Release Notes 10.9

Multi diagram support in web-modeler

QualiWare 10.9 introduces multi diagram support in the web-model:

  • it is possible to open multiple diagrams in web-modeler
  • select “Overview” in the left window to see all open diagrams
  • you can select between the diagrams from the tabs in the bottom

New Features in the Web-Modeler

More web-modeler enabled diagrams

A set of new diagrams have been enabled to edit in the web-modeler:

And a whole new diagram type has been intoduced in QualiWare 10.9:

See more about the web-modeler here

Paste picture on symbol

It is now possible easy to pasta a picture on a symbol in the web-modeler.

This can be used to make your models more graphically and personalised.

Graphical compare in web-modeler

It is now possible to compare two revisons of a diagram in the web-modeler.

Select “Compare revison” in the File menu, and select the revions you want to compare with the most recent version.

The feature creates a new tab with a graphical comparison. In the right pane you can select the revision you what to compare with the current revision. The windows highlighst the changes in the objects between the two revisions.


QualiWare’s Innovative Dynamic Help Widget

Inside the Web-Modeler

  • User-Centric Design: Designed with you in mind, QualiHelp delivers timely and relevant assistance when creating the diagram.
  • Smart Context Recognition: Working on a diagram in the web-modeler? QualiHelp discerns the context and swiftly retrieves the relevant guides for you.
  • Comprehensive Guidance: Be it the diagram, symbols, or connections, QualiHelp ensures you’re equipped with the right information every time.

Outside the Web-Modeler

  • Extended Support: QualiHelp serves as a comprehensive resource center, providing easy access to a wide range of QualiWare tools and resources, catering to diverse user needs beyond the Web-Modeler.
  • Static Resource Access: This mode offers direct links to essential resources such as Getting Started guides, FAQs, and the latest QualiWare updates, ensuring key information is readily available.
  • Consistent User Experience: QualiHelp ensures a uniform, user-friendly experience across the QualiWare platform, offering the necessary support and information regardless of where you are in your QualiWare journey.

Read more about QualiHelp here

ArchiMate 3.2 support

QualiWare supports the ArchiMate 3.2, the latest versions of the Enterprise Architecture modeling language by the Open Group.

As a member of the Open Group QualiWare has been supporting ArchiMate for many years, and has updated the tool to support the latest version of the ArchiMate 3.2.

ArchiMate 3.2. Support and ArchiMate Dashboards

ArchiMate Specific Dashboards

As a part of the upgrade to ArchiMate 3.2, there has been created specific Dashboards for the standard ArchiMate views (diagrams).

The new dashboards contains the new standard property tiles, spredsheets and highligh features.

A set of ArchiMate queries and list have been included in the standard megamenu, linking to the 26 standard viewpoint part of the lastest version 3.2 of ArhiMate.

EDGY desktops, dashboards, relations and visualizations

In QualiWare 10.9 we have enhanced our support for the EDGY language developed by the Intersection Group.

A whole new set of desktops and dashboards have been developed together witht the Intersection Group, and the underlying metamodel have been updated to the latest version of “EDGY 23: Language Foundations”

The dashboards for the different EDGY maps have been updated to reflect the latest changes in the language, including the relationship between the different EDGY elements.

The EDGY overview desktop gives fast access to most recent changes, your maps, and to-do lists, as well as shows the amount and usage of content in the respository.

In addition, dedicated desktops have been created for each of the 3 facets, and for the base and enterprise level.

Business Architecture Desktop (PRG Framework)

In QualiWare 10.9 we have included a desktop for Business Architecture including the PRG Framework for Business Architecture from the Process Renewal Group.

The Business Architecture desktop includes the PRG Framework, and the Burlton Hexagon.

The framework support the phases from defining the business to its operation:

  • Define the Business
  • Design the Business
  • Build the Business
  • Operate the Business

Governance: Allow Object Owner to handle changes

When an object (e.g. a process diagram) is managed by the standard change management governance workflow, the owner and responsible have the role to edit the diagram and progress it through the governance stages (from development state to approval state).

Hence, if no owner or responsible is associated to e.g. a diagram, a user would experience no longer to have governance right (e.g. to “edit diagram”) to a diagram that they have created, once it is saved in the web-modeler. This has been changed now, so the creator of the diagram keeps the governance right to edit the diagram further and to progress is through to “ready for approval”, where the owner/responsible takes over.

Governance: HTMLPublisher define default actions/features for objects not under Governance

It is possible to define a set of standard actions for objects that are not under governance. These default actions can be configured in the HTML Publisher under the Content Settings.

Once defined in the HTML Publisher you can select them by ticking the box “Inherit Default Actions” on the HTML Template Definition for the relevant template(s).

HTMLDashboard: Context Dependent Tiles

In QualiWare 10.8 we introduced the Dashboard and responsive dahboardtiles that shows properties and content of the selected symbol, e.g. the description tile will show the description of the diagram or the selected symbol on the diagram.

In QualiWare 10.9 we have introduced the possibility to make the tiles context dependent, i.e. you can define different context boxes for different symbols, and the tile will show different (and symbol specific) properties for the selected symbol.

As illustrated below, when you select the business process, the “Properties” tile shows properties specific for a business process, and the properties changes to information system specific properties when the information system is selected on the diagram.

The tile including its context dependency is configured in the HTMLDashboardItem.

Dashboard: Multiple Highlights (e.g. Application LifeCycle)

New multiple highlight feature is included in the Dashboards which can highligh multiple symbols based upon their properties, e.g. highlighting information systems in an application architecture diagram based on the lifecycle phase of each application.

In addition, a small legend is included in the diagram window, explaining the meaning of the highlighting collars.

Information model -> Ontology -> OpenAPI

In QualiWare 10.9 we have added some utilities to leverage the expressiveness which users get from the OpenAPI and GOWL metamodels:

  • Generating ontology views from the schemas defined within an OpenAPI file content
  • Generating DataModelDiagrams or ClassDiagrams from OntologyDiagrams
  • Generating OntologyDiagrams from DataModelDiagrams or ClassDiagrams

This enables “forward and backward engineering” of the models from OpenAPI to Ontology to Information Models.

Standard HTML Dialogs

As standard the HTMLDiaglogs have been modified to show the full list of property tabs for each of the different templates.

Furthermore, a possiblity to change the name of the object has been included in the standard HTMLDiaglogs.

Object ACL management

It is now possible to manage the Access Control List (ACL) for the objects via the repository compare feature.

If you right-click an object in the repository compare, you can select “Permissions”

From here you can manage all access to the object.

Read more about the repository compare here.

Repository Explorer Properties

The repository explorer has been enhanced with some more features that enables you to see more properties and relations to the objects.

In the lower left corner there has been added at windows showing backwards relations to the selected object. This is similar to the window known from the QLM application.

Furthermore, you can now choose between a “Full” and a “Simple” view of the selected object to explore the properties of object in the right frame.

  • The simple view is the usual view in the repository explorer
  • The Full view is a new view showing all “tabs” of the objects where there data/relations filled in.

Repository Explorer in 10.9

Another addition to the repository explorer is the possibility to change the scope of the view. This is also a wellknown feature from the QLM application.

The user can choose between the default view and see all revisions, all language variants or all revisions and language variants.

As in QLM the default object in the repository is the revision where the is a (*) besides the revision number of the object.

Read more about the repository explorer here.

Safe/Load dumps from RA

It is now possible to load and save dumps directly in the Repository Administrator.

Visualizer features

New features have been added to the 2D visualizer.

It is now possible to filter the templates on the visualizer, and a quick search has been added to find relevant symbols in the view.

Once you select an object, the related objects are highlighted, and the property of the object is shown in the right window.

QuickSearch: Search in specified attribute

A new tile feature has been added to allow user to quickly search on specific attributes of a set list of templates. 

The new search method find objects based upon a search in a specific attribute, e.g. list all BusinessProcessNetwork, WorkFlowDiagram, and BusinessProcessDiagram that are owned by the “search text”.

The search Attributes can be customized to add any attributes. The Search can be configured in the HTMLTile using the new method “SearchByAttribute”.

Once the SearchByAttribute has been selected a method, Default parameters and content are added allowing user to search on the Name, Owner, Responsible of a BusinessProcessNetwork, WorkFlowDiagram, and BusinessProcessDiagram

Translation: Local Language (LL) on dialog text

A new feature has been added to help the creation of language variant of HTML Dialog layout.  With this new feature there is no need to create language variant of each HTML Dialog layout as the translation will be handled by the HTMLPublisher language variant using the miscellaneous labels field.

Labels can be loaded from an existing translation file or form a copy of the publisher misc. Label field. Once labels are imported and the publisher has published, Dialog layout will be available the language of the HTML publisher variant.

Example of a translated web-dialog with translated tooltip.


The Generic REST API provides a simple way to query and operate with any kind of RESTful service using textual (JSON, XML) or binary format of data exchange.

AI-generation of diagram and content

Introducing QualiAI QualiWare’s Cutting-Edge Generative Artificial Intelligence

  • AI-Powered Diagram Creation: With QualiAI, harness the power of artificial intelligence to automatically generate diagrams from various types of context, making the diagram creation process more efficient and user-friendly.
  • Intelligent Context Analysis: QualiAI analyzes the given context to create initial diagram drafts, providing a valuable starting point and streamlining the diagramming process for creators.
  • KnowledgeScope Templates: Utilize our innovative KnowledgeScope template to guide the AI, ensuring the diagrams generated meet your specific needs and context requirements.

Read more about QualiAI here

Video Highlights QualiWare 10.9

Release Webinar 10.9

ArchiMate 3.2. Support and ArchiMate Dashboards

EDGY 23 in QualiWare 10.9

New Features in the Web-Modeler

Repository Explorer in 10.9

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