Data Type

In the context of a Class Diagram, a datatype is a specialized kind of classifier that represents a simple, non-composite type of data. It is used to define the types of attributes, parameters, and return values for classes and their operations. Unlike classes, datatypes typically don’t have operations or behaviors associated with them, focusing primarily on the structure of the data.

When creating a Class Diagram, you can use predefined datatypes (provided by the modeling tool or the underlying modeling language, such as UML) or define your own custom datatypes to represent specific data structures needed for your system. These custom datatypes can then be used as templates for defining the types of attributes or operation parameters and return values in your classes.

For example, consider a Class Diagram for a software system that manages books in a library. You might define a custom datatype called “ISBN” to represent the International Standard Book Number format. In this case, the “ISBN” datatype can be used as a template for the “isbn” attribute in the “Book” class. This helps ensure consistent representation and interpretation of ISBN data across the system.

Non Conformance

A Non-Conformance is used to document findings of discrepancies between a Regulation or a documented procedure and the actual situation or activity carried out in the organization.

A Non-Conformance can be related to one ore more object(s) in the repository.

Below is a web-view of an example of a Non-Conformance, showing the essential properties (this can be configured).

Web view of a Non-Conformance

The Non-Conformance above is in state Verification, which is the last stage in the standard governance workflow for “Non-Conformances” (this flow can be configured if needed, click here to read more about governance workflows.)

NonConformance properties

The NonConformance tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Observation Observation The precise observation.
Explanation Explanation Why the observation is a non conformance.
Against Against Relations to standard or procedures not conformed to.
Links to: Activity, BusinessConnection, FreeHandDiagram, InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Regulation, Role, WorkFlowDiagram, WorkModel.
Date OriginatedDate The date of origin for this NonConformance.
Originated By OriginatedBy Relation to the originater of this NonConformance.
Links to: InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Role.
Priority Priority Priority for handling this NonConformance.
Choices are:
Status Status Status for this NonConformance
Choices are:
Responsible HasResponsible Link to party responsible for handling this non conformance
Links to: InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Role.

The Recommend tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
 Rec. Date RecommendedDate CreationDate of this recommendation.
Recommended By RecommendedBy The Person/Group responsible for this recommendation.
Links to: InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Role.
Due date DueDate Due date for action
Estimated Resource Requirement EstimatedResourceRequirement Estimated cost to carry out the corrective action
Recommended action RecommendedAction Recommended action for this NonConformance.

The Action taken tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Start Date StartDate Starting date.
End Date EndDate Ending date.
Action taken by ActionTakenBy Relation to person/group who executed the action.
Links to: InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Role.
Cost of Non Conformance CostOfNonConformance Cost caused by the non conformance
Resources Spent ResourcesSpent Actual cost of corrective action
Corrective Action Taken CorrectiveActionTaken A description of the corrective action taken.
Closing date ClosingDate The closing date for this NonConformance

See more about management of non-conformances here.





The specification of a service that may be requested from objects.

Operation properties

The Operation tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short Description ShortDescription
Type MethodType Choices are:
Modifier Modifier Choices are:
Property Property Choices are:
Sequential Sequential Initial value is on.
Guarded Guarded Initial value is off.
Concurrent Concurrent Initial value is off.
isQuery isQuery Initial value is off.
Parameters HasParameters Links to: Parameter.

The Precondition tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Precondition PreCondition

The Signals tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Outbound RaisedSignals Links to: Signal.
Reception ReceivedSignals Links to: Signal.

The Postcondition tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Postcondition PostCondition

The Extensions tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Stereotype Stereotype Links to: Stereotype.
Constraints HasConstraints Links to: Constraint.
Tagged values HasTaggedValues Links to: TagDefinition.


Description of a parameter to or from an operation.

Parameter properties

The Parameter tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Default value DefaultValue
Kind Kind Choices are:
Type HasType Links to: DataType, Interface, Class.
Transfer method TransferMethod Choices are:

The Extensions tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Stereotype Stereotype Links to: Stereotype.
Constraints HasConstraints Links to: Constraint.
Tagged values HasTaggedValues Links to: TagDefinition.

Partner Link

A PartnerLink is a physical place where a process is running

Preventive Action

Definition of an action with the purpose of avoiding certain incidents

PreventiveAction properties

The PreventiveAction tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short description ShortDescription Short verbal description of the PreventiveAction
Related Non-Conformance RelatedNonConformance Links to NonConformance related to this action
Links to: NonConformance.
Responsible HasResponsible Link to responsible for this PreventiveAction
Links to: InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Resource, Role.
Goals HasGoal Links to: Goal.
Plan of action PlanOfAction Link to ProjectActivity or WorkModelshowing dates and resources for plans to execute this PreventiveAction
Links to: ProjectActivity, WorkModel.
Due date DueDate
Estimated Cost EstimatedCost Estimated cost of carrying out this action

The Action taken tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Start Date StartDate Starting date.
End Date EndDate Ending date.
Action taken by ActionTakenBy Relation to person/group who executed the action.
Links to: InterestGroup, OrganizationUnit, Person, Position, Role.
Cost of Non Conformance CostOfNonConformance Cost caused by the non conformance
Resources Spent ResourcesSpent Actual cost of corrective action
Corrective Action Taken CorrectiveActionTaken A description of the corrective action taken.
Closing date ClosingDate The closing date for this NonConformance

Quality Audit

The QualityAudit object is used to document audits in an organization. This can be either internal or external audits of any type.

An audit can be part of an audit program and can be controlled by a governance workflow (click here to see the standard flow).

Web view of an QualityAudit


Read more about how to manage audit here




QualityAudit properties

The QualityAudit tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short Description ShortDescription Short verbal description for this audit
Lead Auditor HasLeadAuditor Link to an entity who is LeadAuditor in this QualityAudit
Links to: BusinessConnection, InterestGroup, Person, Position, Role.
Auditor HasAuditor Link to an entity who is auditor in this QualityAudit
Links to: BusinessConnection, InterestGroup, Person, Position, Role.
Auditee HasAuditee Link to an entity who is audited in this QualityAudit
Links to: BusinessConnection, InterestGroup, Person, Position, Role.
Audit Date AuditDate

The Subject tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Target process TargetProcess Target for the QualityAudit
Links to: BusinessDiagram, BusinessProcess, BusinessProcessNetwork, WorkFlowDiagram.
Target regulation TargetRegulation Target regulation for the QualityAudit
Links to: Regulation, RegulationDiagram.
Questions AuditQuestions List of questions relevant for the audit

The Findings tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Non-Conformance NonConformance Link to NonConformance detected during this audit
Links to: NonConformance.
Change Request ChangeRequest Link to ChangeRequest generated during this audit
Links to: ChangeRequest.
Conclusion Conclusion Verbal conclusion for this QualityAudit
Lead Auditor LeadAuditorApproval Link to the lead auditor who approved this QualityAudit
Links to: Person, Position.
Process Owner ProcessOwnerApproval Link to the process owner who approved this QualityAudit
Links to: Person, Position.
Auditee TargetEntityApproval Links to: Person, Position.

The Breaks Down To tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Breaks down to BreaksDownTo Link to sub-audits for this QualityAudit
Links to: QualityAudit.


A report executed from a Document Fragment.