Value Stream

A ValueStream is a step in a ValueStreamModel, representing a step in a stream.

A ValueStream has inherited a set of the properties from the BusinessProcess, enabling to describe it:

  • from a RASCI  (Responsible, Accountable, Support, Consulted, Informed) point of view
  • Capability view
  • IGOE (Input, Guide, Output, Enbler) point of view
  • Economic point of view

Value Stream Model

Purpose: The purpose of a Value Stream Model is to model a value stream end-to-end from the perspective of one stakeholder and one value proposition.

Core concerns: The Value Stream Model template enables you to model the value stream stages, triggering stakeholder, and the value proposition. The value stream represents a formal description of how stakeholder value is delivered.

Value Chain Model

Purpose: The purpose of a Value Chain Model is to model a value chain and show relationships to essential elements of an organization, such as capabilities, policies, regulations, information concepts and systems.

Core concerns: The Value Chain Model template enables you to model Business Processes, Capabilities, Information Concepts, Information Systems, Organizations Units, Goals, KeyPerformanceIndicators, Policies, Regulations, Risks and Opportunities.


Value chain models can help businesses by:
  • Highlighting weak points in core functions and processes
  • Breaking down all the activities that go into producing a good or service and understanding areas of cost savings and differentiation
  • Optimizing efforts, eliminating waste, and improving profitability
  • Visualising relationships between processes and capabilities

Value Proposition

A value proposition stands as a promise by a company to a customer or market segment.

The proposition is an easy-to-understand reason why a customer should buy a product or service from that particular business.

A value propostion can be shown as a symbol in a ValueStream

In a ValuePropostionCanvas a ValueProposition can be shown as a “canvas” where Gains and Pains can be mapped together with the Products & Services for a ValueProposition.

Strategic Alignment

The template is used to model a connection from a strategic object to another object on a diagram, e.g. from a goal to a process.


Business Case

A business case object describes a business case, and it can be decribed with a set of properties.

Including economic attributes

and more

Audit Program

The Purpose of the the AuditProgram template is to collect a set of audits in a plan/program.

You can create an AuditProgram from the Compliance Desktop on the Web, or via the Repository Explorer.

An auditprogram have a dedicated focus, e.g. “ISO9001 audits Q3-2022” and collects a set of audits each having their own details and governance flow, cf. the QualityAudit-template.

Read more about how to manage audit programs here





Quality Audit

The QualityAudit object is used to document audits in an organization. This can be either internal or external audits of any type.

An audit can be part of an audit program and can be controlled by a governance workflow (click here to see the standard flow).

Web view of an QualityAudit


Read more about how to manage audit here




QualityAudit properties

The QualityAudit tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Short Description ShortDescription Short verbal description for this audit
Lead Auditor HasLeadAuditor Link to an entity who is LeadAuditor in this QualityAudit
Links to: BusinessConnection, InterestGroup, Person, Position, Role.
Auditor HasAuditor Link to an entity who is auditor in this QualityAudit
Links to: BusinessConnection, InterestGroup, Person, Position, Role.
Auditee HasAuditee Link to an entity who is audited in this QualityAudit
Links to: BusinessConnection, InterestGroup, Person, Position, Role.
Audit Date AuditDate

The Subject tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Target process TargetProcess Target for the QualityAudit
Links to: BusinessDiagram, BusinessProcess, BusinessProcessNetwork, WorkFlowDiagram.
Target regulation TargetRegulation Target regulation for the QualityAudit
Links to: Regulation, RegulationDiagram.
Questions AuditQuestions List of questions relevant for the audit

The Findings tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Non-Conformance NonConformance Link to NonConformance detected during this audit
Links to: NonConformance.
Change Request ChangeRequest Link to ChangeRequest generated during this audit
Links to: ChangeRequest.
Conclusion Conclusion Verbal conclusion for this QualityAudit
Lead Auditor LeadAuditorApproval Link to the lead auditor who approved this QualityAudit
Links to: Person, Position.
Process Owner ProcessOwnerApproval Link to the process owner who approved this QualityAudit
Links to: Person, Position.
Auditee TargetEntityApproval Links to: Person, Position.

The Breaks Down To tab

Property  Metamodel name Description
Breaks down to BreaksDownTo Link to sub-audits for this QualityAudit
Links to: QualityAudit.


A Requirement is a prioritized demand placed on the project by one of its interested parties. Often it is the buyer the user or the management that have Requirements to the scope or results of the projects. But it can also technical requirements that appears because of constraints in the physical equipment or the algorithmic solutions chosen.

It is recommended to build a Requirement hierarchy by relating one Requirement to the sub requirements that composes it.

Requirement can be modelled in a Requirement Model.

Performance Diagram

Purpose: The purpose of the Performance Diagram is to provide a view over an organization’s performance in reaching their strategic goals.

Core concerns: The Performance Diagram enables you to model Key Performance Indicators – which can be related to strategic goals, derivative Performance Indicators and Derivation Rules. You can create a Performance Diagram as a decomposition of a Key Performance Indicator and model a hierarchy of performance diagrams. The model below shows an overview of an organizations Key Performance Indicators and their status:

In the following model the Key Performance Indicator has been enriched with derivative performance indicators explaining in more details the status of the performance and how it is measured:

The overview of the Key Performance Indicators can also be presented with a simplistic view, highlighting their status using color coded icons:

Relation to other templates: The Performance Diagram is a Strategic template and can be decomposed from Key Performance indicators contained in, for example, a Balanced Scorecard Diagram or Dashboard.


Properties and metadata: The Performance Diagram can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the diagram
  • Link to the owner of the diagram
  • Link to the one responsible for the diagram
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Associated documents, diagrams and other objects
  • Inherent Risk detailing risk considerations
  • Governance information detailing information about the published diagram and who has been involved in the approval of the diagram

The above picture shows the properties dialogue window for the Performance Diagram where you can view and edit the diagram’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager.