CloseReach and QualiWare invite you to join us for the 3rd annual QualiWare + EA Professional Development Days. An event to promote networking, learning and collaboration for Architects and QualiWare enthusiasts, novices and experts alike.
Meet other QualiWare users, Business and Enterprise Architects, Project Managers, Analysts, BPM Specialists and Quality Managers. Share architecture and QualiWare experiences. Learn from customer case studies. Take part in interactive ideas exchanges. Influence product development.
Building on the success of 2016, we will be expanding your opportunities for learning and knowledge sharing. Join us for this excellent professional development opportunity:
Speakers Day (Monday) – the best place to hear about the latest developments in enterprise architecture and business transformation in Canada and globally. Speakers Day early bird pricing is in effect: $250 per person, 5-pack: $1,125.00, 10-pack: $2,125.00. HST extra. Includes a great day of speakers as well as breakfast and lunch.
Featured Speakers:
Kuno Brodersen – EA and Digital Transformation Strategies
A leader in the business modeling and enterprise architecture field for more than 30 years.
CEO and Co- Founder of QualiWare ApS. QualiWare provides comprehensive modeling tools and consulting services that focus on enhancing business efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, competitive positioning, and organizational profitability. QualiWare’s products and services help the customer succeed with Quality Management, Process Management and Optimization initiatives, Business Excellence programs, Enterprise Architecture initiatives, and/or IT solution development needs.
Roger Burlton – A Journey from Business Architecture to a Digital Process? A Case Study in Government Transformation
Respected pioneer in the introduction of innovative approaches for Business Architecture and Process Management
A leader in the field of Business Process Management, having authored one of the most
read and followed books on the topic early in BPM’s growth.
Chair of the Advisory Board
Stephen Challinor – Enterprise Architecture as a Business Enabler
Director Enterprise Architecture, Department of National Defence
Co-Chair Government of Canada EA Working Group
27-year career as a public servant with a broad background in complex project and procurement management, weapon systems and equipment management, business and financial management, IM/IT systems and Alternate Service Delivery (ASD) initiatives.
Skip Lumley – Developing and Implementing a Pan-Canadian Standard for Public Sector Business Architecture
Co-founded and managed the consulting firm Chartwell IRM Inc. from 1984 until its acquisition in 2010 by KPMG Canada.
Leader in the development and support of government reference models: the Municipal Reference Model (MRM), the Public Service Reference Model (Province of Ontario) and the Governments of Canada Strategic Reference Model (GSRM).
Currently serving as an independent advisor to public and civic sector organizations on the use of reference models for program review, policy development, strategic planning and change management.
Stephen White – Digitalizing Your Business Processes
Business Process Management Institute (BPMI) Board of Directors
Former Chair of BPMI Notation Working Group and author/editor of Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) 1.0 & 2.0 Technical Specification
Chair of OMG Revision Task Force and Co-Chair of OMG FTF for BPMN 2.0
Contributor to OMG CMMN 1.0 specification
Co-Authored Book “BPMN modeling and reference guide”
Tool-Day (Tuesday) – How-To Seminars/Workshops: Business Modelling (BPMN, Capability Modelling, Requirements & Traceability); Collaboration using QualiWare Web Publishing; Change & Problem Management using QualiWare Governance Workflow Engine; Modelling Revision Management, Back-up and Recovery Strategies.
Tuesday seminars/workshops are offered at the nominal (full day) cost of $20.00 + HST per person with 100% of proceeds being donated to the Royal Ottawa PTSD Clinic.
Business Architecture Training (Tuesday-Friday) – “Made in Canada” Business Architecture training & certification with Roger Burlton.
QualiWare Training (Wednesday-Friday) – take full advantage of QualiWare’s EA software
QualiWare Data Visualization
QualiWare Command Language (QCL) Basic.
For more information or advance seating reservations for Speakers Day and all of the week’s events, contact Susan Wolfenden;, 613-825-1769. Space is limited – call now!
Please feel free to share this invitation with colleagues.
Help us make this event the place to be in Canada for all things architecture related!
We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before.
Klaus Schwab
Founder and Executive Chairman
World Economic Forum
On our study trip to Automation Valley, we learned about Industry 4.0 and the digitalization of German manufacturing. On the way back to Denmark, one of the other participants said, “yep, the Germans set the standard”. This is indeed the case, even in a very literal sense: They’re making Industry 4.0 a German DIN Standard, and are aiming for international standardization.
a three-dimensional coordinate system that describes all crucial aspects of Industrie 4.0. In this way, complex interrelations can be broken down into smaller and simpler clusters.
The coordinate system is further described as follows:
The “Hierarchy Levels” axis:
Indicated on the right horizontal axis are hierarchy levels from IEC 62264, the international standards series for enterprise IT and control systems. These hierarchy levels represent the different functionalities within factories or facilities. In order to represent the Industrie 4.0 environment, these functionalities have been expanded to include workpieces, labelled “Product”, and the connection to the Internet of Things and Services, labelled “Connected World”.
The “Life Cycle & Value Stream” axis:
The left horizontal axis represents the life cycle of facilities and products, based on IEC 62890 for life-cycle management. Furthermore, a distinction is made between “types” and “instances”. A “type” becomes an “instance” when design and prototyping have been completed and the actual product is being manufactured.
The “Layers” axis:
The six layers on the vertical axis serve to describe the decomposition of a machine into its properties structured layer by layer, i.e. the virtual mapping of a machine. Such representations originate from information and communication technology, where properties of complex systems are commonly broken down into layers.
Together, the axes form a model that can be used as follows:
Within these three axes, all crucial aspects of Industrie 4.0 can be mapped, allowing objects such as machines to be classified according to the model. Highly flexible Industrie 4.0 concepts can thus be described and implemented using RAMI 4.0. The reference architectural model allows for step-by-step migration from the present into the world of Industrie 4.0.
…RAMI 4.0 provides a common understanding for standards and use cases….RAMI 4.0 can be regarded as a kind of 3D map of Industrie 4.0 solutions: it provides an orientation for plotting the requirements of sectors together with national and international standards in order to define and further develop Industrie 4.0. Overlapping standards and gaps can thus be identified and resolved.
RAMI 4.0 is referencing three standards:
IEC 62890 – Life-cycle management for systems and products used in industrial-process measurement, control and automation. Note: Under development since 2013 and not available to the public until its release, scheduled for September 2016.
IEC 62264 – Enterprise-control system integration.
The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) white paper on Factory of the Future explains further that when establishing interoperability in manufacturing environments, different dimensions of integration have to be considered:
Vertical integration, i.e. along the automation pyramid as defined by IEC 62264/IEC 61512. This includes factory-internal integration from sensors and actuators within machines up to ERP systems.
Horizontal integration, i.e. along the value chain and throughout production networks. This includes the integration of production networks on the business level as achieved by EDI-based supply chain integration, but might include more in the future, when close-to-real-time and product- or process-specific information is exchanged to increase the level of detail and quality in distributed manufacturing optimization.
Integration towards engineering and product/production life cycle applications (e.g. IEC 62890) in order to enable low-effort knowledge sharing and synchronization between product and service development and manufacturing environments.
Standardizing RAMI 4.0
RAMI4.0 has now been put forward for standardization in Germany as DIN SPEC 91345 – Referenzarchitekturmodell Industrie 4.0. It often takes years for a DIN SPEC to become an official DIN Standard, but now the process has begun, and since Industry 4.0 seems to be a high priority area for DIN, they may decide to fast-track this standard.
So far, the standard is available in German language only, but should be available in English too soon. For now, the most comprehensive publications in English about RAMI 4.0 seem to be the 2016 status report and the 2015 status report.
IEC has put Industry 4.0, including RAMI, high on their agenda. In their call for their general assembly later this year, IEC outlines its future plans and strategic goals for Industry 4.0 reference models and architectures:
Developing a description of the reference models in dedicated standards. As with core models, reference models are also used in a wide variety of model solutions.
Defining reference models separately as independent standards for the purposes of simplification and avoidance of unintentional deviations, and for better understanding.
Implementing a nearly finished specification (DIN SPEC 91345 – publication planned Q2 2016) as Public Available Specification – PAS within IEC, starting with the new work item procedure in the relevant Technical Committee of the IEC.
The relevant IEC committee would probably be TC65 who also owns the three IEC standards included in DIN SPEC 91345, but there are likely many other TCs in IEC who eventually become involved with Industry 4.0. The same will many other standardization organizations and initiatives. The Technical Management Board (TMB) of the International Standard Organization (ISO) has set up a Strategic Advisory Group (SAG) on Industry 4.0/Smart Manufacturing. This SAG should cooperate closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), and is supposed to report back by September 2016. Most of this work takes place behind closed doors, and the SAGs homepage is not very informative.
Analyzing RAMI 4.0’s roots
Categories of technical assets.
The “Life Cycle & Value Stream” axis is based on an unpublished standard, and therefore difficult to assess. The 2016 status report shed some light on this, and states that:
It was one of the main design decisions of the RAMI4.0 architecture to model type descriptions as individual assets (with own life cycles) which are independent from specific products. To highlight this fact, the assets are divided along the x-axis into “types” (type descriptions) and “instances” (specific products).
And also, that,
This is just a very rough classification but it helps to separate the development and life-cycle management of product types (product families) from the production and lifecycle management of the individual products.
The distinction between type and instance is classic in software engineering and information modeling. RAMI 4.0 maps the asset categories to the life-cycle dimension and the value stream.
Architecturally, this is an interesting approach. But someone really needs to work on the visualization and explanation of the dimension. The status report hints that the IEC 62890 standard will explain it all.
The “Hierarchy Levels” (with IEC62264) dimension is based on the classic ISA-95 which dates back to the 1990s (but is still maintained).
To create a standard that will define the interface between control functions and other enterprise functions based upon the Purdue Reference Model for CIM (hierarchical form) as published by ISA. The interface initially considered is the interface between levels 3 and 4 of that model. Additional interfaces will be considered, as appropriate. The goal is to reduce the risk, cost, and errors associated with implementing these interfaces. The standard must define information exchange that is robust, safe, and cost effective. The exchange mechanism must preserve the integrity of each system’s information and span of control.
The Purdue Reference Model for CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) from 1989, published as ISA-95, became the de facto organizing logic for manufacturing information systems and defined that the 0-4 levels have core information systems: ERP at level 4, MES at level 3, and SCADA at level 2.
The hierarchy in RAMI 4.0 is divided into two parts: products (and users) and equipment (field devices, control devices, stations, work units, enterprises and connected world).
The status report seems to acknowledge that RAMI 4.0 may not have hit the nail:
All in all, the ordering schema along the y-axis is just a presentation help for fostering an intuitive understanding of the architecture. In case the terms or aggregation steps do not fit into the respective domains, they can easily be readjusted.
serve to describe the decomposition of a machine into its properties structured layer by layer, i.e. the virtual mapping of a machine. Such representations originate from information and communication technology, where properties of complex systems are commonly broken down into layers.
Layering is a classic theme in enterprise architecture. Although there are some critics, most current enterprise architecture frameworks use architectural layers (e.g., strategy, business, information, applications, infrastructure, and security in EA3).
“The nice thing about standards …”
“…is that you have so many to choose from,” Tanembaum‘s old “joke” about standardization, applies here: RAMI 4.0 is not the only standard for digital industry reference architecture.
the open membership, international not-for-profit consortium that is setting the architectural framework and direction for the Industrial Internet. Founded by AT&T, Cisco, GE, IBM and Intel in March 2014, the consortium’s mission is to coordinate vast ecosystem initiatives to connect and integrate objects with people, processes and data using common architectures, interoperability and open standards.
This Reference Architecture is a statement of what the most important Industrial Internet architecture components are, how they fit together and how they influence each other. It reflects consensus on major architecture questions among participants from energy, healthcare, manufacturing, transportation and public sectors.
I will look closer at IIRA in a future blog post.
IIC and Plattform Industrie 4.0 in March 2016 announced that they will work together to align RAMI 4.0 and IIRA – Cooperation Among Two Key Leaders in the Industrial Internet – see press release and blog. They released some initial mappings:
Industrial cultures and their “movements”
RAMI 4.0 and IIRA are the two major deliverables from the two “movements”, Industrie 4.0 and the Industrial Internet. Representatives from these “movements” were brought together in a panel here the other day at the Hannover Messe, and a report, BAM! POW! Industrie 4.0 Meets the Industrial Internet!, notes that
In the end, the panel did not agree on whether there would be ultimately one platform or many. But they did agree that they share a common view on the need to gain an understanding of how things should function and making sure that they interact.
Kris Bledowski from the US-based Manufacturers Alliance for Productivity and Innovationcompared the movements about a year ago:
Comparison of Industrie 4.0 and the Industrial Internet Consortium. Source: MAPI Foundation
Bledowski sums it up:
Industrie 4.0 strives to optimize production while the IIC’s research targets returns to any asset
Industrie 4.0 works on standardization whereas the IIC works on enabling platforms that might set future standards
Industrie 4.0 is reactive to a fast pace of high-tech innovation; the IIC proactively pushes the frontier of any internet-enabled application
Generalizing the Reference Architectures
The Purdue Reference Model is a key element in PERA, the Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture, the early 1990s reference model for enterprise architecture. PERA is an example of what was then called Reference Architectures of type II. Other such architectures were GRAI-GIM and CIMOSA.
a reference architecture for defining, designing and classifying IT applications, systems and infrastructure in the upstream oil and gas industry, downstream petrochemical industry, and for engineering, procurement and construction projects.
Fast forward, and many frameworks and methodologies later, GERAMs authors did a recent review of the last 20 years with reference architectures, and observed,
We believe that the future of EA is in its ability to develop an interdisciplinary language and theory enabling a concerted and synergistic application of contributions of underlying disciplines (results from management science, systems, industrial, manufacturing and software engineering, IS, Artificial Intelligence, and so on).
GERAM is a valuable baseline meta-framework– to discuss the above, to create new theories, schools of thoughts, integration of engineering practices and tools, explanations of how technologies can be part of EA, methodologies for EA implementation, and Partial and Particular models for re-use.
No doubt that the next generation of enterprise information systems will continue emphasising the need for scalable, reliable, extensible, flexible, highly available and maintainable systems architectures providing ubiquitous, plug-and-play, secure, interoperable and networked solutions to realise smarter and collaborative systems, platforms and ICT infrastructures for all entities operating in a common business ecosystem.
The reference architectures we define and use must reflect our architectural visions. RAMI 4.0 and IIRA are two different visions. Which one will be best? As we architects always say, “it depends”.
The market is moving quickly, and we are constantly being tasked with improving on performance to drive better results and justify our positions. To do this we need to bring in digital technologies to facilitate every aspect of the business, and gather data for analysing performance and finding areas to improve. This goes for everything in your business eco-system: supply chain, customer journeys, back-office support functions, processes, IT estate, and all cross-functional activities. Your competitors are working on this, to varying degrees of success, and you also need to.
With so many projects to work on, and potential investments to make, how do we make sure our digital transformation is successful? And provides the quick results that shareholders and stakeholders demand?
Here’s three steps you can do to lay the foundations for successful digital transformation.
Understand your current landscape and digital technologies
Before bringing in new digital tech, you need to know what you have already, where the gaps are, and what options are available. Each functions’ digital requirements will be evolving constantly, and some can be met with the existing set up. Accurately document your enterprise architecture starting with the IT and process landscape and ensure there is alignment with organisational goals. This will provide visibility on the areas for improvement and the impact of bringing in new digital technologies, and allow you to plan for training programs and transformation activities.
Identify key areas for digital transformation
Digital solutions should support the exchange of information between all people and “things” in the business eco-system. All productive processes should therefore be digitally supported, be an organisational part of the enterprise regardless of geographic location, and the ability to exchange information in execution of a process should be available at all times and in all places. Customer journey maps, capability models, and gap analyses developed as part of your enterprise architecture will enable you to identify key areas for digital transformation.
For example, the new “Digital Hospital” in Denmark has used its enterprise architecture to understand how all people and “things” should link up. The digital hospital has visualised the elements required to support core services such as treatment of patients, and non-clinical logistics,and mapped the knowledge that needs to be transferred at each step. The correct digital technologies to support the knowledge transfer can then be identified and introduced. In this case, it includes the introduction of robots in storage areas to ensure that delivery of correct materials is never more than 20 metres from physicians, and mobile registration for log books.
Create a Collaboration Platform
Digital transformation requires buy-in and cooperation from people spread across all areas of the business. The main reason for failure in transformation projects is lack of commitment from stakeholders. Everyone needs to understand the impact of digital transformation, and how to ensure it aligns with overall goal of the organisation, reasons for change, and what they need to do to contribute. A simple web-platform that provides this information in an easy to consume format, with alerts for outstanding tasks can ensure that people stay on top of transformation tasks and remain committed to the end result: a modern digitally enabled enterprise.
Enterprise Architecture is facing several challenges as a discipline and a practice. In this blog post, John Gøtze outlines four central challenges, and discusses what should be done. He suggests that enterprise architecture management must focus on enterprise collaboration.
The Challenges
The discipline Enterprise Architecture (EA) is at a crossroads, facing four challenges:
The first challenge is to overcome the narrowness of scope of present practice in EA, and re-gain the coverage of the entire business on all levels of management, and a holistic and systemic coverage of the enterprise as an economic entity in its social and ecological environment.
The second challenge is how to face the problems caused by complexity that limit the controllability and manageability of the enterprise as a system.
The third challenge is connected with the complexity problem, and describes fundamental issues of sustainability and viability.
Following from the third, the fourth challenge is to identify modes of survival for systems, and dynamic system architectures that evolve and are resilient to changes of the environment in which they live.
A recent (in-press) peer-reviewed article, Enterprise Engineering and Management at the Crossroads – the result of a collaborative effort between eleven authors from four continents – discusses these four challenges and the state of the art of the discipline of Enterprise Architecture, with emphasis on the challenges and future development opportunities of the underlying information system, and its IT implementation, the Enterprise Information System (EIS).
The article provides pointers to possible radical changes to models, methodologies, theories and tools in EIS design and implementation, with the potential to solve these grand challenges:
Towards Solutions
The article argues that EA needs to embrace full or broad views of the enterprise as per the original vision of the discipline’s mission that originated in manufacturing (e.g. computer integrated manufacturing systems), and the parallel developments in information systems and software development. This division between information systems, system science, and manufacturing & industrial engineering needs to be resolved as it is still felt today and hampers the discipline of EA as a whole. Any credible development of the discipline must equally cover and explain deliberate change and evolutionary change in a system of socio-technical systems, the production & service to the customer, and the management & control of the enterprise, the technical resources (logistics, manufacturing machinery, communication systems, computer systems), human resources, financial resources, and assets of all other kind (knowledge & information assets, buildings and grounds, and various intangibles).
As EA is moving up the hierarchy from technical to management levels, the language and skill set of its practitioners has to change to better reflect the specific needs and language of the management community. This needs to be reflective in terms of not only language, but also culture. The focus must be on views of the organisation that management science is interested in (People, Capability, Place, Role, Relationships and Trust, Risk, Finance, Brand Strategy, Knowledge Management) rather than detailed, possibly local technical views of the organisation.
A central concern in EA is the development of the information system that implements a coherent, aware behaviour of the enterprise on any scale. It is acceptable (even desirable) that the implementation of these properties should not have a single locus, so that the system should display these properties without a single subsystem or system component being responsible for them. If awareness and coherency are emergent properties of the enterprise, it is likely that the enterprise (and its information system) would be more resilient in terms of being able to maintain these systemic properties.
It is clear that the future is not in EA reinventing the complete gamut of management models, but it is in providing a unifying platform through which the multiple models used in the various life cycle phases and in the various stages of the enterprise’s life history can be combined. The combination needs a new paradigm though, as current EA methodologies struggle with the reality of complex relationships among models present at different abstraction levels. In essence, guided evolution of the enterprise requires that enterprise modelling not be seen as a top-down or bottom up process, but as a powerful problem finding and problem solving tool that supports transformational activities both on the strategic and operational levels.
In my article from 2013, The Changing Role of the Enterprise Architect, I argue that in facing ‘wicked problems’, enterprise architects must focus more on problem-finding than problem-solving; true craftsmen look at situations in a problem-finding manner, rather than blindly applying the same method and tool every time to what may be a new and interesting challenge.
Enterprise architecture practice must be collaborative, and enterprise architects should be cooperative in character, able to engage in many kinds of communication and collaboration. I argue that enterprise architects must have both:
dialectic skills and competencies in resolving conflicts, creating consensus, synthesis and common understanding, detecting what might establish that common ground, and the skill of seeking the intent rather than just reading the face value of the words, and
dialogic skills including listening well, behaving tactfully, finding points of agreement, managing disagreement, and avoiding frustration in a difficult discussion.
Jason Uppal picks up on this in his lecture at a recent EA conference.
The dialectic/dialogic distinction is of course a classic discourse in educational research (see for example Rupert Wegerif, Richard Paul, and Andrew Ravenscroft) and generally throughout the critical social sciences (“Bakhtinian dialogic and Vygotsky’s dialectic”) ever since Hegel.
In Together: The Rituals, Pleasures, and Politics of Cooperation sociologist Richard Sennett states that the distinction between dialogic and dialectic is fundamental to understanding human communication. Sennett says that dialectic deals with the explicit meaning of statements, and tends to lead to closure and resolution. Whereas dialogic processes, especially those involved with regular spoken conversation, involve a type of listening that attends to the implicit intentions behind the speaker’s actual words. Unlike a dialectic process, dialogics often do not lead to closure and remain unresolved. Compared to dialectics, a dialogic exchange can be less competitive, and more suitable for facilitating cooperation. Sennett explains further in a lecture at Harvard: The Architecture of Cooperation.
The Importance of Enterprise Collaboration
Cooperation and collaboration are closely related concepts, and often thought of as synonymous. In fact, they are quite different.
Oscar Berg‘s Collaboration Pyramid may explain the difference:
Berg distinguishes between the three layers in this way:
The community is the enterprise seen as a group of individuals that share the same purpose, vision and values. It is about shared attitudes and behaviors within the enterprise, or the culture if you like. It is also about the individual’s ability to be seen, participate and be recognized, all of which are fundamental for developing a sense of belonging, identity, and self-confidence.
Cooperation is about people enabling each other to do something, for example by providing a person with information or other resources that make the person more able to perform a task. Cooperation can be seen as the opposite of selfishness and competition. People help each other out for some mutual benefit.
Collaboration is about a team of people that work closely together to achieve a certain goal. It can be a permanent team, like a production unit at an assembly line, or temporary team, like a project team. The team would most likely have a formally appointed leader, someone who is responsible for the planning, coordination, follow-up, and communication within the team as well as the world outside the team.
Enterprise collaboration is a term that covers all these three all-important concepts of the “social” enterprise. The term is often mistakenly used to cover social networking tools and intranet, but should be seen as a wider concept and a more comprehensive platform for the enterprise, wherefrom strategic alignment and viable process and information flows are tangible outcomes.
In our Collaboration whitepaper, we explain further how QualiWare is enabling our customers to work with collaboration in their enterprise architecture work.
Market dynamics force enterprises to implement changes at a faster rate than ever. Because of this, most changes are implemented reactively which has many negative impacts, such as significant negative impact on employee trust. This can be combated by focusing on stakeholder involvement. Such engagement is best achieved by implementing a collaboration-enabled EA initiative. QualiWare focuses on enabling enterprises to implement positive change by fostering collaboration via the QualiWare platform. This focus has conferred QualiWare customers with a plethora of benefits, ranging from better employee and customer satisfaction to improved audit results.
Peter Bernus a, Ted Goranson b, John Gøtze c, Anders Jensen-Waud d, Hadi Kandjani e,s, Arturo Molina f, Ovidiu Noran a, Ricardo J. Rabelo g, David Romero f,a, Pallab Saha h, Pat Turner i,a
a IIIS Centre for Enterprise Architecture Research and Management, Griffith University, Australia
b Sirius-Beta, Norfolk, VA, United States
c IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
d Strategy& (formerly Booz & Company), Sydney, Australia
e Department of IT Management, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran
f Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico
g Department of Automation and Systems Engineering, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil
h Wipro Academy of Enterprise Architecture, Wipro Ltd., Bangalore, India
i ASPL Pty Ltd, Australia
Challenges to future EIS due to business, socio-economic, and ecological environment complexity.
Fundamental limitations to the controllability of complex systems as a challenge to sustainability.
Complexity management and complexity reduction methods.
State of the art of promising relevant areas of computing and communication.
The article provides an overview of the challenges and the state of the art of the discipline of Enterprise Architecture (EA), with emphasis on the challenges and future development opportunities of the underlying Information System (IS), and its IT implementation, the Enterprise Information System (EIS). The first challenge is to overcome the narrowness of scope of present practice in IS and EA, and re-gain the coverage of the entire business on all levels of management, and a holistic and systemic coverage of the enterprise as an economic entity in its social and ecological environment. The second challenge is how to face the problems caused by complexity that limit the controllability and manageability of the enterprise as a system. The third challenge is connected with the complexity problem, and describes fundamental issues of sustainability and viability. Following from the third, the fourth challenge is to identify modes of survival for systems, and dynamic system architectures that evolve and are resilient to changes of the environment in which they live. The state of the art section provides pointers to possible radical changes to models, methodologies, theories and tools in EIS design and implementation, with the potential to solve these grand challenges.
Enterprise Information Systems;
Enterprise Architecture;
Complexity management;
Situation theory
1. Introduction: Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise Information Systems
The past forty years have seen the emergence of the field of Enterprise Architecture (EA), originating in the management, engineering and information systems disciplines, due to the need to create enterprise integration, whereupon the enterprise is considered an information and material processing system (or system of systems to be precise) interacting with its environment, through a permeable boundary. The meaning of the enterprise’s activities arises from its interactions in an economic, political, and social context, together providing a complete picture of the enterprise in question.
In manufacturing engineering circles the idea that the information and material flow of the enterprise as a whole should be engineered surfaced, and the term ‘enterprise engineering’ was coined [1] and [2]. According to Kosanke et al. [3] enterprise engineering is “an enterprise life-cycle oriented discipline for [the] identification, design, and implementation of enterprises and their continuous evolution”: supported by enterprise modelling, the enterprise should have all information necessary to design and redesign itself, and create/maintain an integrated information and material flow.
At the same time in information systems (IS) circles Spewak and Zachman introduced the term Enterprise Architecture [4], arguing that a coherent multi-aspect model of the enterprise is necessary, and by today this second term subsumed the first.
The analogy to engineering (e.g., software and systems engineering) and architecture has limitations because the enterprise and its environment include humans, other living entities, and technology (natural and artificial systems). The enterprise is a complex socio-technical-ecological system of systems, and to model the enterprise from any one of these aspects is useful/necessary for answering particular stakeholder concerns at a given point in time, but with the understanding that modelling described only a partial or limited view of the interactions within the enterprise, and with its environment.
The Information System (IS) is a view of the enterprise that sees it as an information processing system that includes humans and various information processing and communication technologies. This view is typically built using multiple models, representing the information, related information processing functions and processes, and the resources involved, e.g., models of the system in time and on various abstraction levels of its life-cycle.
Enterprise Integration intends to establish an IS which ensures that information is available in the right place at the right time, in the right quality and quantity, for the right consumers, so that the enterprise as a system can perform its functions. The technology-implemented part of the IS of the enterprise is what literature calls the Enterprise Information System (EIS). The term normally refers to integrated systems that support the entire enterprise, and include ERP modules, decision support (business intelligence, data mining, etc.), integrated databases, business process integration, supply chain management and customer relationship management. The various software modules of an EIS must support the interoperability among various functional areas within the enterprise as well as inter-enterprise integration throughout the supply chain [5].
