Performance Diagram

Purpose: The purpose of the Performance Diagram is to provide a view over an organization’s performance in reaching their strategic goals.

Core concerns: The Performance Diagram enables you to model Key Performance Indicators – which can be related to strategic goals, derivative Performance Indicators and Derivation Rules. You can create a Performance Diagram as a decomposition of a Key Performance Indicator and model a hierarchy of performance diagrams. The model below shows an overview of an organizations Key Performance Indicators and their status:

In the following model the Key Performance Indicator has been enriched with derivative performance indicators explaining in more details the status of the performance and how it is measured:

The overview of the Key Performance Indicators can also be presented with a simplistic view, highlighting their status using color coded icons:

Relation to other templates: The Performance Diagram is a Strategic template and can be decomposed from Key Performance indicators contained in, for example, a Balanced Scorecard Diagram or Dashboard.


Properties and metadata: The Performance Diagram can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the diagram
  • Link to the owner of the diagram
  • Link to the one responsible for the diagram
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Associated documents, diagrams and other objects
  • Inherent Risk detailing risk considerations
  • Governance information detailing information about the published diagram and who has been involved in the approval of the diagram

The above picture shows the properties dialogue window for the Performance Diagram where you can view and edit the diagram’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager.

Generic Query

Purpose: The Purpose of the Generic Query template is to provide datasets for QualiWare System templates.

Core concerns: The Generic Query template is an auxiliary template. The Generic Query can be created using a Query Design template which enables you to easily structure the query for creating reports. When creating a Report for a diagram, the Generic Query created using the Query Design should be used as a Data Set in the Report Definition.

A Generic Query can also be generated using its Property Dialog, where you can link to Data Source and filter the data selection using a wizard – see example of the property dialog below:

The Generic Query can, for example, take the form of data sheets:


The Generic Query template can also execute a command using the Advanced Query tab:

Relation to other templates: Generic Queries are automatically created when creating a Query Design. Generic Queries are used in the following templates: HTML Template Definitions, HTML Embedded content, HTML Publisher and HTML Content tab.

Properties and Metadata: The Generic Query can for example rentain the following information:

  • A description
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Query Filter, including a wizard for filter options
  • Attribute Definition
  • Advanced Query
  • Matrix Behavior

The above picture shows the properties dialogue window for the Generic Query where you can view and edit the diagram’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager.

Read more about Query Design and GenericQuery here.



Purpose: The purpose of the Dashboard template is to publish selections of Business Charts targeting different stakeholders. It should be used to gather a series of relevant or connected Business Charts to provide a dashboard-like overview.

Core concerns: The Dashboard template enables you to gather Business Charts, Key Performance Indicators, Performance Indicators and General Concepts to create stakeholder specific views of analyzed data. For example, an Enterprise Architect could find a Dashboard containing Business Charts relevant to the usage and governance of the Enterprise Architecture useful.

Below, you can see examples of different Dashboards presenting an array of Business Charts:




Relation to other templates: The Dashboard template is closely connected to the Business Chart template, as the Dashboard publishes the charts the Business Chart template generates.

Properties and metadata: The Dashboard can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the Dashboard
  • Link to the owner of the Dashboard
  • Link to the one responsible for the Dashboard
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Associated documents, diagrams and other objects
  • Inherent Risk detailing risk considerations
  • Governance information detailing information about the published diagram and who has been involved in the approval of the diagram

The above picture shows the properties dialogue window for the Dashboard template where you can view and edit the dashboard’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager.

Business Chart

Purpose: The purpose of the Business Chart template is to create different graphs and charts using information from other diagrams and templates. The Business charts can then either be published on a Dashboard and/or stored.

Core concerns: The Business Chart template is concerned with analyzing other templates and models. Therefore, it is not modelled like a typical template, but created using the Chart Wizard found in the template’s property window:

Below, you can see the Chart Wizard that helps you create your Business Chart:

The Business Chart template can for example be used to generate a chart over how the capabilities or Key Performance Indicators of an enterprise are performing over time or compared to desired values. Additionally, Business Charts can be used to analyze static data entered in a Matrix model. You choose the input to your Business Chart as a ‘Data Source’ in the templates metadata (see figure under Metadata).

Below, you can see two very different examples of business charts:




Relation to other templates: The Business Charts are published using the Dashboard template.

 Properties and metadata: The Business Chart template can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the diagram
  • Link to the owner of the business chart
  • Link to the one responsible for the business chart
  • Link to data source
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Associated documents, diagrams and other objects
  • Inherent Risk detailing risk considerations
  • Governance information detailing information about the published diagram and who has been involved in the approval of the diagram

The above picture shows the properties dialogue window for the Business Chart Template where you can view and edit the diagram’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager.

Balanced Scorecard Diagram

Purpose: The purpose of the Balanced Scorecard Diagram is to model Balanced Scorecards, as described by Robert Kaplan and David Norton in 1992.

Core concern: Usually, a Balanced Scorecard Diagram template measures the state of the enterprise via Key Performance Indicators that are categorized into four different perspectives using Business Scopes. Aside from this, the template enables you to model general concepts and cause/effect.

Below, you can see an example of a Balanced Scorecard Diagram:


Relation to other templates: The Balanced Scorecard Diagram can be used to create a Performance Evaluation Model or a Strategic Management Diagram the Key Performance Indicators it contains can be broken down into Performance Diagrams offering a detailed view of how the organization performs. If CXO dashboards are to be created, the Strategy Model should be used instead.

Properties and metadata: The Balanced Scorecard Diagram can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the diagram
  • Link to the owner of the diagram
  • Link to the one responsible for the diagram
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Associated documents, diagrams and other objects
  • Inherent Risk detailing risk considerations
  • Governance information detailing information about the published diagram and who has been involved in the approval of the diagram.

The above picture shows the properties dialogue window for the Balanced Scorecard Diagram, where you can view and edit the diagram’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager.