Get Ready for CSRD


The new EU sustainability directive, CSRD, is on everyone’s lips right now for two reasons:

  • First, over the next few years, it will impact the majority of businesses in the EU. And not just in the EU, but also all those companies around the world that collaborate with EU businesses. In other words, CSRD will also affect your business.
  • The second reason is that CSRD is historically ambitious and demands more from sustainability reporting than ever before.

So, for all companies, it’s essential to get started.

And QualiWare can help you with that:

  • At QualiWare, we understand that complying with the CSRD can be complex and even overwhelming.
  • QualiWare can help you manage your journey towards CSRD compliance.

This is how QualiWare can help:

QualiWare makes CSRD compliance easier by describing and exploring the regulations and enabling you to link these with the relevant processes, policies, objectives ect. within your organization.

For instance, with QualiWare, you can specify who is responsible for the specific tasks or data required by the CSRD. This ensures you always have a clear overview of how you meet each CSRD requirement.

Additionally, QualiWare aids in identifying and managing potential risks associated with these processes and enables you to develop effective management strategies.

Designed for collaboration, QualiWare streamlines the process of keeping everything up to date and aligned with necessary actions.

Overall, QualiWare not only saves you time and money but also makes the compliance process much simpler and more efficient. With QualiWare, you can rest assured that your organization complies with the CSRD, contributing to a more sustainable future.

About the webinar:

The webinar is targeted at everyone working with compliance and/or sustainability management.

It will be somewhat technical, as we will show how our tool can help you.

So after the webinar, you will have a good sense of how QualiWare can help you manage the CSRD requirements– and you will know how to achieve compliance with QualiWare.

On the webinar we will show:

How you can use the regulation diagrams to explore, understand, and scope the regulations that are relevant for your organization

For each of the relevant parts of the regulations, you can associate one or more objects to document your compliance, e.g. processes, policies, objectives and plans.

For each of the complying objects, you can use the QualiWare governance workflow engine to distribute responsibility in the organization and monitor progress

You can use the comprehensive modeling capability in QualiWare to model the relevant parts needed to get a comprehensive overview of the different parts, such as your ecosystem, supply chain, value streams, product architecture, products, etc.

In addition, QualiWare also contains a whole set of models related to  keep track of your  strategy model, plans, goals, and roadmaps related to your sustainability efforts.


  • Martin Tølle, Business Architect, QualiWare


  • Kevin Bowles, Product Owner: Enterprise Architecture at QualiWare.

Additional information

Read more about QualiWare and CSRD here.

Business Architecture

QualiWare has included the PRG Framework for Business Architecture from the Process Renewal Group.

The Process Renewal Group model, which is the origin of the BPTrends methodology, was originally formulated in the mid-nineties and has undergone continuing evolution for twenty years to remain a modern way of designing a business. It incorporates the best of the approaches described so far combined with other ideas that have stood the test of time. Within the past year it has been subject to a significant update to connect traditional and new ideas into a comprehensive Business Architecture framework and methodology as depicted in the figure below. The diagram shows the main logic of the discovery and design process.

As can be seen in picture above, the framework support the phases from defining the business to its operation:

  • Define the Business
  • Design the Business
  • Build the Business
  • Operate the Business

The Framework has been modelled as an Architecture Framework in QualiWare. Each of the 4 phase are broken down into 4 areas (framework cells), and for each of the 16 cells we have mapped relevant QualiWare templates that supports the associated task.

The PRG Framework has been incorporated in the QualiWare version 10.9 as part of a dedicated dekstop for Business Architecture.

More information:


EDGY – Create a better enterprise

Are you stuck in an IT-centric architecture practice? Are you challenged to drive outside-in, experience-driven, purposeful business transformations? Are you looking to better engage executives, and your peers in product and service delivery, operational and organization design?

Then EDGY is for you! Wolfgang and Milan from the Intersection Group will introduce you to the Open Source tool EDGY, designed to connect people and their perspectives, disciplines and conversations.

Instead of complicated models that make people glaze over and look at their phones, EDGY is simple, colorful, easy to use and understand.

This webinar shows how you, as an enterprise or business architect, can apply EDGY to co-create a better enterprise that attracts customers, where employees thrive, and purposes are achieved.

EDGY has been integrated into QualiWare X! Martin from QualiWare will show you how you can work with EDGY within QualiWare X.


  • Milan Guenther, President at Intersection Group
  • Woflgang Goebl, President at Intersection Group
  • Martin Tølle, Business Architect at QualiWare


  • Kevin Bowles, Enterprise Architect at QualiWare

Read more about EDGY and QualiWare:

How to utilize AI in EA

AI is a major trend in the field of Enterprise Architecture. At QualiWare, we have been engaged in this realm for quite some time, recognizing the immense value it can bring to our customers.