The definition of the information system does not assume that the IS was in its entirety designed at any one time or by anyone: a system may appear to have a deliberately designed IS when viewed by an external observer, but there is no presumption that this is actually the case. While this statement may sound false to information and communication technology (ICT) practitioners, typically a large part of the IS is human-implemented, and the enterprise as a whole is not necessarily completely or even partially aware of its IS, so management cannot always rely on reasoned decisions.
The intended scope of Enterprise Architecture (EA) and of the Information System (IS) of the enterprise is this broad and complete view of the organisation. However, as EA evolved in the commercial setting, this original objective of a complete or broad view of the enterprise has typically been limited to include only the Enterprise ICT Systems Architecture (or EIS Architecture), i.e., the technical components of the IS, although often the consideration of capabilities, business processes and workflows are also included in practical EA projects under the name of ‘Business Architecture’. Consequently the current arsenal of tools and methodologies for EA are developed more for the creation of the EIS.
These considerations are important because, somewhere along the way, the original aim to complete and produce a comprehensive holistic view of the enterprise in all of its complexity and inter-relationships seems to have been lost, partly because the industry’s resistance to include enterprise architecture practice in dealing with real business problems or priorities.
This paper attempts to describe the apparent gap between such a holistic view and the current practitioners’ views, theories, models and methods, and to propose a research agenda response that identifies and restores the original lost elements of the intended scope of EA, and where (as opposed to the prevalent terminology) the EIS would be called EIS because it is the IS of the enterprise (including human implemented parts).
In the remainder of this article the terms ‘enterprise architecture’, ‘enterprise model’, enterprise modelling tool’, ‘enterprise engineering methodology’, ‘life cycle’, ‘life history’, ‘modelling framework’, ‘meta-model’, etc. follow the terminology of ISO15704[6] and [7]/GERAM [8], [9] and [10] and ISO42010 [11].
2. Grand challenges
2.1. The challenge of scope
As it was pointed out in Section 1, there is a gap between the originally intended scope and present day scope of EA practice. The scope of EA is not necessarily one single enterprise, but any socio-technical system. For example, EA practice has been successfully applied to design networks of enterprises, virtual organisations, government transformation, etc., and the same can be applied to entire industries, or government.
Even though EA can be considered the systems science of enterprise, it is necessary to demonstrate how EA’s systems thinking approach can be applied in a multi-disciplinary setting. To achieve this, EA frameworks need to be populated with relevant business-, economic-, social- and ecological viewpoints so as to be able to represent respective concerns of stakeholders, which is a pre-requisite for being able to analyse cross-disciplinary effects in large scale systems, to facilitate problem solving and decision making.
In a systemic perspective, the ability to synthesise seemingly divergent perspectives into a coherent whole is an imperative. This is why efforts have been made to propose an agenda for EA to (a) harmonise decision making across management levels and roles called ‘alignment’ [12] and [13], and (b) apply systems thinking to understand and make use of the systemic effects that make the enterprise a system of systems [14] and [15].
A crucial aspect of the discipline’s future is the discipline’s own viability. In order to remain relevant and adequately respond to challenges of the area, the EA discipline must evolve[16], and possibly undergo a radical development: over the past decade, the disciplinary scope of EA has indeed widened significantly [17].
When a large number of the dilemmas that enterprises face can be formulated in the relationship of the enterprise as an economic entity to social systems and to the environment, it is clear that EA as a systems science of the enterprise must evolve to be able to represent, analyse and provide decision support for strategy making, planning, design and orchestration of changes to this multi-layered reality.
In 2012, the US Federal Government defined enterprise architecture as “the management best practice which can provide a consistent view across all program and service areas to support planning and decision making” [18].
In addition to strategic planning and environmental positioning, which links EA to its macro and micro environment, EA also needs to build a systemic picture of the internal structures and mechanisms inside the enterprise. These are required in order to strategize effectively and model the required business capabilities. Those internal structures and mechanisms are dictated by organisational socio-politics and by communication styles [19].
The underlying framework for socio-politics and communications adds an entirely different dimension to enterprise modelling. Whereas traditional capability models [20]build binary models (capabilities in business domains modelled as boxes within boxes), communication and socio-politics rely on rhizomatic [21] complexity models, which are constantly changing, shifting, and transforming. Essentially rhizomatic models of the enterprise represent complex reality as a rich and continuously renewing network of (non-hierarchical) connections and influences, that are a source of emerging properties and the evolution of the complex entity itself. Accordingly, in building a comprehensive, holistic systemic model of the enterprise one needs to add a whole new layer of analysis, using the most appropriate enterprise models.
As pointed out in the Introduction, many EA programs and practices in the past were limited in scope to EIS, but it is now timely for the EA community to return to the origins, and complete the original intended scope that was always at the heart of the search for a holistic view of the enterprise [6] and [7]. This quest for a fully integrated holistic view is by its very definition at the core, and is fundamental to the purpose of the EA discipline, and critical if our successful EA practice model is to gain acceptance as relevant and valuable in the boardroom. A recent white paper of the Federation of EA Professional Organisations is also supporting this view [22]; and a similar conclusion was drawn by Bernus et al. [23], outlining the origins of EA and its recent development.
Explicit and holistic modelling is needed to support the understanding of system-wide interactions among subsystems in the enterprise as a system of systems, because many relevant properties and behaviours are emergent on the system-as-a-whole level. Thus in enterprise modelling we need to maintain the completeness of the models in terms of scope, without being limited to a component of the enterprise as a system of interest, while the level of detail and the viewpoint of modelling may change according to stakeholder concerns.
It is often very difficult to create explicit models that reflect the true state of the enterprise, because the enterprise as a system is in constant change. There are several options to overcome this difficulty: (1) maintaining live models (like in the newly emerging adaptive flight control systems [24]), (2) ‘design-out’ the need for decision support models that depend on too fast changing system parameters, (3) create a hierarchical control structure redefining what is the ‘system of interest’ for each decision maker, or (4) heterarchical control [25], where decision making is based on local systems purposefully forming relationships with other systems, and there is no need for an explicit system of systems level control. In these latter systems the burden is on the designer of the rules of interaction to prove that desirable system of systems level behaviours will emerge.
An agenda for the extension or adjustment of the scope of Enterprise Modelling is further discussed in Section 3.
2.2. The challenge of scale and complexity
The need to create integrated EIS steadily grew from the control of small scale systems (equipment, factory floor, retail shop) to having to address the management of complete, dynamic supply chains, and more recently the needs of large multinational corporations, governments, international alliances and global geopolitical processes. There were two interrelated needs: (1) the need for management to understand the system (its structure, its behaviour) and to create shared understanding among stakeholders, and (2) the need for being able to manage and control such complex systems. Today’s challenge is that the system scale to be understood not only includes large geographical areas, but the scope extends beyond the economic environment to related social and ecological systems, with which enterprises interact.
The increase in scale (scope, size, space and time) brings about a need for paradigm change, because the theories, models, tools, and the expectations of what they can deliver will necessarily change. The reasons for this change can be characterised by looking at the assumptions that are typically true of smaller scale systems, but no longer hold on the larger scale.
Traditionally the management and control of ‘smaller scale’ systems has been the area of control engineering, systems engineering, industrial engineering, operations research, and associated real time or operational management & control (henceforth we shall sometimes use ‘control’ as an abbreviation of these two). At the same time, the larger scale system perspective has been studied by management science, political science, economics, systems science and cybernetics, and complexity management by enterprise architecture [14].
For the management of smaller scale systems it is customary to assume that there exists a controller, and that this controller uses either continuous or discrete models of the system for decision making, with the view of achieving some control objective.
Traditional feedback control systems do not contain an explicitly identifiable model aspart of the controller; the explicit model of the system is only used by the designer of the controller. However, for the control of complex systems, the use of Model Predictive Control (MPC) has steadily grown in popularity, and is a very active research area [26],[27] and [28]: in MPC the controller contains an explicit model of the system.
When looking at the control hierarchy of real-time, operational, tactical and strategic horizons [29], [30] and [31], one can see a gradual transition from ‘control’ to ‘management’. Whether for control systems design, or as a control system component, management and control engineering and related fields have been using increasingly sophisticated models and algorithms to solve the control problem – with the practical application (in plant control, traffic management, economic and, environmental management, etc.) relying on the availability of digital computers.
All of the above approaches require that the model used by the controller should be sufficient for making predictions about what the system’s output will be, given the state of the system (often including the system’s history), and the interaction with the environment in which the system is situated (i.e., the inputs from the environment and from the controller). The objective of control may vary, from trying to achieve an optimal system state, to producing a desired output, or stabilising the system’s state.
Below is a list of assumptions that do not scale with system size, with the length of the time horizon of control, and with system scope:
The system can be completely described by a model (e.g., in form of continuous nonlinear differential equations, or in form of discrete, deterministic or stochastic difference equations, or as discrete event system), so as to explain and predict system behaviour. This assumption does not hold in the case of complex non-linear systems, where usually only partial or inexact information is available about the system and its environment, and the assumption practically never holds on horizons longer than operational control.
The system can be described using one type of model. For ‘systems of systems’, this is usually not valid, because of the heterogeneous nature of the involved systems. In such cases management and control needs to use and integrate the predictions of multiple types of models. A typical occurrence of this situation can be found in environmental management [32] and [33], whereupon multiple models must be created to describe the relevant behaviour of the interconnected systems (e.g., difference equations for population dynamics of fish, differential equations for hydrodynamic models of river and ground water flow, neural networks for rainfall modelling, and Bayesian models for predicting the outcomes of decisions for fisheries management).
The system is identifiable: i.e., the model’s underlying parameters (even though not directly accessible for measurement) can be determined based on observed values of measurable variables. In large scale systems this condition must be relaxed, even though under certain circumstances the control objective is still achievable. E.g., robust control takes into account that the estimated nominal model parameters may be slightly different from their real values; adaptive control can observe the time dependence of system parameters and adjust the control algorithms accordingly, etc.
The system is observable. In case the system state cannot be obtained by direct measurements, it is still possible to distinguish between any two (relevant) states using measurements by applying stimuli and observing outputs of the system.
The system is controllable, i.e., based on observations of (or experimentation with) the system one can build a model (either for controller design, or for use by the controller) that allows the system to be controlled so as to assume a desired state and/or produce a desired output (state controllability and/or output controllability). An example of output controllability is when only aggregate system states matter for the control objective, i.e., the controller may be unable to manage invisible internal states of the system (or to control internal system dynamics), but it can still achieve a desired system output. Many variations to this partial controllability exist in control theory, and accordingly a wide range of control algorithms [34]. However, it is a well-known fact [35] that large scale non-linear systems are capable of chaotic behaviour in certain regions of their state space, and in the vicinity of these subspaces it is not possible to make reliable predictions about the system’s exact future trajectory, thus the system may not be fully controllable.
Complex large scale systems have been studied in several disciplines (management science, AI, systems science, cybernetics, and economics), and a number of theories were developed, attempting to describe the evolution of complex systems – whether this evolution is fully or partially managed, or is emergent. Some disciplines may use different terminology, but have analogous concepts, and discovered the same limitations as control theory and/or cybernetics did [36].
Partial unpredictability and uncertainty of knowledge about the system has even been used to phenomenologically define the concept of a complex system [37] and [38]. Conversely, several complexity measures are defined in the literature; some of these can be calculated and be used to indicate system unpredictability and uncertainty. Lloyd [39]categorised these as measures characterising the difficulty to (i) completely describe the function or behaviour of the system, (ii) describe the system’s architecture (how structure implements function), and (iii) create the system (this interpretation of Lloyd’s categories is due to [40]).
The grand challenge in this context is how to develop an interdisciplinary theory of managing complex systems, with specific theories of control engineering, management science, cybernetics, AI, etc. being special cases of this general theory. Such theory could be used to create new application-specific methods, tools, techniques and models that scale with scope, time horizon and system size, while also identifying theoretical limitations to management and control objectives. Regardless of the form of this theory, a satisfactory solution to this challenge must demonstrate (i) how to understand and live with complexity, and/or (ii) how to reduce system complexity or otherwise resolve the issues created by it.
2.2.1. Live with complexity
One solution is to develop theories, computational techniques, algorithms, sensors, and modelling tools that improve the predictive powers of the controller in the sub-space of the environment in which the system operates.
Alternatively, one could aim at designing reference architectures (new architectural solutions and methods to design and build systems) that require less knowledge of the system by the controller, e.g., the control objectives may be achieved by the system through a combination of deliberate and emergent control.
If neither of the above is feasible, and the system is not controllable to the extent stakeholders wish, then one must re-think the control objective. This requires a change of attitude: we give up the goal to achieve an exactly defined outcome (a defined system state or system output); instead, the goal could be to ensure that all eventual outcomes are acceptable according to some criteria. For example, there can be several scenarios to save the solvency of a business, and many actions can be taken to achieve this. However, some actions will only possibly, but necessarily, achieve the goal. Given an action, it would be impossible to predict all possible future states of the business, but forsome actions we might be able to predict that all possible future resulting states share the fact that the business is solvent: therefore the desired situation is achieved, even though many other facts about the future of the business (the future state) remain unpredictable.
This change is fundamental, because it requires a change to the value system of the system’s stakeholders: they may have to give up previously held economic or social values and agree on new ones. The variants of this change in objectives is linked to Sustainability and Viability (as the only way to achieve a sustainable future might be to change currently implicit values that make us chase unrealistic economic or social outcomes). Threats to the world economy, global and local ecology, and the social system might only be averted if we find solutions to this challenge, a solution with social, political and technical dimensions, as exemplified by the ecological decision making debate around climate change adaptation [41].
An interesting aspect of the above is that the associated change process can itself be abstracted into a change system (of systems), performing a coordinated, managed and controlled set of transformation activities. This system may be emergent (self-evolve), or be deliberately created, as an economic, political, social, and technological transformational programme, with local and global, short-, medium- and long term projects. We must try to find a minimal set of actions that foster the self-evolution of such a change system, because the complexity of deliberately creating this system may be beyond our capability and capacity.
Based on this recursive view, the change system itself is a complex system, with the same problems as described above. Accordingly, an interdisciplinary theory of change systems is needed, enabling management and control methods that accommodate the partial unpredictability of the change system.
While trying to develop new techniques for better control of complex systems, we should consider the other option: to reduce complexity by design.
2.2.2. Reduce complexity by design
Complexity will never be completely eliminated, but a number of design methods exist to avoid unnecessary system complexity. Methods can be based on the use of tried and tested partial models, reference architectures, or design patterns, known to have qualities so that systems designed based on these models in a modular way tend to naturally have minimal (or quasi-minimal) complexity. Other design methods are codified as application-specific design principles (e.g., for software design, manufacturing systems design, etc.), or as generic design principles expressed as axioms, such as in Axiomatic Design [37].
When we talk about reducing complexity, we differentiate between the complexity of a system that an external observer must see to completely explain the behaviour of the system on any level of detail, and the apparent complexity that any one agent (a controller/manager within the system) must see (by way of model views in a hierarchy of models) in order to carry their role. Apparent complexity is the complexity of the view of the system used by the agent to be able to satisfy control objectives. For example, in hierarchical control no controlling agent needs to possess a model of the entire system: each lower level area controller has private control objectives (and coordination with the overall system-wide objective) [42], and in distributed control a central controller may not even exist.
The co-ordination among levels of control assumes that details of lower level system dynamics can be hidden by some mechanism: e.g., only aggregate states of the system’s state space have to be observed by a higher level controller. The concept is analogous to macro-states in statistical physics, or those discussed in Cognitive Science [43],[44] and [45].
This discussion clarifies the requirement originally formulated by Ashby [46] as the ‘Law of Requisite Variety’ stating that the controller must have a model of the system that has at least as much variety as the system has states; this is true, but to clarify we specify: ‘… as the system has relevant states’. This is similar to the relativity of entropy, namely that a system’s entropy also depends on the set of macrovariables we care to observe ( [47], p. 26).
Given that system complexity is relative to the control objectives, what matters is the system’s apparent complexity, not an intrinsic complexity measure, assuming that a system of systems has mechanisms to coordinate the control objectives among multiple levels (possibly without a central authority, where intentionality is an emergent property resulting from subsystem interactions).
The challenge is to find architectural solutions to this problem: e.g., holonic systems [48], fractal structures [49], and the Viable System Model [50] and [51] describe the desired abstract structural properties of such systems, but we have little experience in building them on a large scale.
2.3. The challenge of maintaining sustainability and viability
The escalation of the scope of what we call ‘enterprise’, and of the corresponding IS, has reached a point where ‘enterprise’ is considered to be all forms of human undertaking, situated in the social, economic and ecological environment. In addition to the problems of system complexity, this situation poses macro-level constraints on the management and control of socio-technical systems, due to the limited resources of the world.
Sustainability may be defined as the way for humans (economy and society) to co-exist with Nature [52]. However, the concept can be used in the general as the ability to keep on performing some activity, or to maintain some desired characteristics of a system of systems.
Viability is a closely related concept, and looks at how the continued life of a system of systems can be assured, allowing the system to maintain some form of homeostasis in a volatile environment. The concept was investigated in detail by researchers of cybernetics – Stafford Beer even coined the term ‘management cybernetics’, as cited by Rosenhead [53].
In our definition viability is not the same as sustainability: a system may be viable, without having to sustain any of its current activities. It is precisely because the ability to redefine itself, a firm may decide, in order to remain viable, to only sustain some of its current operations, abandon some, and introduce others (e.g., change from a manufacturer to a service provider). The economic activity (profit making) is sustained, but the concrete activities may change. This dynamic capability of firms is at the heart of viability [54].
A sustainable and viable system must either be aware of its own destiny (deliberately direct its future), or appear to be doing so. The ultimate challenge is the creation ofconsciousness in large scale systems, and through this to create the aware socio-technical system.
Beer’s Brain of the Firm (1972) explained the need for a viable system to have twofeedback loops: one that is stabilising the system in its present environment, and one that is ensuring that this will also be possible in the future.
We do have well understood reference models for building systems that are sustainable and viable: the Viable System Model (VSM) by Beer [55], and the alternative and equivalent reference model, the GRAI Grid [30] and [31]. However, there is a significant missing component: the main building block of the management of viable systems is the model of the system and of its environment, to be used to make predictions regarding changes in the environment and changes in the system itself. Therefore, whilst VSM is a useful reference model, the mechanisms to implement and maintain such models pose a challenge. It is expected, for example, that for each type of system and level of control a potentially different kind of model and control strategy will be necessary.
For systems such as large chemical plants, for example, it is possible to collect large amount of information so that one can use techniques, such as developed by control theory for system identification, resulting in adequate model parameter estimation [26],[56] and [57]. As system scale grows, information gathering opportunities decrease, and information about the system and its environment becomes sparse, consequently the validation of the model used for control decision making is running into difficulties.
This is a typical situation in environmental modelling and management: the most successful environmental models used for decision making are limiting themselves to local management issues on smaller system scales, and global environmental modelling is still grappling with the problem of validation [58].
If we are unable to live with the complexity of the system (e.g., our inability to solve the control problem poses a significant risk), and complexity reduction does not work either (because we need a complex structure in order to achieve the desired system function), then a third possibility is to try to find an architectural change that makes the system controllable. This is the task of the so called ‘system 4 and system <!– no-mfc –>5’<!–/no-mfc –> in the VSM, (the strategic level decision centres in the GRAI Grid). For example, an architectural proposal to address the unsustainability of the current industrial system is described as the ‘Green Virtual Enterprise’ [59], [60] and [61].
2.4. The challenge of finding survival modes
A ‘survival mode’ is defined here as the set of beliefs (values and principles) that express what and why needs to survive? Perhaps these beliefs need to be re-thought before trying to find solutions that are consistent with our current set of beliefs.
For example, one set of beliefs may stipulate that a given industry should survive in a geographical area. This is consistent with some companies of that industry being created, others becoming merged, being acquired, or ceasing to exist, as long as the production of the type of goods of that industry survives in the geographic area.
A different set of beliefs may stipulate that the area must remain at the forefront of knowledge creation, and use knowledge assets to competitively produce value. The survival of companies or given particular industry is not a necessity according to these beliefs, but the ability to create knowledge and use it for producing value survives.
The idea that enterprises need to survive indefinitely runs against all historical trends, and is contrary to the mode of survival that we observe in nature: one must consider alternatives that do not contradict this long term experience.
An enterprise has a state space that it can occupy in the environment, and this space is determined by the architecture of the enterprise as a system (the term ‘architecture’ here means the way the structure of interacting elements of the system implements the system’s function). Part of the architecture is static (always present), but part of it is dynamically created as needed, so as the system can respond to the environment’s requests. Most non-trivial systems have such dynamically created temporary structures (sometimes called ‘configurations’) necessary to perform the system’s function.
The dynamic structure may be brought about by deliberate management and control, or may be emergent, and the structure can be decommissioned, thus when the enterprise is in homeostasis, internally it consists of dynamically changing components (created, modified, and eventually destroyed) – in the same way General Systems Theory [62]described complex biological systems.
The static architecture of a system (theoretically speaking) determines the set of structures (dynamic configurations) that the system is capable of assuming, and through that the set of states the system can reach.
In large scale systems the calculation of all possible future system states would be computationally challenging (or impossible due to model uncertainty), but this does not have to preclude us from reasoning about the characteristics of such future states.
To achieve this we must develop theories and methods, allowing us to build EIS that can help management reason about system trajectories and states by relying on partial information about the system and its environment. The promise of such results is that they could bridge the disconnect between micro level management (of individual enterprises) and macro level management (of industries, economies, etc.).
Another important question for long term strategy making is: what are the architectures that maximise the set of all possible reachable states? After all, the larger this set, the less the enterprise is likely to be experiencing turbulence in the environment, and be able to survive longer. Dynamically created organisational structures have been researched for decades: Virtual Organisations [63], Enterprise Networks [64], and Virtual Breeding Environments [65], and several successful implemented examples exist [66]. The conditions to successfully manage dynamic enterprise structures are non-trivial, opening up challenges for Enterprise Information Systems, in terms of the development of feasible reference models, enterprise engineering tools, and optimisation methods. Enterprises have multi-level structures, and certain behaviours are impossible to understand in the evolution of complex systems if the linkages between these levels are not perceived correctly [67].
A possibly fruitful research area would be to design and experiment with various business reference models in which the enterprise is an evolving system in dynamic equilibrium, like an organism that survives, although its constituents have shorter life cycles. Such models would explain the enterprise as a dynamic entity and make the necessary mechanisms explicit, such as ‘periodic restart’ or ‘periodic re-creation’ of constituents with the aim of shedding excess complexity.
The theory and practice of dynamic networks and virtual organisations (VOs) is an underutilised area of EA, and has great potential for a number of industries. Networks can be the mediators between the stable and the ephemeral, creating VOs on demand, reducing the need for long term maintenance of organisations, and reducing the path dependency [68] constraints on organisational development.
As a consequence (as detailed below), EISs must be extended to support dynamic enterprise engineering and business optimisation. In the past, enterprise engineering tools and operational tools were separated, but in the future, the two must be closely integrated: enterprise engineering/enterprise modelling tools should be part of the EIS.
In modern EA projects, important enablers of building a dynamic IT architecture include Cloud Computing, Service Orientation and Business Process Management Systems. Grounded on the Service Oriented Computing principle (and associated reference models or architectural ‘blueprints’), software and ICT infrastructures started to be made available as a remotely accessed service paid-per-use, instead of being locally acquired under the classical software acquisition model, deployed and owned as monolithic large packages of software operated and managed by the corporate data centre [69].
In businesses that have a mature EA environment the organisation of software modules as loosely coupled services goes hand in hand with the use of business processes management systems (BPMS). BPMS have increasingly been used to support business processes design, analysis, execution and monitoring. In such an environment business process evolution, and in general process improvement, can be informed by various tools, e.g., process monitoring and process mining [70].
Another advancement in architecture dynamics can be observed in the history of development of SOA (Service Oriented Architecture). SOA has gradually been adopted as an approach to interface IT applications (the IT layer) to business processes (the business layer) [71].
The traditional use of SOA connects business processes to services of internal or external resources (mostly implemented as web services) in a static way, whereupon the connection is decided (bound) at design time. As opposed to this, in state-of-the-art environments, service-binding can be carried out dynamically. In this scenario, services are discovered, selected and bound in a dynamic fashion (using defined policies and principles, and criteria, like costs, SLA (Service Level Agreement), functional and non-functional requirements, service quality, provider reputation, etc.).
This means that business processes are bound to the most suitable services for any given execution based on the context of the given process instance [72]. This implies that such services may best be provided by an ecosystems of disparate software providers, with services dynamically and seamlessly be plugged-into and plugged-out of the corporate’s IT architecture, and all this while business processes are executed [73]. This can impact on the relationship between technology providers and technology users, and is against the tendency of providers to create user lock-in. Due to this architectural dynamics new challenges arise, in terms of interoperability, security, systems performance, resilience, SLA management, taxation models, provider-management, and IT architecture management [74].
We now have technical ability to serve the needs of dynamic supply chains, networks, and virtual organisations, but this is not sufficient, because a consequential issue arises on the level of governance. In these application domains enterprises operate on diverse levels of partnerships, in which they share a range of assets and information, as well as execute intra- and inter-organisational business processes. In these cases the actors are independent enterprises and have their own business strategies, which situation creates a complex and intrinsically conflicting management environment. Therefore, it is of extreme importance to develop and adopt appropriate governance principles, rules, processes and organisational forms that can operate in a way that minimises conflicts among partners and mitigates the risks of unsuccessful business process execution.
Governance in networked enterprises is “the specification of rules, criteria for decision-making, responsibilities, and boundaries of actions and autonomy for the involved actors”[75], created by the involved organisations to regulate their partnership: “the fundamental role of governance is not managing, but to delimit the management instead. Actors can use their knowledge within the defined governance framework in a way to help organisations to best reach their common goals” [75]. The rationale is that the market and power of partners influence directly the way a network should execute and manage its processes and all related information, and hence on how the network should be internally organised to respond correctly and efficiently.
This means that the involved enterprises have different roles throughout the business processes’ life cycles and associated decision making processes, and that every business requires a particular governance model [76]. From the EIS point of view, the access (by any partner) to information related to any single process’s transaction should respect the governance model, which was defined for the joint business in which the partner enterprises are currently involved. This again demands from the system’s architecture a very high level of flexibility and efficiency to support the dynamics of the enterprise’s relations, information integration and information exchange ability.
In enterprises that have high EA capability and maturity there is no separate ‘EA strategy’ and ‘EIS strategy’: there is a management strategy that EA principles inform, and EA practice executes it in a coordinated and coherent way, orchestrating the transformation of the IT-, human organisational- and other subsystems, ensuring uniform application of transformational and design principles.
Structuring a system of systems to maintain coherency needs adherence to design principles understood, accepted and enforced on the highest levels. For example, simply implementing an enterprise service bus and business process management modules has no guarantee that the EIS built using SOA technologies will create a flexible, adaptable or agile enterprise. For these benefits to be realised one must use design principles and techniques that clean the functional profiles of IT subsystems, clean the underlying data definitions, and aggregate the right functions with the right data, to form reusable services isolated from the rest of the IT system, only communicating via ‘trunk routes’ established for that purpose.
The metaphor of urbanisation [77] has been used to develop practical EA methods for this purpose: just as in town planning there are essential principles and rules to enforce, appropriate approvals are to be obtained, the same is true of EISs. This includes the acceptance of certain standards (such as functional and information models shared across entire industries), ensuring interoperability of systems on essential interfaces, rationalisation and reusability, low coupling among modules, and high internal cohesion within.
2.5. Summary of challenges
Enterprise Information Systems are the technological implementations of the integrated information system of enterprises, and of socio-technical systems far beyond single organisations. The article discussed major dilemmas, fundamentally changing the manoeuvring space and aspirational opportunities for management, be it the leaders of enterprises, industries or governments: the problems originate from outside of the EIS, and pose new requirements on a new generation supporting EISs.
The challenge of scope is a result of the changed goals that the enterprise architect, and within that the information systems architect, and further the EIS architect must support. The scale and complexity of socio-technical systems of systems poses limitations, which ‘trickle down’ form the business to EA, from EA to IS, and from IS to EIS, and any long term EIS solution must be set in this context.
One particular concern of leaders is to maintain the viability of economies (and the embedding social and ecological environment) in a sustainable manner. This will inevitably result in changes in current business models, and the architectural setup of companies, social institutions, financial systems, communications systems, etc., with ensuing need for new types of EISs. The challenge was framed in this Section as the quest for finding reference models of sustainable and viable systems: it is then the task of architects to devise ways to implement the technology support for these.
Finally, we expressed a socio-economic, political (including geopolitical) and ethical dilemma, questioning the meaning of survival (what needs to be viable, what must be sustained). There seems to exist a slow trend to redefine the value system of society, and new models of survival will no doubt emerge in the long term. We question, although have no answers, as to what will be the socio-technical systems of the future? – the information revolution will play central part in this and open yet unknown doors for the use of computer based information systems, into the ‘bionic society’, such a creating higher level consciousness. This might only happen in hundreds of years, but the intellectual challenge is there.
3. State of the art
In this section we overview developments that contribute, or have potential to contribute, to the solution of the challenges described in Section 2. Fig. 1 summarises these relationships; as it can be seen this relationship is N:M, not 1:1, namely to address the challenges, multiple developments are necessary on several fronts. E.g., to solve the challenges of scale and complexity, both the systems science approach, including modern soft systems theories and methods (Section 3.4), and hard computational results would likely be necessary (Section 3.6).
New developments in the state of the art and their contributions to solving grand challenges.
3.1. Discipline development
EA as a discipline can be considered a fusion of engineering (control engineering, industrial engineering, systems engineering, software engineering, ICT, information systems, manufacturing technology, etc.), and management. However, as most of these disciplines address some aspects of enterprise change/evolution, they may view EA as part of them. EA has to be an interdisciplinary study of the enterprise as a complex socio-technical system, covering all aspects (human and technical), and all types of evolution (deliberate and emerging), therefore EA intends to unify all knowledge necessary for deliberate and emergent change in the enterprise [16].
To fulfil this mandate, the two major tasks for the evolving discipline of EA are to:
Help harmonise and integrate the knowledge of contributing disciplines, and
Disseminate this understanding.
3.2. Frameworks
The evolution of EA has produced several concepts and theories, codified in standards and frameworks, terminology, meta-models and ontologies, reference models, and methodologies (and some are incorporated in enterprise modelling tools as well).
Framework development is an important part of achieving task 1 (above), because the interpretation in a common language of the contributions of underlying disciplines relies on the existence of such language. This ‘language development’ is a never ending task, as underlying disciplines evolve, therefore it is expected to continue as the underlying disciplines necessitate.
EA has not been entirely successful in translating back its interdisciplinary results into the language of the contributing disciplines (task 2). This translation is vital, or these disciplines will bypass EA’s results and create very independent outcomes, and miss out on EA’s harmonising effect.
EA researchers have important duties to (a) monitor and discover problems of practice and how individual disciplines address these, (b) translate the results into a common language, and (c) be actively involved in creating solutions. The aim is to transfer knowledge across discipline boundaries, providing opportunities for the development of interdisciplinary theories.
A further important task of EA is to help manage the complexity of the enterprise’s evolution. However, while attempting to address this problem, the EA body of knowledge itself is becoming increasingly complex. The call for ‘light weight EA frameworks’ is a testimony of this feeling in the EA community [15]. It is time for EA to address this issue by applying its own complexity reduction and management techniques to the EA body of knowledge itself, otherwise the discipline’s results can become too complicated for them to be used by practitioners [16] and [78].
There is limited understanding in the EIS community of available EA frameworks and of their capabilities. This leads to an unnecessary proliferation of seemingly ‘new’ (but not necessarily better) frameworks. The academic and commercial interests of players are in conflict here.
Relevant ISO Standards exist: i.e., ISO15704 and ISO42010 (maintained and updated from time to time), and in addition there is a list of industry/government frameworks (TOGAF, Defence frameworks, proprietary frameworks of multiple consulting companies, government frameworks), and in addition, major organisations and governments adopt their own. Presumably one reason for such proliferation is that framework adoption is a form of constructivist organisational learning.
Some developments seem to be driven by commercial interest or power positions, where gains can be had through institutionalising a selected EA framework through governance. We believe that this is an unhealthy situation, management through enforcement rather than through leadership, and we call for an education-based approach.
A challenge to the EA community is to consider more carefully whether there really is a need to develop newer and newer frameworks (with the presumed novelty factor producing short term commercial gain), or to pay more attention to the evaluation of existing frameworks against standards, the harmonisation of these, incremental development, and to produce truly new framework-agnostic results instead, thereby focusing on a common set of agreed and understood outcomes (artefacts) rather than producing ever more specialised and diverse tool-sets and exotic but un-aligned non-standardised outputs.
We believe that the efforts to map existing frameworks and to evaluate them against the above standards should be renewed. This should make it clear what is actually new in framework development, and what is only a new veneer on an essentially unchanged underlying framework. Such mapping is also of use for keeping terminological clarity of the area.
Even partial results are of use: e.g., there exist current efforts underway to harmonise defence frameworks in use across NATO, and as part of this project to extend the way these treat the human/organisational element [79].
An important related question that comes from the definition of the scope of EA: who in the enterprise needs to have EA competency? Clearly, the skills and knowledge of EA as an integrating discipline should be an add-on for management on all levels. At the time of this writing, in practical applications, EA’s results are mostly being used in IT solution development, and only in some areas of business (networked enterprises). We believe that the EA and business management communities must break out of this artificially restricted scope.
The only way out of the restricted disciplinary scope seems to be to introduce EA knowledge and skills development across multiple disciplines through higher education and in professional development. Acquiring EA knowledge purely through ‘professional training’ is mostly specific to some chosen framework and can contribute to the division: it is desirable to learn EA in a framework-agnostic way. Once a base level of competency has been reached against a standardised agreed curriculum, practitioners can start to apply their own creativity and expression to improve and mature the discipline as a whole. This process of evolution within a defined scientific discipline or ‘paradigm shift’ is well documented in other scientific communities [16] and [80] but appears to be missing within the EA community at present.
When it comes to building an EA practice it is important to note that it should not necessarily be framework-centric, it is more the philosophy of EA as a systems science of socio-technical systems that needs to be shared across the enterprise.
3.3. Enterprise modelling
Enterprise Modelling has been for quite some time accepted as an important part of EA practice [81] and [82], and has been the central technique for integrated enterprise information systems design. The current practice of Enterprise Modelling is varied – today it mainly concentrates on process- and information modelling in industry, and usually there is not much modelling of the organisation.
Let us take the example of process modelling. One can observe an initial enthusiasm (business process reengineering) and an ensuing almost twenty years long push to create and implement explicit process models (and automate them as ‘workflows’). Unfortunately the area has not recognised its own limitations and is starting to create damage rather than business value [83].
The problem has to do with the (natural) desire of management to stay in control. What easier way could one find for control than treating humans as machines who merely process individual activities in a well-defined workflow?
The trouble is that workflows are procedures (like a computer program), and only a very small percentage of business processes are actually procedures ([84], p. 29). Most procedural processes can be found on the real time and operational level, and having well defined procedures, guarded by automated means, achieves consistency simply because there is no other way to perform the process. However, at the moment management starts expanding this controlled execution of processes to realms where the processes are non-procedural, thereby loosing efficiency, and sometimes effectiveness as well.
There are at least two major challenges: (a) forcing a procedure on humans may remove the creative input of the human and stop evolution and innovation, (b) workflows make the process always explicit, but they do so in form of a procedure, and thereby hinder the ability of the human to perform the process using tacit knowledge, which can introduce and institutionalise inefficiency (we know that efficient processes are performed in a tacit way, not by procedure-following). For example, in a high process-maturity organisation designers do not necessarily follow procedures: it is only for the external observer that they would seem to be doing so, and explicit procedure-based models may only serve the purposes of training, for example.
Using process models that are non-procedural can alleviate many of the problems caused by the restricted procedural interpretation of what a process is, provided appropriate modelling tools and process management systems support such a move.
Furthermore, procedures are only of help if most (or all) process instances can be abstracted into a single process model, thus the level of granularity and amount of procedural content are important qualities of process models. On a high level of granularity the process may be procedural, but on the low level non-procedural (or a mix of the above).
So where does this fairly damning view leave us regarding enterprise modelling in the process domain? The simple answer is that while we do have process modelling tools and languages (in everyday use by industrial engineers), so-called EA tools do not include these, and as a consequence a large percentage of EA projects do not even know them (IT engineers only use BPMN and workflow modelling languages, both being inadequate for analysing important properties of processes that business cares about, such as resource usage, development of queues, speed, cost, resource-sensitivity, various statistical properties of the process, etc.).
Methodology-wise practitioners do not normally have enough expertise [85] to know how to institutionalise processes on the right level of granularity and match these to the human capabilities at hand (or even better, do his adaptively, according to the variation of expertise and experience of the humans in the process).
There is a similar challenge in the area of information modelling as well. Early enterprise integration projects assumed that the more information is modelled and codified, the better. However, this ignored that (a) the information we use evolves, therefore if we need a model then that model also has to evolve together with the system – out-dated externalised models and poorly formalised models can do actual damage; (b) enterprises not only use structured information, therefore information that is available in a formalised manner must be able to be related to information that is not: in fact this is more and more appreciated due to the emergence of technologies that allow us to analyse and interpret written natural language.
The consequence of the above is that EA practitioners should adopt the models and viewpoints of systems engineering and industrial engineering, which is a very rich set of possible models, adjusted to the needs of the stakeholders.
When we look at the life cycle of an enterprise, (e.g., as defined in ISO 15704:2000), and the life cycle of any entity for that matter, we have to notice that enterprise modelling has really only been implemented thoroughly from the requirements level down (in fact only starting from requirements specification). The identification and concept levels of the life cycle have only been lightly addressed by the EA community [86], while models that belong to these levels, and are routinely used by management, are often not well integrated into the modelling frameworks used by EA practitioners (at best only a small subset is available).
A heritage of the so-called waterfall view of life cycle is that models that populate a modelling framework are often seen as being connected through a unidirectional process, from abstract to concrete. However, the relationship between life cycle activities is much better described a set of mutual constraints. Thus discovery and design decision making is an iterative problem solving activity, not a procedure, and this view should be supported by enterprise modelling tools.
Furthermore, an important aspect of enterprise models is that they can be used for communication among stakeholders and collaborative action, therefore meta-information about the role and status of each model in the design process (and the life history of the enterprise) is of crucial importance – an aspect of enterprise modelling that will need further development.
There is a comparatively poor coverage by enterprise modelling practice and associated tools of the identification and concept life cycle activities (basically the business viewpoints), and this could be an important reason why EA has had such a difficulty to get understood by senior level management, whose focus is on these two abstraction levels[87].
The last ten years have seen EA tools trying to incorporate models that are relevant to higher level management decision making, but often there are serious limitations. One has to consider that management has been using a very long list of models, and the tools, with the addition of a handful of models, only scratch the surface.
While there exist a natural desire to have all possible management models incorporated into tools, one must realise that this is an impossible task! Well – it is certainly impossible if we imagine the desirable outcome as the product of some small tool development ‘project’.
Traditional EA tools concentrated on models typically used for the development of the IT architecture and digitised processes (with some strategic modelling to provide the backdrop), and the rest of the architectural design were usually not well integrated into the meta-models underlying the EA workbenches. However, the EA tool market is becoming more and more competitive, and the tools are gradually embracing more and more enterprise management areas. Some well-known high-end tools on the market are IBM System Architect, MEGA Suite, ARIS, QualiWare, Troux, and some lightweight or ‘lighter weight’ tools like Sparx Enterprise Architect.
Enterprise integration through the construction of integrated EISs has many possible goals, and the scope and detail of modelling must be adjusted to the context: therefore the set of meta-models supported by an enterprise modelling tool should reflect the needs of typical scenarios. For example, ISO19440 [88] defines a set of modelling constructs (in fact a family of languages), organised by the modelling framework of [89]specifically designed for model based control, such as may be used in discrete part manufacturing.
The difficulty with the development of enterprise modelling tools is that their adoption requires a long learning curve, and a high EA maturity. However, if we think of modelling tools as technology that is an extension to managers, architects, controllers, etc., then the problem can be reformulated in the life history domain as a question of learning. In this way the problem becomes as stated thus: “How do we ensure that a socio-technical system of systems continually evolves and learns all relevant models of itself and other relevant associated systems via concerted constant use and iteration?” In other words enterprise modelling needs to move from the enterprise engineering mindset (‘create models to design change’) to the enterprise awareness mindset (‘use models to gain insight and to create a shared and explicit understanding of reality’).
EA Tools must figuratively and literally open up their interfaces so that the EA community could contribute and share additions and extensions, much in the same way as application development is done for mobile devices. Of course, for tool developers this would mean adopting a new business model, and there would be winners and losers.
EA has not done enough to credibly address the economic viewpoint of the organisation. For example, ISO15704:2005 does have an economic viewpoint, but EA practitioners do not use it, presumably because:
EA is currently mostly practiced on the CIO level,
economists have a much longer list of models that are relevant for decision making, and
to make the connection between the economic viewpoint’s models and other enterprise models one would have to substantially extend the meta-models underlying the tools.
