Governance Bool List

The GovernanceBoolList is used in relation to a GovernanceWorkflow e.g. to specify a set of conditions for a GovernanceTransition to take place.

The GovernanceBoolList returns either true or false and can be used to tell:

  1. if an action should run
  2. if the transition should be visible

A GovernanceBoolList can contain several GovernanceBoolMethods, and if just one returns false the Condition will return false.

Governance Action Method

The GovernanceActionList or a single GovernanceActionMethod is used in relation to a GovernanceWorkflow and can be activated when doing a transition (GovernanceTransition/GovernanceConditionalMessage) either before (pre) or after (post).

It can also be activated when an event happens (GovernanceEventMessage).

Short description: Here you give a short description of the GovernanceActionMethod. This should be able to give the user an overview of the feature.

Condition: Contains a GovernanceBoolList or GovernanceBoolMethod (the action will not run if it does not evaluate to true).

Verify: Verifies the Method. If the action is verified, today’s date, OK checkmark, and a “Method OK” will be filled out.

GovernanceActionMethod – Advanced

Is check method: Indicates if the action should check specified conditions on the object or if the action should be run on the object.

Method actual name: The name of the C# function to run. There is a set of predefined methods available.

  • A list of check methods is available, see section 10.2.2
  • A list of methods that are not check methods is available, see section 0

It is also possible to define a custom function.

You can click the icon to get some help to the selected Method.


Level: In case an error occurs during action execution, this is the error level to be used to inform the user.

  • If level is set to Error, the action will stop executing and all following actions (see GovernanceActionList) will not run. An error message is displayed to the user.
    • Example: If the action is set to run as pre-action on a transition and the action fails, it will result in the transition not happening. The object will remain in the state it is already in.
  • If level is set to Warning, the action will stop executing. Any following actions will still run. A warning message is displayed to the user.
    • Example: If the action is set to run as pre-action on a transition and the action fails, it will result in the following actions to be run. If these actions do not fail, the transition will be successful.

Parameter: Corresponding parameters – predefined for the current possible methods.

For most of the methods there are some parameters that can be set. Right click in the window and select: “Add Parameters…” to get the list of parameters.

The parameters are predefined for the GovernanceActionMethods in the standard GovernanceWorkFlow, but can be configured/customized.

For some methods Relations and Template filter and/or Attributes to be checked can be added as Parameters.

Predefined methods for when the action is not a check method

Each of the Predefined GovernanceCheckMethods – when the action is not a check method is explained in the following table. Where available the standard parameters are shown for each of the methods. Note that each of the Values needs to be specified, see below.

Method Description
SetObjectAttributeList Set one or more attributes on the object.
SetAttributeListByRelation Set one or more attributes on objects related to the current object. E.g. content of a diagram.
Approve This will approve the object. Parameters control if content of models should be approved along with the parent model.
If content will be approved along with the parent, it is also possible to define if content controlled by GWE will follow the parent or follow its own GovernanceWorkFlow.
Promote This will promote the object. Parameters control if content of models should be promoted along with the parent model.
If content will be promoted along with the parent, it is also possible to define if content controlled by GWE will follow the parent or follow its own GovernanceWorkFlow.
CreateNewRevision This will create a new revision of the object. Parameters control if object should be published.
FreezeObject Freezes the object (it will be readonly). (No parameters to be set)
CreateAcknowledgeList Creates an AcknowledgeList for the object. (No parameters to be set)
CreateLanguageVariants Creates a LanguageVariant for the object. (No parameters to be set)
ApproveByRelation Performs approve routine according to the relations
PromoteByRelation Performs promote routine according to the relations
NewRevisionByRelation Creates a new revision for all objects according to the relations
FreezeByRelation Freeze all objects in accordance to the relations
AcknowledgeListByRelation Create acknowledge list or all objects according to the relations
PublishContent Publish current content.
PostByRelation Post for all objects according to the relations.
EventActionByRelation Send an Event Action for all objects following relation.
ResetCanApprove Reset CanApprove for the current object. (No parameters to be set)
ResetCanApproveByRelation Reset CanApprove for all objects following relation.
EmailAllParticipants Send an email to all participants.
GlobalUpdateParticipantList Update the participants list
GlobalAcknowledgeListChange Execute a global acknowledge list change
GlobalCheckAcknowledgementSLA Perform a SLA check on acknowledgement

Predefined methods for when the action is a check method

When the check box ‘Is check method’ is enabled the predefined methods for a check are shown. See in the image below.