In our webinar, we will delve into the reasons behind our AI integration into QualiWare X 10.9, how it works and the value it will bring.

Moreover, we will address the challenges and concerns inherent in working with Artificial Intelligence.


  • Russell Blair, Solutions Architect at QualiWare, and
  • Kuno Brodersen, CEO at QualiWare.


  • Kevin Bowles, Product Owner: Enterprise Architecture at QualiWare.

Is your Architecture EDGY?

The webinar shows how you, as an enterprise architect, and your colleagues can create a better enterprise, that attracts customers, where employees thrive, and goals are reached.

In the webinar, we introduce the new enterprise design Open Source tool EDGY, designed to connect people and their perspectives, disciplines, conversations, and negotiations.


  • Milan Guenther, President at Intersection Group
  • Kuno Brodersen, CEO at QualiWare


  • Alexander James Jensen, Enterprise Architect at QualiWare

Read more about EDGY and QualiWare:


QualiWare supports the EDGY-language created by the Intersection Group.

EDGY introduces a set of reusable Enterprise Elements as a simple but powerful graphical language everybody can understand and relate to. This is a tool that enables designers, architects and change makers to co-design a coherent enterprise by collaboratively exploring the most impactful perspectives and translating between them.

Facet elements:

  • Identity: describing the identifying elements that explain why the enterprise exists and what it seeks to achieve.
  • Architecture: describing the way the enterprise works and how its different parts fit together to deliver.
  • Experience: describing the way the enterprise seeks to appear in and add value to people’s lives.


Intersection elements:

  • Product: what we make, offer and deliver for people’s benefit.
  • Brand: our name and what it stands for, our reputation and image.
  • Organisation: a group of people working together to create intended outcomes.


Common base elements

  • People: individuals or groups of people relevant for the enterprise.
  • Outcome: a result, goal or change we achieve within our enterprise or its ecosystem.
  • Object: a object or entity that is relevant to our enterprise.
  • Activity: what is being done or going on in our enterprise or its ecosystem

QualiWare support for EDGY in QualiWare 10.9

A whole new set of desktops and dashboards have been developed together witht the Intersection Group, and the underlying metamodel have been updated to the latest version of “EDGY 23: Language Foundations”

The dashboards for the different EDGY maps have been updated to reflect the latest changes in the language, including the relationship between the different EDGY elements.

The EDGY overview desktop gives fast access to most recent changes, your maps, and to-do lists, as well as shows the amount and usage of content in the respository.

In addition, dedicated desktops have been created for each of the 3 facets, and for the base and enterprise level.

EDGY 23 in QualiWare 10.9

QualiWare support for EDGY in QualiWare 10.8

Webinar on Design Sprints

Watch the recording

On 13 December 3pm CET, Milan Guenther will give a free webinar on Design Sprints and empowering your intrapreneurs for rapid innovation.

milanThe role of a change agent in an enterprise is no easy one. Even with the right entrepreneurial spirits in your teams, politics, silos, established cultural traits and operational challenges get in the way. This has led many enterprises to try a different way. Diving into intrapreneurship programs employing lean and agile approaches, organizations are attempting to catch up with the startup world.

The ideas of working in rapid iterative sprints and avoiding waste have proven vital to overcome the natural inertia of organizations. The Design Sprint was originally developed at Google Ventures with Silicon Valley pioneers. It is a rapid innovation workshop format that aims to tackle problems for teams of any size, validating the challenge and potential solutions before investing into their realization.

Milan Guenther

In this webinar, Milan will introduce Enterprise Design Sprints, a variant of the original tool developed working with the likes of Google, SAP and Toyota. It is designed specifically to get innovation initiatives up to speed, mapping complexity rather than ignoring it, and triggering transformation dynamics. Find out more about the Enterprise Design Sprint methodology and download the free Sprint Canvas here.

Register for the webinar now!

Milan Guenther is managing partner at eda.c, a strategic design consultancy, and Google certified Design Sprint Master. He is the author of INTERSECTION, a book introducing the enterprise design approach for holistic design in complex enterprises, and organising the INTERSECTION conference series about strategic enterprise design. Milan works with organisations like SAP, Boeing, Toyota and the UN, as well as smaller organisations and start-up companies. He has been a designer and architect for over 12 years. Before co-founding eda.c, he worked as a freelance UX strategist and launched a social software startup.