It is clear that the future is not in EA reinventing the complete gamut of management models, but it is in providing a unifying platform through which the multiple models used in the various life cycle phases and in the various stages of the enterprise’s life history can be combined.
The combination needs a new paradigm though, as current EA methodologies struggle with the reality of complex relationships among models present at different abstraction levels. In essence, guided evolution of the enterprise requires that enterprise modelling not be seen as a top-down or bottom up process, but as a powerful problem finding and problem solving tool that supports transformational activities both on the strategic and operational levels [90]. In facing ‘wicked problems’, enterprise architects must focus more on problem-finding than problem-solving; true craftsmen look at situations in a problem-finding manner, rather than blindly applying the same method and tool every time to what may be a new and interesting challenge [91].
Enterprise architecture practice must be collaborative [92], and enterprise architects should be cooperative in character, able to engage in many kinds of communication and collaboration. Enterprise architects must have (1) dialectic skills and competencies in resolving conflicts, creating consensus, synthesis and common understanding, detecting what might establish that common ground, and the skill of seeking the intent rather than just reading the face value of the words, and (2) dialogic skills including listening well, behaving tactfully, finding points of agreement, managing disagreement, and avoiding frustration in a difficult discussion [93].
3.4. Coherency management and EA as a systems science
In management terms, Doucet et al. [12] suggest that EA is really all about coherency management: the craft of making the enterprise coherent whenever and wherever it matters (enterprise modelling plays a key role here). A coherent enterprise is an enterprise that successfully deals with (1) enterprise alignment, (2) enterprise agility, and (3) enterprise assurance. Alignment is the ability to operate as one by working towards a common shared vision supported by a well-orchestrated set of strategies and actions. Agility is the ability to respond to and manage unanticipated change. Assurance is the ability to establish and institutionalise (internalise) practices that ensure the fulfilment of organisational goals and achievement of outcomes.
To understand the coherency of an enterprise, one must view the enterprise as a whole. Whole entities exhibit properties meaningful only when attributed to the whole, not to its parts [94]. The essence of a system is togetherness, the drawing together of parts and their relationships that produce a new whole [95].
Management increasingly request enterprise modelling tools that can forecast and visualise system-wide, cross-boundary interactions. However, in addition to tools, the redistribution of EA knowledge among various management roles is of great importance, because the above systems view must be able to be created, communicated and interpreted correctly. Therefore EA knowledge must be distributed across the organisation.
Constrained relationships or dependencies exist among the views of the models as seen by various stakeholders. Therefore decision makers and enterprise planners need support to understand (through models) the system-wide interactions that cut across levels of decision making and various parts of a system of systems. These relationships and constraints do not necessarily respect the traditional boundaries between decision-maker roles and levels, or areas of enterprise activity.
When we think about EA as a systems science of the enterprise, it transpires that current frameworks are quite complex. Part of this complexity is necessary, but we believe that some of the complexity is due to a prescriptive attitude: the desire to have ‘recipe’ change methodologies. This situation must change, because it can be an impediment to innovative change.
EA must become holistic and non-reductionist in its conception and framing of organisational realities. EA must encompass both soft and hard systems problems, model complex systems behaviour through self-design, and add the human interpretive behaviour and cognition to organisations as living systems.
We must enrich EA’s view of communication processes in organisations both as self-organising and inherently rhizomatic/networked, dynamic, and concurrent processes, which cannot be modelled using traditional binary and linear enterprise models [15]. A number of systems theories are feasible candidates for extending and enriching EA in order to achieve exactly that effect.
Firstly, soft systems theory [96] established an important distinction between hard and soft systems problems. The former is characterised by engineering problems, which have formal, calculated solutions such as a computer program or a manufacturing process improvement. The latter refers to complex social, political, and organisational problems, which can only be accommodated for – not entirely solved.
Examples of typical soft systems problems include cultural changes, organisational restructures, or competitive responses, which are more often than not based on incomplete knowledge of a highly dynamic, fluid, and systemic context and are thereby inherently ‘messy’. Soft systems problems require experimentation, learning, and feedback cycles in order to reach a desired outcome. To that end, EA must expand its conception of complex organisational problems, solutions, and accommodations and adopt a broad view of soft systems problems as inherent to organisational reality and transformation.
Communication is a second key challenge for EA. Many approaches to change management and transformation assume that organisational communication is a relatively simple issue, which can be solved by building out a deliberate communication plan through RACI charts and corporate communication broadcasts [15]. However, communication in enterprise transformations has immensely complex and systemic aspects [97].
Luhmann’s theory of second order cybernetics provides a fruitful and productive frame for understanding these complexities [97]. It provides a theoretical framework for analysing and modelling the relationships between social (organisations) and psychological (individuals) systems based on the notion that these systems are self-referential (autopoietic) in order to tackle and manage environmental complexity.
The interpretation of communication (e.g. understanding the outcomes of an EA program) always happens with respect to the internal structure of the receiving system. This means that with the adoption of concepts for transforming an organisation (EA), frameworks and practitioners have to allow for organisational systems to absorb, interpret, and reconstruct their own realities around new communicated concepts before it becomes a success.
Sometimes even misunderstanding critical concepts due to their ambiguity (such as the value proposition of investing in architecture, be it for business, operational, or technology reasons) is productive in order successfully transform the enterprise [15]. The meaning of EA has to be understood, shaped and reshaped in order for organisations to justify investment in EA programs and benefit from its value.
EA transformation understood through the lens of ‘productive misunderstandings’ and socio-communication is a fruitful perspective, since it caters to the importance of action, language, and meaning as first class citizens in the process, which is particularly useful for highlighting the complexity and outcomes of human communication processes across the organisation.
The crux of ill-defined, messy organisational problems in soft systems and the socio-communicative context come together in the third challenge: how social, psychological, technical, and political systems interact within the larger environment. Given the fact that EA faces a vast array of soft systems problems in any organisation undergoing transformation, it is paramount that EA provide the analytical capability to frame, model, and improve these systems and their interactions.
Mapping the communications, discourses, and subsystems in an organisation undergoing transformation is valuable as it traces the meaning, values, and relationships between important stakeholders. The use of the word ‘trace’ here is deliberate: Luhmann[97] stresses that once a system’s structure and purpose have been traced and understood, its structure has already transformed as part of the process.
A system trace is temporary and fragile due to the underlying fragility of communication itself. In practical terms, the architect taking deliberate actions and communication perturbates the system, which in turn may change, for example the beliefs and motivations of the involved humans may change purely due to this interaction. Deleuze and Guattari [21] call this trace a rhizome, a horizontal stem of plant, which – unlike well-organised binary tree structures – is inherently complex and is constantly altering itself. It has no ultimate beginning or ends.
A rhizomatic structure, rather, is a multiplicity of its own unity; the structure forms a unity of possible system structures, which transform over time. Tracing a system means changing the rhizomatic structure.
Rhizome theory provides a useful way of framing the communicative, systemic nature of changing organisations: the challenges, political agendas, and accommodations of organisational change are intertwined in a constantly shifting network of relationships between people. It is inherently a multiplicity, in which multiple stakeholders participate non-hierarchically in several discourses at the same time.
Discourses change over time in line with politics, culture, trends, and leadership. In that sense, organisational change enabled by enterprise architecture forms a complex rhizomatic ecosystem, which can never be mapped and understood in its entirety (also due to the fact that it comprises both soft and hard systems problems).
The word ecosystem is particularly important as it emphasises its de-layered, non-hierarchical nature: communicating systems participate in an emergent network of complexity and change, which enterprise architecture must comprehend and incorporate into its repository of enterprise models and artefacts – otherwise EA will not be able to truly model and inform organisational change at the board level.
Ecosystems comprise soft, emergent, co-dependent systems, as opposed to clearly delineated, hard systems with scope, purpose, and boundary. Rhizome theory provides a comprehensive analytical framework for modelling these ecosystems, which must be incorporated into contemporary EA methodologies, tools, and frameworks in order for EA to truly inform the agenda of complex organisational change outside the domain of information technology.
At this level, appropriate socio-communicative models of organisational change of ecosystems are required in order to build enterprise architectures to improve complex, ambiguous realities where, most often decisions have to be made at the juncture of human values, beliefs, and in light of incomplete information.
With all this complexity, we believe that as the field matures, and unifying theories are developed, a more light-weight EA toolset/framework will be sufficient, and with the help of a general underlying theory practitioners (managers and architects) will be able to use the ingredients of the underlying disciplines in combination, and innovate as necessary.
3.5. EA knowledge and complexity management – EA cybernetics and information technology
It is the task of EA to reinterpret and express in a common format the theories and models of the contributing disciplines, thereby allowing system-wide interactions, relationships and constraints to be made explicit. Such understanding is a first step towards finding optimal points of intervention for transformational activities. This is in contrast with the current situation, whereupon both in the private sector and in government the large number of policies, legislation, and principles are becoming more and more complex, and changing or extending them often leads to unpredictable outcomes, because many system-wide interactions, relationships and constraints remain invisible [14]. This necessitates the need to take an ecosystem view of the enterprise.
A business ecosystem is a system of organisations that co-evolve their capabilities and roles, and align their investments to create additional value, greater effectiveness and higher agility. Some ecosystems evolve through coincidence and self-organisation. However, a “lead agent” can catalyse the emergence and subsequent development of this system. This leading entity needs to establish an overall architecture, to structure the key interfaces and incentives, and co-opt a small number of strategic partners, but then to rely on self-organisation within the network or these organisations.
Business ecosystems almost guarantee disruptive results (e.g. Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook are successful because they have been able to architect their respective business ecosystems), and at times may lead to mergers and acquisitions.
Successful ecosystems are also harder to replicate, given their inherent complexity, thus giving enterprises sustained competitive edge. Surrender of hierarchy, vertical integration and direct control are consequences that organisations have to learn to live with.
There are several technology trends that try to extend the ability of management and control to those areas where the challenge of scale and complexity has previously curtailed the ability of management and control to use models in the traditional way. Two major trends of research are apparent, which can change the ability of management to make better predictions on the future states of the enterprise.
The recently popularised term ‘big data’ is the description of a movement that intends to use orders of magnitude larger amounts of data than stored in traditional (internal) data warehouses; the ‘big data’ come from multiple sources especially the environment of the enterprise, with the potential to identify/discover new relationships that are relevant for decision making.
An important source of the identification of this problem comes from the military in the early 1990s, wishing to exploit the technical capabilities of the rapidly developing high resolution imagery and various other sensor systems, so as to establish ‘dominant battlefield awareness’, recognising that the command and control system must be equipped with superior intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance capability[98] and [99].
Two decades ago, an important strategic analysis took place on the impacts of the information revolution [100], which correctly predicted ensuing social-, economic-, military- and geopolitical changes, including the drawn-out nature of this revolution.
The ability to process large amounts of information was (in the civilian sphere) initially exploited by the now traditional data warehousing and business intelligence tools for decision support. The methodology has been to identify the sources of data that are known to be relevant, build systems that can access these data, and algorithms that can extract, analyse and present reports for use by decision makers. However, this approach has serious limitations too due to the challenges of scope and complexity (as discussed in Section 1).
The recently popularised technologies of data mining, big data and predictive analytics use a fundamentally different approach. We do not assume to know exactly what data will be relevant, and may not even have a complete list of well-formed questions. In a sense, we are trying to partly automate the discovery and analysis function of the business analyst, or of a scientist (depending on the application area).The potential benefits of using ‘big data’ in predictive analytics are profound.
Business can find patterns that explain the sources of certain customer behaviour, customer sentiment and preferences, exploiting this for better marketing, product development, and customer relationship building.
Public health can discover factors behind high cost management of chronic diseases and address these.
Medical and drugs research can use data mining, pattern recognition and identification to develop new treatments or drugs, and personalised medicine.
Aged care can use personally collected data for timely and effective preventative intervention.
Agricultural production management can use weather prediction, pest identification, and disease early warning for crop management.
Environmental management can find causes of unwanted events or processes, using this for successful intervention.
Management of crime, terrorism and military action promise to prevent, instead of dealing with consequences.
All of the above depend on research to give guidance regarding who should collect (keep, access or use) and what data, when, and why, with significant resource investment, social, political, legal and economic implications.
Even if there is an absence of predefined formal conceptual structures and domain theories, techniques that can be used for decision support include machine learning, pattern recognition and statistical algorithms, and various forms of text analytics to identify/discover correlations or patterns of relevance for questions that have only been informally defined.
Through discovering new relationships, management could create models with better predictive power, at least in the case where the system remains in the state space region previously explored and historical data are available. This is a very active research area today, because algorithms must be adjusted to the application area and practical gains can be significant, therefore EA must be well informed about the potentials of these new tools, and technology trends, for designing better EIS support for management.
It is not possible to completely overcome some of the limitations that complex systems pose, therefore to use evolving technologies for decision making, new theory development is also needed (into new organisational forms, and models of decision making based on partial information). However, if management and control objectives are adjusted accordingly, then new opportunities can be opened.
As mentioned, we see a continuum of controllability. In the simplest case, the system is completely controllable along a trajectory from the known current sate to a desired state. As assumptions get relaxed, the controller may still move the system from its initial state to a desired state, with some intermediate states along the trajectory, but these states only known to a margin of error. Thus the controller must know that this error does not affect the robustness of the control. This is the basic idea behind tube based Model Predictive Control (MPC) of nonlinear systems [28]: the trajectory moves along in a safe ‘tube’ or bundle, with variations in distributed control (cooperative, non-cooperative or hierarchical control), resulting in different performance attributes based on game theoretic considerations.
3.6. Exploring future states and situations
Robust control as described above is able to handle small parameter variations or larger variations over smaller parameter sets. Current methods can handle ‘weak’ uncertainty where the variations are bounded, but for the more practical, valuable case (of large parameters, variations and uncertainty) we need drastically expanded methods.
