User Role Configurator

Purpose: The purpose of the User Role Configurator template is for the QLM user to create his or her personalized workspace featuring only chosen repository views.

Core concerns: The User Role Configurator template is a system template in QLM. It enables you to create and attach Repository View Definitions, Property View Definitions and Sub Tab View Definitions to the User Role Configurator. Where the information in the User Role Configurator decides which filters will be shown in QLM, the different view definitions define what the filters should contain. Below, you can see a screenshot of the QLM workspace. The repository view, which this template can configure, is marked with a red arrow and framed by a red square:

‘Relation to other templates: To run, the User Role Configurator template must have a corresponding QualiWare Setup template to execute its code. Where the HTML templates pertain to the setup of the collaboration platform, the User Role Configurator template is solely concerned with the workspace in QLM.

Properties and metadata: The User Role Configurator template can for example retain the following information:

  • A description of the User Role
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Repository View Definition, detailing the standard views the User Role should make available
  • Property View Definition, detailing which relations should be visible

The above picture shows the properties dialogue window for the User Role Configurator template, where you can view and edit the diagram’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager. Below you can see the tabs for Repository View Definition and Property View Definition:

Generic Query

Purpose: The Purpose of the Generic Query template is to provide datasets for QualiWare System templates.

Core concerns: The Generic Query template is an auxiliary template. The Generic Query can be created using a Query Design template which enables you to easily structure the query for creating reports. When creating a Report for a diagram, the Generic Query created using the Query Design should be used as a Data Set in the Report Definition.

A Generic Query can also be generated using its Property Dialog, where you can link to Data Source and filter the data selection using a wizard – see example of the property dialog below:

The Generic Query can, for example, take the form of data sheets:


The Generic Query template can also execute a command using the Advanced Query tab:

Relation to other templates: Generic Queries are automatically created when creating a Query Design. Generic Queries are used in the following templates: HTML Template Definitions, HTML Embedded content, HTML Publisher and HTML Content tab.

Properties and Metadata: The Generic Query can for example rentain the following information:

  • A description
  • Audits (auto generated information regarding its current state and access rights)
  • Query Filter, including a wizard for filter options
  • Attribute Definition
  • Advanced Query
  • Matrix Behavior

The above picture shows the properties dialogue window for the Generic Query where you can view and edit the diagram’s properties in QualiWare Lifecycle Manager.

Read more about Query Design and GenericQuery here.