Webinar Series on Enterprise Design

At the recent Gartner EA Summit in London, John Gøtze made a presentation on Architecting for Business Outcomes: Enterprise Design Meets Enterprise Architecture. QualiWare arranges a series of webinars on the themes of that talk:

A demonstration of QualiWare solutions
Presented by Kuno Brodersen
Date: 10th of June
Time: 13:30 CET

Architecting for Business Outcomes: Enterprise Design Meets Enterprise Architecture
Presented by Dr. John Gøtze
Date: 13th of June
Time: 14:00 CET

Business Outcomes and the Public Sector
Presented by Dr. John Gøtze
Date: 19th of June
Time: 15:00 CET

A demonstration of QualiWare Roadmaps
Presented by Kuno Brodersen
Date: 1st of July
Time: 15:00 CET

Enterprise Awkwardness and Customer Experience
Presented by Dr. John Gøtze
Date: 21st of August
Time: 15:00 CET

Demonstration of QualiWare Customer Journey Map
Presented by Kuno Brodersen
Date: 25th of August
Time: 15:00 CET

Enterprise Design

Milan Guenther and John Gøtze

When dealing with enterprises, customers are all too used to strange and often quite frustrating experiences. Enterprises seem to make even simple transactions difficult and complex to deal with. Straightforward activities such as booking tickets for a journey, paying your taxes, subscribing to health insurance, or resolving a problem with your energy supplier require us to embark on a laborious journey, jumping between call centers, online forms, and missing information. Most of us have had a lot of such experiences, be it with companies, government institutions, or other types of enterprises, making them appear slow, rude, and inhumane. When looking at the big picture of human-enterprise interaction, the Twitter hashtag most people think of is probably #fail.

Digital is everywhere, inseparable even from physical interactions and personal services. This ubiquitous, fluid digital layer is in sharp contrast to the way many organizations treat their digital touchpoints with people. Enterprises need to redesign and restructure themselves around human needs, and appreciate the complexity of human experiences in a digital age.

The Architecture Challenge
Appreciating the fact that it is not just the quality of one element but the intersections and transitions between those elements that make or break customer experiences (or employee, shareholder or partner experiences for that matter), such an approach would look at everything relevant, attempting to understand and reshape the entire system. This requires overcoming the “thought silos” of the past, e.g. between architecture, development and operations. Only by making those elements part of one strategy is a business able to transform its enterprise ecosystem in order to deliver on its promise to people.

Whilst enterprise architecture frameworks usually provide in-depth tools and methodologies for taming the alignment of business and IT, very few approaches go further in considering and explaining how to avoid the alignment trap altogether.

The scope and role of the enterprise architect is gradually changing from problem solving to problem finding and from dialectic to dialogic skills. The former is expressed in the way in which enterprise architecture has gradually transitioned from the “classic” domain of business drivers and IT requirements into dealing with many different domains of the enterprise, e.g. business strategy, operations, capability development, etc. These non-IT areas typically deal with “wicked”, ill-defined problems, which are very hard to solve with traditional engineering methods. Instead, skills such as continuous learning, exploration, collaboration, and enquiry are required. The latter is expressed in the increasing need for cross-departmental, cross-disciplinary collaboration and learning in the modern organization in order to solve complex business issues. In the light of this changing role, systems thinking again provides a compelling approach for framing and analyzing these challenges, for example through concepts of organizational sense-making and loosely-coupled systems.

The complex and volatile nature of complex systems quickly becomes overwhelming, with business processes, enterprise actors, brand interactions, culture, content, business models, technology or touchpoints being just tiny parts of the puzzle. Too often in a classic decision-centric management setting, long lists of requirements as the basis for all further endeavors seem to just magically appear out of nothing and remain unquestioned, instead of being part of a larger vision and purposeful design of the business. When design competency is called in, it is often too late – the inconsistencies and missing links that turn out in bad experiences are already hard-wired and constrain the solution space.

Enterprise Design
The key challenges enterprises face are best tackled by addressing them in a strategic design initiative, working in a holistic and coherent fashion. Enterprise Design. In this context, an enterprise can be seen as a purposeful endeavor, an idea shared by the various people involved, and a set of identities, architectures and experiences to be designed.

The Enterprise Design Framework a set of 20 interrelated aspects loosely corresponding to disciplines and approaches used in strategic design work, is meant to be used as a map to navigate the complex space of intermingled concerns that is the playing field of strategic design work, providing a common language as well as a checklist of elements to consider. Going from top to bottom, it allows bridging abstract strategic thinking with conceptual and creative work, and turning this into tangible and visible outcomes.

Using an adapted industrial design process, the Enterprise Design Framework allows making design choices on different levels aligned with strategy. By looking at the business from a human-centric Customer Experience perspective, such a design captures a meaningful, viable and feasible future state. This in turn can be used to realign the various moving parts of enterprise ecosystems in traceable models, making them strive towards a common vision.




Read more about the Intersection Group here

QualiWare supports the EDGY-language created by the Intersection Group.

Read more here: