts and part variants. The template includes the following objects: Product, Product Rule, Product Attribute, External Document and General Concept. These objects can then be connected as being Part of Product, Kind of Product, or by a “View Connection”.

The abstraction level that defines whether the model is from the viewpoint of the Customer, Engineer, Part or Production is chosen in the model’s property window.

The model below is a Product Variant Master of a balcony:


Relation to other templates: The Product Variant Master is a decomposition of a Product. As such it is related to the Product Canvas and Product Architecture. It can contain a Product Rule Table and could also be linked to from a Product Roadmap.

Properties and metadata: The Product Variant Master can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the model
  • Choice of the Kind of Notations Graphics
  • Choice of Abstraction Level
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Associated documents, diagrams and other objects
  • Inherent Risk detailing risk considerations
  • Governance information detailing information about the published diagram and who has been involved in the approval of the diagram

The above picture shows the properties dialogue window for the Product Variant Master where you can view and edit the diagram’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager.

For more information: You can learn more about the Product Variant Master model by reading the following article (page 1-7):

Mortensen, Niels Henrik; Hvam, Lars; Haug, Anders: Modelling Product Families for Product Configuration Systems with Product Variant Master. (p. 1-7) In: Wotawa, Franz & Pill, Ingo. (2010). On Classification and Modeling Issues in Distributed Model-based Diagnosis.


Product Rule Table

Purpose: The purpose of the Product Rule Table template is to document the rules pertaining to a specific product.

Core concerns: The Product Rule Table is used as an auxiliary template and functions like a matrix that contains Product Rules.

Below, you can see an example of a Product Rule Table for a balcony:


Relation to other templates: The Product Rule Table is related to templates such as Manufacturing Routing Network, Product Architecture, and Product Variant Master.

Properties and metadata: The Product Rule Table can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the table
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Matrix Behavior

The above picture shows the properties dialogue window for the Product Rule Table where you can view and edit the diagram’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager.

Implement Deployment Viewpoint :ArchiMate

Concerns: Structure of application platforms and how they relate to supporting technology
Purpose: Designing, deciding
Scope: Multiple layer/Multiple aspect

The implementation and deployment viewpoint shows how one or more applications are realized on the infrastructure. This comprises the mapping of applications and components onto artifacts, and the mapping of the information used by these applications and components onto the underlying storage infrastructure.


Requirements Realization Viewpoint : Archimate

Concerns: Architecture strategy and tactics, motivation
Purpose: Designing, deciding, informing
Scope: Motivation

The requirements realization viewpoint allows the designer to model the realization of requirements by the core elements, such as business actors, business services, business processes, application services, application components, etc. Typically, the requirements result from the goal refinement viewpoint.

In addition, this viewpoint can be used to refine requirements into more detailed requirements. The aggregation relationship is used for this purpose.

Migration Viewpoint : Archimate

Concerns: History of models
Purpose: Designing, deciding, informing
Scope: Implementation and Migration

The migration viewpoint entails models and concepts that can be used for specifying the transition from an existing architecture to a desired architecture.