Method Description
CheckAttributeList Performs a list of check in some attributes for the object.
CheckAttributeListByRelation Performs a list of check in some attributes for all object following a relation for a specific template
CheckUnableToUpdateObject Will give a message to the user, when the object cannot be updated (No parameters to be set)
CheckChangesOnAttrList Returns error message if attribute is not changed with a change event.
CheckUnableToUpdateContent Will give a message to the user, when some of the content on a diagram cannot be updated (No parameters to be set)
IsStateByRelation Checks if object is in a target state and returns error if not. (TemplateFilter can be removed if not required.)
DoCompareDate Returns an error message if the dates do not respect the condition.

Add attributes to be checked

Some of the Method have parameters that can be specified.

Right click in the window to “Add Parameters…”

Once a parameter is added, you can click on the three dots in the Value column to choose from the menu.

The value can be a custom input or one of the predefined. Generic Content gives the choice of checking if the attribute is empty or not empty. Object Attribute gives you a list of attributes on the chosen object. Governance Attributes are governance specific values. explained in the table below.

Note the list of available Governance Attributes depends on the method.

GovernanceAttribute Description
GovernanceCurrentState Check the current State-object that the object is in (returns the State object)
GovernanceStatus Check the current status of the object (returns a string with the status)
GovernanceMessageComment The message written when a user does the transition is returned
GovernanceNextApprover Check the approver of the next governance state
GovernanceOnStatusSince The date for when the object got into its current state (used for calculating how long it takes to changes states for analytics and governance history)
GovernanceDateLimitOnState The limit on state is calculated from the set SLA and time limit set for each state
GovernanceCycleOwner Checks the cycle owner of the object
GovernanceCycleCount The cycle count of the governance flow
GovernanceRecyclingCount The workflow can be setup to count the number of rewinds is being done (requires a configuration of the standard workflows)
GovernanceWarningDate Checks the warning date
GovernanceLimitDate Checks the limit date
GovernanceSLA Checks the SLA value
GovernanceSignatureDone Checks the number of signatures
GovernanceSignatureMissing Checks the missing signatures
GovernanceSignal Check the governance signal

Generic Table Interface

The Generic Table Interface enables import or export data to and from QualiWare.

It is possible to import data from multiple sources as instances of templates within QualiWare.

The GenericTableInterface template can import and export to Delimited text files such as a comma-separated values (CVS).

See Guide to Generic Table Interface for details.

Active Directory Sync Setup

The ActiveDirectorySyncSetup template is a system template previously used to synchronize objects between the active directory and QLM. This however is now done in QEF or via the tools menu:

Acknowledge List

The Acknowledge list function enables you to keep track of and document which of your employees have read which relevant documentation.

An acknowledge list is used to select a group of people who must digitally acknowledge that they have read or studied specific sets of documentation. This can for example be a diagram, a document, or a set of regulations. An acknowledge list can be a one to one or a many to many relationships between objects and people. This means that you can have several people, InterestGroups, OrganizationalUnits or several objects listed in the same acknowledge list.

Once a user is assigned to acknowledge an object, the user will get a govenance task, and an “Acknowledge” action-button is shown in relation to e.g. the Diagram:

The Acknowledge history can be seen on the “Acknowledge History” tab:


A user can access their ackowledge task(s) via their “My task” action button in the top right

And from their “To Do list” from the desktop.

Governance Workflow

Purpose: The purpose of the Governance Workflow template is to enable tailored governance solutions for the objects in your repository.

Core concerns: The Governance Workflow template enables you to model Governance Roles and Governance States. The Governance States are placed inside a Governance Role (just like a workflow diagram) and are connected by Governance Transitions, Governance Conditional Messages, and Governance Event Messages.

Below, you can see an example of a Governance Workflow:

The green arrows symbolize a Governance Transition towards the approval of an object while the red arrows symbolize a Governance Transition towards the development state of an object. The blue arrows are Governance Conditional Messages. While the broad, dark green arrows are the preferred Governance Transition, the lighter green colored arrows are alternate routes to the approved state.