From the perspective of mathematical logic, the problem is one of reasoning over the open set. What makes this difficult is the set theoretic foundation of the logic universally employed in computing and control. This has been a long recognised challenge, with the most promising solution being modern situation theory [101].
Practical employment of situation theory requires so-called two-sorted logic where one logic is that of the modelling and control system and the second is based on category theory. But categorical reasoning over open sets is notoriously hard to implement.
However, recent developments in using a second-sorted, categoric reasoning system to model quantum systems provide new tools for the general case [102]. When extracted from specific physical behaviour, quantum systems represent the general case [103], which is based on a general observation by von Neumann [104].
A foundation for implementing such a categorical logic for enterprise-like domains was laid by Barwise and Seligman [105]. The mathematical mechanism described therein to represent changed points of view is channel logic. It allows reasoning in a given situation, and the complete reasoning associated with it (as well as constraints) to be moved along information channels. Channels exist among situation types, thus the logic promises the ability to reason about a multitude of future system states all at once. This result was extended by Goranson and Cardier [106] to apply to practical systems in an engineering environment.
This theoretical basis can define a research area creating a different model of control, replacing the notion of state with the notion of situation. A situation can be described as belonging to a type in the category of situations, whereupon every situation that belongs to a type supports some (positive or negative) information, a conjunct of ‘infons’. Infons are the normalised form for representing facts in this system [107].
The information about the situation the system is in may leave many state attributes (or aggregate properties) undefined, thus the system may be in one of many states and still the system can be characterised as being in a situation belonging to a situation type.
Similarly, the desired state of the system is replaced by the notion of the desired situation. Typical information that may be the basis of desired situations of a given type may include statements that are true (or false) about some state variables or combinations thereof, but also statements about aggregate or macro states (in management ‘key performance indicators’ would be examples of these).
In categorical reasoning one could argue: if the present situation is in category A then given a series of actions that constrain system evolution to safe trajectories, prove that all future situations will be in category B and provide a process chain to effect the transformation.
An unrelated but relevant futuristic scenario is the promise offered by the quantum metaphor to be able to reason about practically innumerable future states. Suppose one represents the future state of a system on n Q-bits, then the 2n states are simultaneously represented.
Provided we can create a suitably chosen model, such that when represented in the above way, the desirable system properties show up as periodicities in this model, it will be possible to apply the elementary FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) quantum computing gate to this representation, and prove (or disprove) the presence of desired properties shared by an extremely large number of future states – without ever having to enumerate them.
Although quantum computation displays as probabilistic, a few repetitions could provide extremely accurate predictions. Conversely, if the desired properties of the future cannot be proven, we would have an experimental facility to try out the effects of proposed structural changes aimed at (re-)establishing desired permanent systemic properties.
4. Conclusions and future research directions
According to the definition of EIS given in the introduction of this paper, the evolution of EIS is in fact a view of the evolution of the architecture of the enterprise. Therefore it is not possible to overcome current limitations in isolation unless the solutions are embedded in the Enterprise Architecture discipline. As a consequence, EIS evolution and EA evolution are intrinsically connected.
In summary then, a scoping statement for a future proposed research agenda for next generation Enterprise Information Systems (EIS) and of the embedding enterprise architecture (EA) would include the following key elements:
EA needs to embrace full or broad views of the enterprise as per the original vision of the discipline’s mission that originated in manufacturing (e.g. computer integrated manufacturing systems), and the parallel developments in information systems and software development. This division between information systems, system science, and manufacturing and industrial engineering needs to be resolved as it is still felt today and hampers the discipline of EA as a whole. Any credible development of the discipline must equally cover and explain deliberate change and evolutionary change in a system of socio-technical systems, the production and service to the customer, and the management and control of the enterprise, the technical resources (logistics, manufacturing machinery, communication systems, computer systems), human resources, financial resources, and assets of all other kind (knowledge and information assets, buildings and grounds, and various intangibles).
As EA is moving up the hierarchy from technical to management levels, the language and skill set of its practitioners has to change to better reflect the specific needs and language of the management community. This needs to be reflective in terms of not only language, but also culture. The focus must be on views of the organisation that management science is interested in (People, Capability, Place, Role, Relationships and Trust, Risk, Finance, Brand Strategy, Knowledge Management) rather than detailed, possibly local technical views of the organisation.
A central concern in EA is the development of the information system that implements a coherent, aware behaviour of the enterprise on any scale. It is acceptable (even desirable) that the implementation of these properties should not have a single locus, so that the system should display these properties without a single subsystem or system component being responsible for them. If awareness and coherency are emergent properties of the enterprise, it is likely that the enterprise (and its information system) would be more resilient in terms of being able to maintain these systemic properties.
Revolution or re-booting of EA tool-sets has been discussed at length in this paper and elsewhere, and should be the subject of further detailed analysis, but clearly the current generation of tools and the models of the enterprise are limited in scope relative to the needs of the management community that EA serves.
As the new vision matures, new EA will both promulgate through and improve training and certification for professionals. We would also expect the maturation of credentials of the EA Body of Knowledge (EABOK) as the field in general evolves.
Collectively, these developments will transform enterprise architecture as the ongoing process of building the ability to manage complexity, with the pivotal goal of creating and sustaining coherent and future-ready enterprises.
This work was a collaborative effort between eleven authors from five continents, some with academic, some with industry and government experience as practitioners, managers or consultants, and many with both. Our analysis and predictions were influenced by a large number of cited authors, and was also leaning on the work of past leaders of the Enterprise Integration and Enterprise Architecture communities. We also received inspiration from international communities and working groups in which various subsets of the authors have been involved for over twenty years, including IFIP TC5 especially WG 5.12 on Architectures for Enterprise Integration, IFAC TC5.3 on Enterprise Integration and Networking, The Open Group, ISO TC184 and ISO/IEC/JTC1/SC7, and several of the authors were also members of the IFIP/IFAC Task Force on Architectures for Enterprise Integration. Also, Ricardo. J. Rabelo acknowledges partial support of his work by CNPq (Brazilian Council for Research and Scientific Development funding agency).
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Author names appear in alphabetical order.
Peter Bernus is an Associate Professor in the School of Information and Communication Technology at Griffith University. He has worked internationally on various aspects of enterprise integration as researcher, consultant and project leader for industry, government and defense. His current interests include inter- and intra-organisational management, global enterprise networks and dynamic virtual organisations, lately working on complexity management in enterprise architecture, innovation, preparedness building to improve the success rate of mergers and acquisitions, and fundamental research of long term decision making for sustainability in light of sparse information. He is foundation chaIr of IFIP WG5.12 and past chair of the IFIP-IFAC Task Force for Architectures for Enterprise Integration, that developed the generalised enterprise reference architecture and methodology, series co-editor of the International Handbooks on Information Systems for Springer-Verlag, and member of the editorial boards of several international journals.
Ted Goranson led the DARPA research programs in concurrent engineering, semiconductor manufacturing and military system pilot programs and was project lead on agility and virtual enterprise programs. Prior to that, he was senior scientist for a research lab working similar issues for the intelligence community. Currently, he heads work on next generation integration technology for Sirius-Beta based on narrative cognition, situation theory and reactive coding of geometric logics. His education is from MIT.
Dr. John Gøtze is an Assistant Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen and an external lecturer at Copenhagen Business School. John is also Editor-in-Chief for QualiWare Center of Excellence. He has worked with digitalization since the 1980s, as a doctoral researcher, a civil servant and a consultant. In the early 2000s, he introduced enterprise architecture in the Danish government, and has over the years co-authored several central policy documents, international standards, and national enterprise architecture frameworks and methodologies as well as co-published several books. He became an accredited instructor of Carnegie Mellon University’s Certified Enterprise Architect Program in 2006, and has since certified hundreds of Danish, Belgian, Greenlandic, and many other nationals. He has also been running a popular enterprise architecture course at the IT University of Copenhagen for over ten years.
Anders Jensen-Waud is a strategy consultant with Strategy& (formerly Booz & Company), a global strategy and management consulting firm. He specalises in strategy and operating model transformation within financial services, insurance, and energy, where he helps his clients maximise cost efficiency, streamline their operating models, and explore new sources of revenue to fuel growth. Prior to joining Strategy&, Anders worked as a management consultant focusing on enterprise architecture and IT strategy development, aerospace & defense systems engineer, and integration architect. He holds an MSc and BSc in Business Administration & Computer Science from Copenhagen Business School and has also conducted postgraduate studies (by government scholarship) at the University of Sydney Business School. Anders has published a number of peer-reviewed papers and is also co-author and editor of the book ‘Beyond Alignment: Applying Systems Thinking in Architecting Enterprises’, a comprehensive reading about how enterprises can apply systems thinking in their enterprise architecture practice, for business transformation and for strategic execution. Anders’ academic research interests include strategic planning, enterprise architecture, cybernetics, and philosophy of science.
Dr. Hadi Kandjani is an Assistant Professor of Information Technology Management at Shahid Beheshti University in Iran. He is also an Adjunct Post-doctoral Research Fellow at the Institute for Integrated and Intelligent Systems in the Centre for Enterprise Architecture Research and Management at Griffith University in Australia. He received his PhD in Enterprise Architecture from Griffith University and teaches courses in enterprise architecture, information systems and information technology design, planning & governance, and e-services. Interests: enterprise modelling, enterprise architecture, integration and Interoperability, control and management of enterprises as complex systems, systems thinking, and cybernetics. He has published several papers in design, control and management of enterprises (including Collaborative Networks) as complex systems using enterprise architecture cybernetics, and is involved in extending the enterprise architecture body of knowledge to highly complex enterprise problems.
Dr. Arturo Molina is Professor of Tecnologico de Monterrey, member of the National Researchers System of Mexico (SNI-Nivel II), Mexican Academy of Sciences, Mexican Academy of Engineering, Member of the IFAC WG 5.3 Enterprise Integration and Networking, IFIP WG5.12 Working Group on Enterprise Integration Architectures and IFIP WG 5.3 Cooperation of Virtual Enterprises and Virtual Organizations. He is the author of over 100 scientific papers in journals, conferences, chapter books and 4 patents. He is co-author of the following books “Life Cycle Engineering: Concepts, models and technologies” (Kluwer Academics Publishers), “Concurrent Engineering: an integrated methodology” (in Spanish, UPC publications), “Artificial Organic Networks Artificial Intelligence Based on Carbon Networks, Studies in Computational Intelligence” (Springer), “Greenhouse Design and Control” (CRC Press) and “Fundamentos de LabVIEW” (In Spanish, Alfaomega).
Ovidiu Noran has a PhD in Enterprise Architecture, a BEng (Hons) degree in HVAC and Master degrees in ICT and in Learning and Teaching Higher Education. Dr. Noran has worked as an engineer and architecture consultant in companies based in Europe and Australia and is currently lecturing Enterprise Architecture, Database Design and Systems Analysis and Design at Griffith University. He is a member of Engineers Australia, Association of Enterprise Architects and standardisation committees such as ISO/IEC SC7/WG42 and ISO TC184 SC5/WG1. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Serious Games, Software Engineering and Enterprise Architecture and he prefers Action Research.
Dr. Ricardo J. Rabelo is an Associate Professor of the Automation and Systems Department at the Federal University of Santa Catarina in Brazil since 2000, where he leads GSIGMA – the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems ∑ Collaborative Networks group. He obtained his PhD in Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing from the New University of Lisbon, Portugal, in 1997. His current areas of interest include: collaborative networks, service oriented architectures, enterprise architecture and integration, innovation, governance and performance evaluation. Dr. Rabelo has been involved in many international research projects and program committees of international conferences. He is member of IFIP WG5.5 (Collaborative Networks) and IFAC TC5.3 (Enterprise Integration and Networking).
David Romero is Senior Research Scientist and Scientific Project Manager at Tecnológico de Monterrey, currently acting as leader of the Sustainable Process Industry & Industrial Ecology (SPRING) research line at the Centre for Innovation in Design and Technology, National Graduate School of Science and Engineering. He is former Director of Strategic Partnerships for Knowledge Generation and Transfer at Vice-presidency for Research, Postgraduate Studies and Continuous Education at the same university. He previously occupied different executive director positions in the Departments of R&D, entrepreneurship, innovation and technology management, and business incubation, acceleration and technology transfer. David is also completing a PhD in Enterprise Architecture from Griffith University, holds a Master’s Degree in Information Technologies Management, with Knowledge Management and Business Informatics Management specialities, and a BS in Computer Systems for Management from Tecnológico de Monterrey. David has led and participated in various international research projects and consulting services on: Enterprise Architectures, Integration, Interoperability and Networking and Collaborative Networked Organizations. He is member of the IFAC TC5.3 on Enterprise Integration and Networking and the IFIP WG5.12 on Enterprise Integration Architectures, and published over 70 journal and international conference papers and serves at different editorial and scientific boards in the disciplines of business and industrial engineering.
Dr. Pallab Saha is currently a Chief Enterprise Architect in WIPRO’s Global Enterprise Architecture Consulting Practice leading the development of Andhra Pradesh State Enterprise Architecture (APSEA). Identified as a Thought Leader by IBM Smart City Connect and Forrester, featured by Forbes and listed as a World-Class speaker by The Open Group. He has been instrumental in establishing and now heads Wipro’s Academy of Enterprise Architecture. Dr. Saha has published five books. His work has been cited by the UN, European Commission, WHO, US Department of Defense, Info-Tech Research Group, Carlsberg and the Open Group and has contributed to the World Bank EA Guidelines for Mongolia, Vietnam & Bangladesh. He has delivered more than fifty keynote sessions at prominent forums, seminars and conferences worldwide.
Pat Turner is an experienced Principal Enterprise Architect having led many business transformation assignments over a 20 year career utilising various EA frameworks and approaches for both Public and Private sector clients in Australia and overseas. He is currently Managing Director – Consulting Services of the ASPL Group with headquarters in Canberra, Australia. In addition to his consulting career, Pat is also currently completing a PhD through the IIIS Centre for Enterprise Architecture, Research and Management (CEARM) at Griffith University in Brisbane Australia.
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European Government Enterprise Architecture: Interoperability Architecture
European public-sector EA must deliver actionable recommendations and effective solution designs to support government demands for interoperability and digitalization.
Government Enterprise Architecture (GEA) in the European context has two major levels:
Each country’s own National GEA practice
European GEA practice
Strictly speaking, the European practice has not been called Enterprise Architecture per se, but was and is in all but name a Government Enterprise Architecture practice (“EA by stealth”).
It became the theme interoperability that caught the attention of the European Commission, who defines interoperability as the facilitation of cross-border and cross-sector information exchange, taking into account legal, organisational, semantic and technical aspects (source).
From IDA to ISA2
The Inter-Change of Data Between Administrations programme (IDA) was launched in 1995 and later became the Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services to public Administrations, Businesses and Citizens programme (IDABC), which offered funding of some €25 million per year from 2004-2009 for various pan-European interoperability projects. One of these projects formulated the European Interoperability Framework v1, published in 2004, which provides recommendations and defines generic standards with regard to organizational, semantic and technical aspects of interoperability, offering a comprehensive set of principles for European cooperation in eGovernment. The framework was accompanied by the IDA Architecture Guidelines. Updated in 2010, the framework (now European Interoperability Framework v2) became part of the European Interoperability Strategy.
For continued work on European interoperability, a new programme was established in 2010: The ISA Programme, Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations:
Public administrations are expected to provide efficient public services to businesses and citizens across Europe. ISA, the programme on Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations, addresses this need. ISA supports and facilitates efficient and effective cross-border electronic collaboration between European public administrations. The programme enables the delivery of electronic public services and ensures the availability, interoperability, re-use and sharing of common solutions (source).
With a budget of €164 million for the period from 2010-2015, the ISA programme has established a number of action areas.
The ISA action on Interoperability architecture studies the possibility of structuring European public information systems and services around a joint architectural blueprint. This action develops together with the Member States and the relevant European Commission departments a joint vision for an Interoperability Architecture for European public services. This involves outlining its scope, deciding how the architectural building blocks will fit together, and determining the need for interface standards between such building blocks, tools and services that can be reused across borders and sectors, such as the following:
a multilingual service, CIRCABC provides private workspaces for collaborative groups to share information and documentation;
a Machine translation service can be used by European public administrations to facilitate efficient and effective electronic cross-border interaction;
the sTesta project provides a secure private European network for data exchange between all the EU Institutions and national networks.
ISA has further supported the development of interoperability-related recommendations for the assessment of standards and specifications used by Member States when acquiring electronic tools and services. The aim to create not only more interoperable information systems but also more efficient use of public funds via sharing and reuse of completed assessments among eGovernment projects. The National Interoperability Framework Observatory tries to help in the sharing, and collects/creates informative Member State Factsheets.
Conceptual Reference Architecture. This involves defining conceptual reference building blocks that are needed in order to build systems supporting public services. A conceptual reference architecture captures the fundamental patterns and concepts that should be applicable for all domains and more specific architectures.
Cartography. This involves mapping existing reusable solutions towards the conceptual reference building blocks. The cartography is meant to include solutions that are readily reusable.
European Interoperability Reference Architecture
The European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA) is
an architecture content metamodel defining the most salient architectural building blocks (ABBs) needed to build interoperable e-Government systems.
On 8 June 2015, release 0.9.0 beta of the EIRA entered an eight-week public review period. Stakeholders working for public administrations in the field of architecture and interoperability were invited to provide feedback.
The EIRA is a four-view reference architecture for delivering interoperable digital public services across borders and sectors. It defines the required capabilities for promoting interoperability as a set of architecture building blocks (ABBs). The EIRA has four main characteristics:
Common terminology to achieve a minimum level of coordination: It provides a set of well-defined ABBs that provide a minimal common understanding of the most important building blocks needed to build interoperable public services.
Reference architecture for delivering digital public services: It offers a framework to categorise (re)usable solution building blocks (SBBs) of an e-Government solution. It allows portfolio managers to rationalise, manage and document their portfolio of solutions.
Technology- and product-neutral and a service-oriented architecture (SOA) style: The EIRA adopts a service-oriented architecture style and promotes ArchiMate as a modelling notation. In fact, the EIRA ABBs can be seen as an extension of the model concepts in ArchiMate.
Alignment with EIF and TOGAF: The EIRA is aligned with the European Interoperability Framework (EIF) and complies with the context given in the European Interoperability Strategy (EIS) . The views of the EIRA correspond to the interoperability levels in the EIF: legal, organisational, semantic and technical interoperability. Within TOGAF and the Enterprise Architecture Continuum, EIRA focuses on the architecture continuum. It re-uses terminology and paradigms from TOGAF such as architecture patterns, building blocks and views.
EIRA in one picture
The figure below provides a high-level overview of the four views in EIRA. Each of the four views consists of a set of Architecture Building Blocks (ABBs) and relations pertaining to the legal, organisational, semantic and technical domain of an Interoperable European Architecture. Each view has entry and exit points from one view to another.
The legal, organisational, semantic and technical domains are the classic European interoperability concerns. The EIRA defines building blocks for each view.
In addition, a new Interoperability specification underpinning view has been added as an additional view, depicting architecture building blocks of the different views as a taxonomy of interoperability specifications:
The “metaview” detailing and specifying interoperability.
EIRAs raison d’etre?
The key concepts of the EIRA and their relationships are described here:
The following list explains the different relationships:
A. The EIRA is derived from the European Interoperability Framework (EIF);
B. The EIRA has one view for each EIF interoperability level;
C. Each EIRA view contains several EIRA ABBs;
D. EIRA ABBs can be used to create reference architectures;
E. A SAT addresses a certain interoperability need. It consists of a sub-set of the most important EIRA ABBs and is derived from a reference architecture;
F. An EIRA SBB realizes one or more EIRA ABB;
G. A (interoperable) solution consists of one or more SBBs;
H. A (interoperable) solution realizes a solution architecture;
I. A solution architecture can be derived from a SAT or directly from a reference architecture;
J. As the EIRA focuses only on the most important ABBs needed for interoperability, other ABBs (= non-EIRA ABBs) can exist;
K. Similar to ABBs, non-EIRA SBBs can exist next to EIRA SBBs.
Release 0.9 of the EIRA does not provide as much detail about the SBBs as it does on the ABBs. This will be done in another project. Also see the SBB template document.
Further information about the EIRA can be obtained in the document ‘An introduction to the European Interoperability Reference Architecture v0.9.0’ (EIRA_v0.9.0_beta_overview.pdf). The release consists of the following release components:
EIRA_v0.9.0_beta_overview.pdf:PDF document containing an introduction to the EIRA, including its key concepts, used ArchiMate notation, tool support, and views.
EIRA_v0.9.0_beta_ABBs: An HTML file containing the definitions of the architecture building blocks.
EIRA lists 161 architecture building blocks. Of these, more than half are technical:
82 Technical View (27 Application and 55 Infrastructure)
26 Organisational View
19 Semantic View
18 Legal View
6 Interoperability View
10 Deprecated (11 if ABB59 Logging Service included – not marked in View:Deprecated but in Status).
The building blocks are described via selected archimate model concepts, of which four are used a lot:
40 archimate:ApplicationService
34 archimate:BusinessObject
26 archimate:ApplicationComponent
18 archimate:DataObject
Other model concepts are also used:
6 archimate:BusinessProcess
5 archimate:Contract
4 archimate:BusinessActor
3 archimate:BusinessRole
3 archimate:InfrastructureService
3 archimate:Network
3 archimate:Node
2 archimate:ApplicationInterface
1 archimate:BusinessFunction
1 archimate:BusinessInteraction
1 archimate:BusinessInterface
1 archimate:BusinessService
So, looking at the big picture, EIRA is perhaps a bit “heavy” on the technology side of interoperability, but does cover the four layers. In particular, EIRA establishes a set of views across the four layers. In doing so, it has to “embrace and extend” ArchiMate.
EIRA and ArchiMate
EIRAs commitment to ArchiMate is somewhat courageous. And somewhat creative, for example:
EIRAs Business Capability is covered by archimate:BusinessFunction
EIRAs Business Information Exchange is covered by archimate:BusinessInteraction
A Business Capability is the expression or the articulation of the capacity, materials and expertise an organization needs in order to perform core functions. Enterprise architects use business capabilities to illustrate the over-arching needs of the business in order to better strategize IT solutions that meet those business needs.
A Business Information Exchange is a piece of business data or a group of pieces of business data with a unique business semantics definition in a specific business context [ISO15000-5, UN/CEFACT CCTS].
These are work-arounds to two well-known ArchiMate limitations.
The archimate:BusinessObject is also quite busy, and for example covers these ABBs:
Business Rule
Business Information
Organisational Procedure
Organisational Structure
Again, work-arounds to current ArchiMate limitations.
EIRAs ABBs have changed with each release. Deprecated ABBs in the 0.9 beta include:
Business Process
Business Process Model
Business Transaction
Licensing and Charging Policy
Privacy Policy
Metadata Management Policy
Data Routing Service
Data Routing Component
Information Security Policy
Data Quality Policy
Logging Service?
So, Business Process and Business Process Model are deprecated, but the archimate:BusinessProcess model concept is used several times, namely for these ABBs:
Public Policy Cycle
Definition of Public Policy Objectives
Formulation of Public Policy Scenarios
Impact Assessment
Public Policy Implementation
Public Policy Evaluation
ArchiMate of course allows for a certain amount of flexibility (ArchiMate 2.1, Chapter 9 Language Extension Mechanisms), but the creativity can be dangerous, expecially in an interoperability context.
EIRA is an many ways ahead of ArchiMate. The challenge is that ArchiMate is under continuous development, and is likely to change on exactly these areas in future versions (see chapter 12.1 in the ArchiMate 2.1 spec). So EIRAs current notation standard should be seen as a temporary “fix”.
A note of caution
EIRA has obviously selected a winner of the longstanding Process vs Capability Debate. Eradicating processes is rather bold, and contrary to advice from experts like Roger Burlton, Paul Harmon, Alan Ramias and Andrew Spanyi, and Keith Swenson. While it is laudable to focus on capabilities, the use of capabilities should not be seen as an alternative to using processes and business process models. Both are needed.
From a maturity standpoint, this is only just acceptable. Even an Excel sheet version would be better, but better would be “raw data” available in a range of formats, possible as an api.
EIRA does not have any mapping to any other framework.
The Legal and the Organisational views are less conventional as architecture views go. The Semantic, Application (Technical) amd Infrastructure (Technical) views are classic architecture views in many EA frameworks. A comparison with established frameworks seems to be a good idea.
A key part of the US Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework Version 2 (FEAF-II) is the Consolidated Reference Model, which equips the US Federal Government and its Federal agencies with a common language and framework to describe and analyze investments. It consists of a set of interrelated reference models that describe the six sub-architecture domains in the framework:
EIRAs Legal view is roughly equivalent to FEAF-IIs Strategy (Performance Reference Model), and EIRAs Organisational view roughly equivalent to FEAF-IIs Business Reference Model.
Contentwise, EIRA and FEAF-II use these two layers in different ways:
US FEAF-II Performance Reference ModelEU EIRA Legal Interoperability viewEIRAs organisational viewUS FEAF-II Business Reference Model
EIRAs model scope is wider than FEAF-IIs, but FEAF-II is more comprehensive as a classification scheme.
EIRA should consider taking inspiration from FEAF-II, and at least add a security view. If anything, such view should become mandatory for all European governments.
Towards EIRA 1.0
The 0.9 release of EIRA is a big step forward for reference architecture work in European governments.
QualiWare proposes a rapid consolidation and documentation process, and then releasing Version 1.0. EIRA should not await the next version of ArchiMate, but rather run with well-documented revision control.
QualiWare is committed to supporting international governments in their interoperability work. QualiWare fully supports using ArchiMate 2.1. If customer demand requires it, the “EIRA ArchiMate” approach can easily be supported.
We also have a wide range of sessions and workshops, and several customer cases including Maersk Oil, SOS, OMV, SDC, ATP, and Apply Sørco. See the full program here.
Seats are still available, and you can register here.
The EA framework identifies the scope of the architecture to be developed and establishes relationships between the architecture’s areas. The framework’s scope is reflected through its geometric design and the areas that are identified for documentation. The framework creates an abstracted set of “views” of an enterprise through the way that it collects and organizes architecture information.
Figure 1-7: EA³ Cube Analysis & Design Framework
Known as the EA³ Cube Framework™ the levels of this example framework are hierarchical so that the different sub-architectures (that describe distinct functional areas) can be logically related to each other. This is done by positioning high-level strategic goals/initiatives at the top, business products/services and data/information flows in the middle, and supporting systems/applications and technology/infrastructure at the bottom. In this way alignment can be also be shown between strategy, information, and technology, which aids planning and decision-making. Chapters 4 through 6 provide more details on EA frameworks, components, and methods.
To lower risk and promote efficient, phased implementation methods, the EA framework is divided into segments of distinct activity, referred to as Lines of Business (LOBs). For example, each LOB has a complete subarchitecture that includes all five hierarchical levels of the EA³ framework. The LOB therefore can in some ways stand alone architecturally within the enterprise except that duplication in data, application, and network functions would occur if each LOB were truly independent. An architecture encompassing all five framework levels that is focused on one or more LOBs can be referred to as a segment of the overall EA.
Key Term: Line of Business
A Line of Business (LOB) is a distinct area of activity within the enterprise. It may involve the manufacture of certain products, the provision of services, or internal administrative functions.
Key Term: Architecture Segment
A part of the overall EA that documents one or more lines of business at all levels and threads. A segment can exist as a stand-alone part of the EA.