HTML Dashboard

The HTML Dashboard template is used to configure the dashboards introduced in QualiWare 10.8.

The Dashboard is setup up through a HTMLTemplateDefinition’s Dashboard tab:

Graphical user interface, text, application Description automatically generated

It is possible to have multiple Dashboards. In this case they will appear in the selection in the web:

Diagram Description automatically generated with medium confidence

The Dashboard-template contains a collection of DashBoardItems-templates.

Graphical user interface, text Description automatically generated

Furthermore, the Dashboard contains a Settings tab where the Dashboard can be adjusted.

Graphical user interface Description automatically generated

Each DashBoardItems contain 2 tabs relevant for configuring their behaviour.

HTMLDashboard tab:

Graphical user interface Description automatically generated

… And Custom Configuration

Graphical user interface, application Description automatically generated

Configuration of Dashboards

The Dashboard Setting tab contains the setting following table:

Graphical user interface Description automatically generated

Background: You can insert any HTML color, HEX or RGB. This field behaves like color in CSS.

Examples: rgb(204, 255, 229) #E5FFCC PaleGreen

minWidth and maxWidth: The dimensions of the dashboard.

minRow and column: minimum rows amount and columns

cellHeight and CellHeightThrottle: cellHeight- one cell height (default?: ‘auto’). Can be:

  • an integer (px) Example: 20
  • px, em, rem (ex: ‘100px’, ’10em’, ’10rem’)
  • auto – height will be calculated for square cells (width / column) and updated live as you resize the window
  • initial – similar to ‘auto’ (start at square cells) but stay that size during window resizing.

CellHeightThrottle: throttle time delay (in ms) used when cellHeight=’auto’ to improve performance vs usability (default?: 100).

marginTop, marginBottom, marginLeft, marginRight and marginUnit:

The margins can be set with integers or strings. Use marginUnit to define the unit. Example of units: “px” and “em”.

float: enable “floating” items (default: false). Enabling this allow items to be anywhere on the page.

When true:

A picture containing diagram Description automatically generated

When false, items “fall upwards” and stack:

A screenshot of a game Description automatically generated with medium confidence

animate: turns animation on to smooth transitions (default: true). This is used when editing the layout when items swap places.

placeholderText: placeholder default content (default: ‘MOVE HERE’). This is shown when user is in edit mode and dragging the items:

Shape Description automatically generated with medium confidence

rtl: “Right To Left”, Possible values are true, false, ‘auto’. This value has no effect.

In QualiTube, you can find videos about how to configure the Dashboards

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