Relation to other templates: The Governance Workflow template is a template that can be applied to any of the published objects or diagrams in the repository.

Properties and metadata: The Governance Workflow template can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the workflow
  • Link to the owner of the Governance Master Role (the master role gives “governance-access” to all objects in scope for the governance flow)

  • Further details can be added under the different tabs such as email settings (needs to be set up i the QEF console in order to available)

  • Under “Detail” you select the templates that should be governed by the flow (highlighted below):

  • Once you have made any changes to a flow, you need to execute maintenance to make the changes take effect to existing objects in the repository, and update participants

  • Click the 3 buttons one at a time to synchronize

HTML Dialog Layout

Purpose: The purpose of the HTML Dialog Layout template is to enable the organization to tailor the objects Dialog Layout on the collaboration platform.

Core concerns: The HTML Dialog Layout template enables you to model HTML Dialog Layout, HTML Dialog Fields, HTML Dialog Groups and HTML Dialog Text. Using these elements, you can design the content of your dialogs. Below you can see an example of a Dialog Layout for a Business Process Network:

Relation to other templates: The HTML Dialog Layout template is, like the other HTML templates, a tool for creating a fully tailored collaboration platform that meet the needs of the specific organization. As such it is related to HTML Mega Menu, Generic Query and Query Design.

Properties and metadata: The HTML Dialog Layout template can for example retain the following information:

  • A description
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state)
  • Access rights (such as linking to roles with read/write rights)
  • Layout (such as dialog title and colors)
  • Sub-dialogs (shown as additional tabs in the dialog)

The above picture shows the properties dialogue window for the HTML Dialog Layout template, where you can view and edit the diagram’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager.

The access tab is used to specify which dialog description to use for any situation.

  • Roles with Read-Write: Role is used in the calculations of which HTMLDialogLayout is used when user triggers an action requiring a webform.
  • Customizations: Customization is used in the calculations of which HTMLDialogLayout is used when user triggers an action requiring a webform.

It is possible to set up multiple customization if needed.

From QualiWare 10.5 it is possible to have two versions of a form to edit objects from the web, a Simple and an Advanced form. If you specify the simple form, the advanced form will automatically be generated. The “advanced” form that has the full metamodel for our object (all tabs and all attributes). (see more details in the release note for QualiWare 10.5).

HTML Mega Menu

Purpose: The purpose of the HTML Mega Menu template is to enable the tailoring of the left menu on the collaboration platform.

Core concerns: The HTML Mega Menu template enables you to build the left menu using HTML Mega Menu Items, which can be layered. The example below shows how a menu looks in our modelling tool:

The screenshots below show how a menu can look on the collaboration platform and how the sub-menus are shown:

The left menu can be configured for differently for diffrent roles. The left menu can be modelled in 3 levels:

The HTMLMegaMenu is composed of HTML Mega Menu Items.

The Mega Menu is published to the Web via the HTML Publisher.

Relation to other templates: The HTML Mega Menu is related to the other HTML templates such as Generic Query, HTML Dialog Layout and Query Design.


Properties and metadata: The HTML Mega Menu template can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the diagram
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Menu settings
  • Text settings

The above picture shows the properties dialogue window for the HTML Mega Menu template, where you can view and edit the diagram’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager.

Query Design

Purpose: The purpose of the Query Design template is to enable easy design of Generic Queries.

Core concerns: The Query Design template enables you to model Object Queries and Relation Queries into Generic Queries. When creating a Query Design, a Generic Query will be generated automatically and appear graphically on the diagram as a white triangle in a green circle – see the model below:

Relation to other templates: The Query Design template is used to generate Generic Query templates which can be used in creating Report Definitions, Spreadsheets and HTMLQueryResultViews.

Properties and Metadata: The Query Design Template can for example rentain the following information:

  • A description
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Query filter (with wizard for filter options)

The above pictures show the properties dialogue window for the Query Design Template where you can view and edit the diagram’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager

You can see an example of a Query Design in the QualiTube sections, where there is a video on Composity Query Design.

Read more about Query Design and GenericQuery here.